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Books · Translations

A Manual of Ritual Fire Offerings

Sherpa Tulku and Michael Perrott, eds. and trans. A Manual of Ritual Fire Offerings. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1987.
Books · Language Study Materials

A Manual of Spoken Tibetan

Chang, Kun and Betty Shefts. A Manual of Spoken Tibetan (Lhasa Dialect). Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1964.
Books · Translations

A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems

Nyoshul Khenpo. A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems: Biographies of Masters of Awareness in the Dzogchen Lineage. Translated by Richard Barron. Junction City, CA: Padma Publishing, 2005.
Books · Translations, Dharma Practice Booklets

A Method for Quickly Entering the Stream of Blessings of the Guru Yoga of Gesar, Who is the Unchanging Wisdom of Awareness

Mipham, Rinpoche. A Method for Quickly Entering the Stream of Blessings of the Guru Yoga of Gesar, Who is the Unchanging Wisdom of Awareness. Translated by Tsewang Dongyal. New York: Dharma Samudra, 1994.
Books · Translations

A Millennium of Buddhist Logic

Books · Collections of Essays

A Mirror Is for Reflection

Davis, Jake H., ed. A Mirror Is for Reflection: Understanding Buddhist Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Books · Translations

A Mirror of Jewels which Clears Away Errors

Ehrhard, Franz-Karl. A Mirror of Jewels which Clears Away Errors: A Critical Guide to the Buddhist Sacred Sites of the Nepal Valley. Bhairahawa, Nepal: Lumbini International Research Institute, 2020.
Books · Art Books

A Mirror of the Murals in the Potala

Ping Cuo Ci Dan, ed. A Mirror of the Murals in the Potala. Beijing: Jiuzhou Publishing House, 2000.
Books · Translations

A Missionary in Tibet

Hosten, H. A Missionary in Tibet: Letters and other papers of Fr. Ippolito Desideri, S.J. (1713-21). New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1998.
Books ·

A Modern Introduction to Indian Logic

Books ·

A Modern Tibetan Grammar

Books · Translations

A Morning Service

McLeod, Ken, trans. A Morning Service: The Total Flowering of Activity to Help Others. Vancouver: Kagyu Kunchab Chuling, 1975.
Books · Translations

A Mound of Jewels (Wilkinson 2017)

Wilkinson, Christopher, trans. A Mound of Jewels: Three Upadesha Tantras of the Great Perfection. Self Published, 2017.
Books · Contemporary Buddhist Writings

A Mountain in Tibet (Allen 1986)

Allen, Charles. A Mountain in Tibet: The Search for Mount Kailas and the Sources of the Great Rivers of India London: Futura, 1986.
Books · Scholarly Editions

A New Critical Edition of Jñānagarbha's Satyadvayavibhaṅga with Śāntarakṣita's Commentary

Akahane, Ritsu. A New Critical Edition of Jñānagarbha's Satyadvayavibhaṅga with Śāntarakṣita's Commentary. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde No. 98. Vienna: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien, 2020.
Books · Art Books

A New Tibeto-Mongol Pantheon Part 12

Vira, Raghu and Lokesh Chandra. A New Tibeto-Mongol Pantheon Part 12 (Maṇḍalas of the Vajrāvāli). Śata-Piṭaka Series Vol 21(12). New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture, 1967.
Books · Translations, Academic Publications

A Noble Abbot from Mustang

Kramer, Jowita. A Noble Abbot from Mustang: Life and Works of Glo-bo mKhan-chen (1456-1532). Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde 68. Vienna: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien, 2008.
Books · Contemporary Buddhist Writings

A Passage from Solitude

Wallace, Alan. A Passage from Solitude: Training the Mind in a Life Embracing the World. Edited by Zara Houshmand. Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications, 1992.
Books ·

A Path with Heart

Kornfield, Jack. A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life. New York: Bantam Books, 1993.
Books · Academic Publications

A Philological Approach to Buddhism (2008, Pali Text Society)

Norman, Kenneth. A Philological Approach to Buddhism: The Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai Lectures 1994. Oxford: Pali Text Society, 2008.
Books · Reference Works, Indexes-Catalogs

A Place Name Index to George N. Roerich's Translation of The Blue Annals

Wylie, Turrell V. A Place Name Index to George N. Roerich's Translation of The Blue Annals. Serie Orientale Roma Vol XV. Rome: Instituto Italiano Per Il Medio Ed Estremo Oriente, 1957.
Books · Translations

A Pleasure Grove Where Satisfaction Arises for the Intelligent

Jamgön Ameshap Ngawang Kunga Sönam. A Pleasure Grove Where Satisfaction Arises for the Intelligent: A structural commentary on the meaning of the Vajra Lines, the root text of the Precious Teaching of the Path with the Result, by which absolutely all the commentaries will be easily understood. Translated and edited by Cyrus Stearns. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2011.
Books · Collections of Essays

A Policy of Kindness

Dalai Lama, 14th. The Dalai Lama A Policy of Kindness: An Anthology of Writings by and about the Dalai Lama. Edited by Sidney Piburn. Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications, 1993.
Books · Dictionaries

A Popular Dictionary of Buddhism

Humphreys, Christmas. A Popular Dictionary of Buddhism. London: Arco Publications, 1962.
Books · Art Books

A Portrait of Lost Tibet

Tung, Rosemary Jones. A Portrait of Lost Tibet. Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications, 1980.
Books · Translations

A Practical Guide to the Great Vehicle View

Duff, T. A Practical Guide to the Great Vehicle View: The Two Truths Fully Clarified: Teachings of Dza Patrul. Translated by the Padma Karpo Translation Committee. Kathmandu: Padma Karpo Translation Committee, 2014.
Books · Translations

A Practice of Padmasambhava

Beer, Zach, and Catherine Dalton (Dharmachakra Translation Committee), trans. A Practice of Padmasambhava: Essential Instructions on the Path to Awakening. By Shechen Gyaltsap IV and Karma Rinchen Dargye. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2011.
Books · Translations

A Precious Treasure of Elegant Sayings

Csoma de Koros, Alexander. A Precious Treasure of Elegant Sayings (k'un dgah rgyal-mtshan dpal bzang-po). Berkeley: Dharma Press, n.d. Originally published in Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Volumes XXIV and XXV (n.p.: n.p., 1855, 1856).
Books · Translations

A Presentation of the Two Truths in the Three Yānas and the Mahāyāna Philosophical Traditions

Gyamtso, Khenpo Tsültrim. A Presentation of the Two Truths in the Three Yānas and the Mahāyāna Philosophical Traditions. Translated by Jules B. Levinson. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Nālandā Translation Committee, 1992.
Books · Reference Works, Language Study Materials

A Primer for Classical Literary Tibetan

Rockwell, John. A Primer for Classical Literary Tibetan. Barnet, VT: Rockwell, 1991.
Books · Language Study Materials

A Primer of Literary Tibetan

Sopa, Geshe Lhundub and Elvin W. Jones. A Primer of Literary Tibetan. n.p: n.d.
Books · Translations

A Primer of Sōtō Zen

Masunaga, Reihō, trans. A Primer of Sōtō Zen: A Translation of Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō Zuimonki. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1975.
Books · Language Study Materials

A Rapid Sanskrit Method

Hart III, George L. A Rapid Sanskrit Method. Madison, WI: The Department of Indian Studies, University of Wisconsin, 1972.
Books · Translations

A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms

Legge, James, Trans. A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms: Being an account by the Chinese Monk Fa-Hien of his travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in search of the Buddhist Books of Discipline. New York: Dover Publications, 1965.
Books · Translations

A Record of the Buddhist Religion

I-Tsing. A Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practised in India and the Malay Archipelago (A.D. 671 - 695). Translated by J. Takakusu. Taipei: Ch'eng Wen Publishing Company, 1970.
Books · Scholarly Editions

A Revised Edition of the Laṅkāvatāra-Sūtra, Kṣaṇika-Parivarta

Takasaki, Jikido, ed. A Revised Edition of the Laṅkāvatāra-Sūtra, Kṣaṇika-Parivarta. Tokyo: Ippan kenkyū (C) Kenkyū seika hōkokusho, 1981.
Books · Art Books

A Revolutionary Artist of Tibet

Jackson, David P. A Revolutionary Artist of Tibet: Khyentse Chenmo of Gongkar. Masterworks of Tibetan Painting Series. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2016.
Books · Dharma Practice Booklets, Translations

A Rosary of Jewels

Kunga Rinpoche and Tenzin Wangchuk. A Rosary of Jewels: A Compilation of Prayers and Recitations. Gurgaon, India: Drukpa Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2018
Books · Translations

A Rosary of Rubies

Ehrhard, Franz-Karl. A Rosary of Rubies: The Chronicle of the Gur-rigs mDo-chen Tradition from South-Western Tibet. Collectanea Himalayica 2. Munich: Indus-Verlag, 2008.
Books · Contemporary Buddhist Writings

A Saint in Seattle

Jackson, David P. A Saint in Seattle: The Life of the Tibetan Mystic Dezhung Rinpoche. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2003.
Books · Academic Publications

A Sanskrit Grammar for Students

MacDonnell, Arthur A. A Sanskrit Grammar for Students. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986. Reprint, first published 1927.
Books · Dictionaries, Reference Works

A Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Monier-Williams, Monier. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary: Etymologically and Philologically Arranged with Special Reference to Cognate Indo-European Languages. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1979.
Books · Translations, Scholarly Editions

A Scripture of The Ancient Tantra Collection

Mayer, Robert, trans. A Scripture of The Ancient Tantra Collection: The Phur-pa bcu-gnyis. Oxford: Kiscadale Publications, 1996.
Books ·

A Short Explanation of the Meaning of the Words of "A Treatise of Instructions on the Perfection of Wisdom: An Ornament for Clear Realization

Geshe Jampa Gyatso. A Short Explanation of the Meaning of the Words of "A Treatise of Instructions on the Perfection of Wisdom: An Ornament for Clear Realization". Translated by Joan Nicell. unpublished manuscript, Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa, 2001.
Books · Buddhist Topic Monographs

A Short History of Buddhism

Conze, Edward. A Short History of Buddhism. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1980.
Books · Academic Publications

A Short History of Chinese Philosophy

Fung, Yu-Lan, and Derk Bodde. A Short History of Chinese Philosophy. New York: The Free Press, 1966.
Books · Translations

A Short History of Mustang

Vitali, Roberto. A Short History of Mustang (10th-15th century). Dharamsala: Amnye Machen Institute, 2012.
Books · Collections of Essays, Art Books

A Simple Monk

Morgan, Tom, ed. A Simple Monk: Writings on His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Novato, CA: New World Library, 2001.
Books · Reference Works, Dictionaries

A Sino-Tibetan Glosary from Tun-Huang

Li, Fang-Kuei. A Sino-Tibetan Glossary from Tun-Huang. T'oung Pao Archives XLIX, 4-5. Leiden, Brill, 1961.
Books · Translations

A Song for the King

Thrangu Rinpoche. A Song for the King: Saraha on Mahāmudrā Meditation. Commentary by Thrangu Rinpoche. Edited and Song translated by Michele Martin. Translation of Oral Commentary by Peter O'Hearn. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2006.