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From Research Library
Mountain Dharma (Dowman)-front.jpg

Dudjom Rinpoche, Dowman, K.. Dzogchen Now! Books, 2017. Contains a translation.

Once a Peacock, Once an Actress-front.jpg

Haribhaṭṭa. The University of Chicago Press, 2017. Contains a translation.

Open Mind View and Meditation in the Lineage of Lerab Lingpa-front.jpg

Wallace, A.. Wisdom Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

Ornament of Precious Liberation (Holmes)-front.jpg

Sgam po pa, Holmes, Ken. Wisdom Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

Power Objects in Tibetan Buddhism-front.jpg

Gentry, J.. Brill, 2017. Contains a translation.

Powerful Transformation-front.jpg

Mchog gyur gling pa, Khyentse, Dilgo, Pad+ma 'byung gnas, Urgyen, Tulku. Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

Practical Ethics and Profound Emptiness-front.jpg

Nāgārjuna, Tegchok, Jampa. Wisdom Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

Rainbow Essence The Life and Teachings of Jatson Nyingpo-front.jpg

'ja' tshon snying po. KTD Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

Sahajasiddhi-paddhati Le Guide du Naturel-front.jpg

Vriens, J.. Éditions Yogi Ling, 2017. Contains a translation.

Science and Philosphy in the Indian Buddhist Classics - Vol. 1-front.jpg

Coghlan, I.. Wisdom Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

Scintillation of the Precious Vajra-front.jpg

Chenga Sherab Jungne. Edition Garchen Stiftung, 2017. Contains a translation.

Social Regulation - Case Studies from Tibetan History-front.jpg

Ramble, C., Gurung, K., Schwieger, P., Mullard, S., Bischoff, J., Drandul, N., Wangdue, G., Komatsubara, Y., Okawa, K.. Brill, 2017. Contains a translation.

Steps on the Path to Enlightenment, Vol. 5-front.jpg

Sopa, Lhundub. Wisdom Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

Tattvasiddhi and Madhyamakalankara-front.jpg

Śāntarakṣita, Dongyal, Khenpo Tsewang, Sherab, Khenchen Palden. Cool Grove Publishing, 2017. Contains a translation.

Erschbamer, M.. Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Art of Awakening-front.jpg

Lhadrepa, Konchog, Davis, C.. Snow Lion Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Brahmās Net Sutra-BDK-front.jpg

Tanaka, Kenneth, Muller, C.. Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, BDK America, 2017. Contains a translation.

Ziegler, H.. Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, BDK America, Inc., 2017. Contains a translation.

The Complete Nyingma Tradition from Sutra to Tantra, Book 13-front.jpg

Chos dbyings stobs ldan rdo rje. Snow Lion Publications, Shambhala Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Complete Nyingma Tradition from Sutra to Tantra, Book 14-front.jpg

Zangpo, N., Chos dbyings stobs ldan rdo rje. Snow Lion Publications, Shambhala Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Essential Jewel of Holy Practice-front.jpg

Garfield, J., Dpal sprul rin po che, Mcrae, E.. Wisdom Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Excellent Path to Omniscience-front.jpeg

'jigs med gling pa, Dodrupchen, 1st. Blazing Wisdom Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The First Western Book on Buddhism and Buddha-front.jpg

App, U., Ozeray, M.. UniversityMedia, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Gathering of Vidyadharas-front.jpg

'jigs med gling pa, Dpal sprul rin po che, Khang sar bstan pa'i dbang phyug, Che mchog don grub rtsal, 'jam mgon kong sprul. Snow Lion Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra Vol. 2-front.jpg

Tsong kha pa, Dalai Lama, 14th, Hopkins, J.. Snow Lion Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra Vol. 3-front.jpg

Tsong kha pa, Dalai Lama, 14th, Hopkins, J., Mkhas grub rje. Snow Lion Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Inexhaustible Source of Nectar-front.jpg

Drikung Khobpa Jigten Sumgon. Edition Garchen Stiftung, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Just King-front.jpg

Mi pham rgya mtsho. Snow Lion Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Life and Times of Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro-front.jpg

Khyentse, Dilgo, Tobgyal, Orgyen. Shambhala Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Life and Visions of Yeshe Tsogyal-front.jpg

Ye shes mtsho rgyal, Dri med kun dga'. Snow Lion Publications, Shambhala Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Life of My Teacher-front.jpg

Dalai Lama, 14th. Wisdom Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Light of Wisdom Vol III-front.jpg

Kunsang, E., Dahl, C., Schmidt, M., Avertin, G., Wangmo, Lopon Damchoe. Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Norton Anthology of World Religions Buddhism-front.jpg

Lopez, D.. W. W. Norton & Company, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Six Lamps-front.jpg

Achard, J-L.. Wisdom Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Sublime Continuum and Its Explanatory Commentary-front.jpg

Asaṅga, Rgyal tshab rje dar ma rin chen, Maitreya. American Institute of Buddhist Studies, Tibet House US, Columbia University's Center for Buddhist Studies, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Supreme Siddhi of Mahamudra-front.jpg

Price, S., Abboud, G., Kane, A.. Snow Lion Publications, Shambhala Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Suttanipata-front.jpg

Bodhi, Bhikkhu. Wisdom Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows-front.jpg

Wangchuk, Tsering. State University of New York Press, 2017. Contains a translation.

The Wisdom Chapter-front.jpg

Mi pham rgya mtsho, Brag dkar blo bzang dpal ldan bstan 'dzin snyan grags. Shambhala Publications, 2017. Contains a translation.

Three Short Treatises-front.jpg

Vasubandhu, Zongmi, Sengzhao. BDK America, 2017. Contains a translation.

Taranathas Commentary on the Heart Sutra-front.jpg

TA ra nA tha. Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 2017. Contains a translation.

Unfortunate Destiny-front.jpg

Ohnuma, R.. Oxford University Press, 2017. Contains a translation.