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Articles · Editorial Content, Unpublished

All Buddhas and All Living Beings Are Just This One Mind

Henkel, Kokyo. "All Buddhas and All Living Beings are Just This One Mind: Teachings of the Buddhas and Zen Ancestors on Buddha Nature, Empty Awareness, and Nonduality." Unpublished manuscript. n.d., PDF file.
Articles · Reviews

Altruism and Reality-Review by Franco

Franco, Eli. Review of Altruism and Reality: Studies in the Philosophy of the Bodḥicaryāvatāra, by Paul Williams. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 63, no. 1 (2000): 123-24.
Articles · Reviews

Altruism and Reality-Review by Pettit

Pettit, John W. Review of Altruism and Reality: Studies in the Philosophy of the Bodhicaryāvatāra, by Paul Williams. Journal of Buddhist Ethics 6 (1999): 120-37.
Articles · Unpublished

Altruism as Antidote to Demagoguery: Shantideva’s Bodhicharyavatara Chapter 3 as Method for Countering Identity Divisions

Lees, Michael. "Altruism as Antidote to Demagoguery: Shantideva’s Bodhicharyavatara Chapter 3 as Method for Countering Identity Divisions." Unpublished manuscript. 2018, PDF file.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Altruism in the Charnel Ground: Śāntideva and Parfit on Anātman, Reductionism and Benevolence

Harris, Stephen. "Altruism in the Charnel Ground: Śāntideva and Parfit on Anātman, Reductionism and Benevolence." In Ethics without Self, Dharma without Atman: Western and Buddhist Philosophical Traditions in Dialogue, edited by Gordon F. Davis, 219–34. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International, 2018.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Amalavijñānam und Alayavijñānam

Frauwallner, Erich. "Amalavijñānam und Alayavijñānam: Ein Beitrag zur Erkenntnislehre des Buddhismus." Beiträge zur indischen Philologie und Altertumskunde: Walther Schubring zum 70. Geburtstag dargebracht, edited by Gerhard Oberhammer and Ernst Steinkellner. Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien 7, 148-159. Hamburg: Cram, DeGruyter, 1951.
Articles · Journal Articles

Ambiguous Sexuality: Imagery and Interpretation in Tantric Buddhism

Jackson, Roger R. "Ambiguous Sexuality - Imagery and Interpretation in Tantric Buddhism." Religion. 22, no. 1 (1992): 85.
Articles · Journal Articles

Amṛtā: Women and Indian Technologies of Immortality

Olivelle, Patrick. "Amṛtā: Women and Indian Technologies of Immortality." Journal of Indian Philosophy 25 (1997): 427-449.
Articles · Unpublished

An Annotated Translation of the Sūtra of Questions Regarding Death and Transmigration

Tillemans, Tom J.F. "An Annotated Translation of the Sūtra of Questions Regarding Death and Transmigration."
Articles · Journal Articles

An Appraisal of the Svātantrika-Prasaṅgika Debates

Katz, Nathan. "An Appraisal of the Svātantrika-Prasaṅgika Debates." Philosophy East and West 26, no. 3 (1976): 253-267.
Articles · Journal Articles

An Arapacana Syllabary in the Bhadrakalpika-Sūtra

Skilling, Peter. "An Arapacana Syllabary in the Bhadrakalpika-Sūtra." Journal of the American Oriental Society 116, no. 3 (1996): 522-23.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

An Argument for Cittamātra: Reflections on Bodhicaryāvatāra 9:28 (Tib. 27) cd

Williams, Paul. '"An Argument for Cittamātra: Reflections on Bodhicaryāvatāra 9:28 (Tib. 27) cd." In Vol. 2 of Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 6th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Fagernes, 1992, edited by Per Kvaerne, 965–80. Oslo: Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture, 1994.
Articles · Journal Articles

An Early Bka'-gdams-pa Madhyamaka Work Attributed to Atiśa's Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna

Apple, James. "An Early Bka’-gdams-pa Madhyamaka Work Attributed to Atiśa Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna". Journal of Indian Philosophy, 44 (2016): 619-725.
Articles · Journal Articles

An Early Mahayana Sermon about the Body of the Buddha and the Making of Images

Lancaster, Lewis. "An Early Mahayana Sermon about the Body of the Buddha and the Making of Images." Artibus Asiae 36, no. 4 (1974): 287-291.
Articles · Journal Articles

An Early Seventeenth-Century Tibeto-Mongolian Ceremonial Staff

Elverskog, Johann. "An Early Seventeenth-Century Tibeto-Mongolian Ceremonial Staff." Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies 3 (2007): 1-24.
Articles · Journal Articles

An Early Tibetan Commentary on Atisa’s Satyadvayavatara

Apple, James B. "An Early Tibetan Commentary on Atiśa’s Satyadvayāvatāra." Journal of Indian Philosophy 41, (2013): 263–329 .
Articles · Journal Articles

An Enquiry into the Origin of the Mahāsāṅghika Buddhology

Guang, Xing. "An Enquiry into the Origin of the Mahāsāṅghika Buddhology." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 5 (2004): 41-51.
Articles · Journal Articles

An Exceptional Group of Painted Buddha Figures at Ajanṭā

Krishna, Anand. "An Exceptional Group of Painted Buddha Figures at Ajanṭā." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 4 (1) (1981): 96-100.
Articles ·

An Index of the Tibet Journal 1975-2005

Tsering, Dhondup. "An Index of the Tibet Journal 1975-2005." Tibet Journal Special issue, 2006.
Articles · Journal Articles

An Indian Classic in 19th-Century Tibet and Beyond: Rdza Dpal sprul and the Dissemination of the Bodhi(sattva)caryāvatāra

Viehbeck, Markus. "An Indian Classic in 19th-Century Tibet and Beyond: Rdza Dpal sprul and the Dissemination of the Bodhi(sattva)caryāvatāra." Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 36 (2016): 5–44.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

An Indian Source for the Tibetan Hermeneutical Term dgongs gzhi 'Intentional Ground'

Ruegg, David Seyfort. "An Indian Source for the Tibetan Hermeneutical Term dgongs gzhi 'Intentional Ground'." JIP 16 (1988): 1–4.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

An Inexhaustible Treasury of Song

Kapstein, Matthew. "An Inexhaustible Treasury of Song." In Holy Madness: Portraits of Tantric Siddhas., edited by Rob Linrothe, 23–35. Chicago: Serindia, 2006.
Articles · Journal Articles

An Inquiry into the Relationship between the Śikṣāsamuccaya and the Bodhi(sattva)caryāvatāra

Saito, Akira. "An Inquiry into the Relationship between the Śikṣāsamuccaya and the Bodhi(sattva)caryāvatāra." Studies in Indian Philosophy and Buddhism 17 (2010): 17–24.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

An Intoxication of Mouse Venom: Reading the Guide, Chapter 9

Kapstein, Matthew T. "An Intoxication of Mouse Venom: Reading the Guide, Chapter 9." In Readings of Śāntideva's Guide to Bodhisattva Practice, edited by Jonathan C. Gold and Douglas S. Duckworth, 84–98. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

An Introduction to Conventional Truth

Tillemans, Tom, and Newland, Guy. "An Introduction to Conventional Truth". In Moonshadows: Conventional Truth in Buddhist Philosophy, by The Cowherds, 3-22. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199751426.003.0001
Articles · Chapters in a Book

An Introduction to the Standards of Scriptural Authenticity in Indian Buddhism

Davidson, Ronald M. 1990. "An Introduction to the Standards of Scriptural Authenticity in Indian Buddhism". In Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha, ed. Robert E. Buswell, Jr., (1992): 291–325. Repr., Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications.
Articles · Journal Articles

An Overview of Old Tibetan Synchronic Phonology

Hill, Nathan W. "An Overview of Old Tibetan Synchronic Phonology." Transactions of the Philological Society 108, no. 2 (2010): 110-125.
Articles · Journal Articles

An archaeological survey of the Nubra Region (Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, India)

Devers, Quentin, Laurianne Bruneau, and Martin Vernier. "An archaeological survey of the Nubra Region (Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, India)" Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines, Vol. 46 (2015). Online. Uploaded on Sept. 10 2015. URL:; DOI: 10.4000/emscat.2647
Articles · Journal Articles

An outpost of socialism in the Buddhist Orient - geopolitical and eugenic implications of medical and anthropological research on Buryat-Mongols in the 1920s

Bashkuev, Vsevolod. "An outpost of socialism in the Buddhist Orient: geopolitical and eugenic implications of medical and anthropological research on Buryat-Mongols in the 1920s." Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines, Vol. 46 (2015). Online. Uploaded on Sept. 10 2015. URL:; DOI: 10.4000/emscat.2523
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Analyse Du Kandjour: Recueil des Livres Sacrés au Tibet (Feer 1881)

Csoma de Körös, Alexandre. "Analyse Du Kandjour: Recueil des Livres Sacrés au Tibet." In Annales du Musee Guimet Vol. 2. Translated by Léon Feer. 131–556. Lyon, France: Musée Guimet, 1881.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Analysis and Interpretation of the Eight Buddhist Hells Presented by the Sutra of the Remembrance of the True Law

Matsunaga, Daigan, and Alicia Matsunaga. "Analysis and Interpretation of the Eight Buddhist Hells Presented by the Sutra of the Remembrance of the True Law." In The Buddhist Concept of Hell, 75–136. New York: Philosophical Library, 1972.
Articles · Journal Articles

Analysis of the Dulva: A Portion of the Tibetan Work entitled the Kah-Gyur (Csoma de Kőrös 1836)

Csoma de Kőrös, Alexander. "Analysis of the Dulva: A Portion of the Tibetan Work entitled the Kah-Gyur." Asiatic Researches 20 (1836): 41-93.
Articles · Journal Articles

Analysis of the Sher Chin, P'hal-Ch'hen, Dkon Séks, Do Dé, Nyáng Dás, and Gyut. Being the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Divisions of the Tibetan Work, Entitled the Kah-Gyur

Csoma de Kőrös, Alexander. "Analysis of the Sher Chin, P'hal-Ch'hen, Dkon Séks, Do Dé, Nyáng Dás, and Gyut. Being the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Divisions of the Tibetan Work, Entitled the Kah-Gyur." Asiatic Researches 20 (1836): 393–552.
Articles · Journal Articles

Analytical study of the A-pi-da-mo pinlei zu Lun (Abhidharmaprakaraṇapādaśāstra)

Ganguli, Swati. "Analytical study of the A-pi-da-mo pinlei zu Lun (Abhidharmaprakaraṇapādaśāstra)." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 3 (2002): 71-88.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Anantamukha Dhāraṇī (Thomas, F.)

Thomas, Frederick William, ed. and trans. "Anantamukha Dhāraṇī." In Manuscript Remains of Buddhist Literature Found in Eastern Turkestan: Facsimiles with Transcripts Translations and Notes, edited by A. F. Rudolf Hoernle, et al., 86–87. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1916.
Articles · Journal Articles

Annotated Translation of the Chinese Version of the Kāyagatāsati Sutta

Kuan, Tse-fu, trans. "Annotated Translation of the Chinese Version of the Kāyagatāsati Sutta." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 8 (2007): 175-194.
Articles · Chapters in a Book, Translations

Annotated Translation of the Daśabhūmika-sūtra

Honda, Megumu, trans. "Annotated Translation of the Daśabhūmika-sūtra." Revised by Johannes Rahder. In Studies in South, East and Central Asia: Presented as a Memorial Volume to the Late Prof. Raghu Vira, edited by Denis Sinor, 115–276. New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture, 1968.
Articles · Journal Articles


Sāṅkṛtāyana, Rāhula. "Announcement." Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society 21 (1935): 31–33.
Articles · Journal Articles

Another Chinese Source for a Biography of Čhos-kyi 'Od-zer

Cleaves, Francis Woodman. "Another Chinese Source for a Biography of Čhos-kyi 'Od-zer." Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher, Neue Folge 8 (1988): 153-63.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Another Look at the Mādhyamika versus Yogācāra Controversy Concerning Existence and Non-existence

Hirabayashi, Jay and Shotaro Iida. "Another Look at the Mādhyamika versus Yogācāra Controversy Concerning Existence and Non-existence". In Prajñāpāramitā and Related Systems, ed. Lewis Lancaster, (1977) : 341–60. Berkeley: Berkeley Buddhist Studies.
Articles · Journal Articles

Anti-Chan Polemics in Post Tang Tiantai

Ziporyn, Brook. "Anti-Chan Polemics in Post Tang Tiantai." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 17 No. 1 (1994): 26-65.
Articles · Journal Articles

Antinomianism and Gradualism: the Contextualization of the Practices of Sensual Enjoyment (Caryā) in the Guhyasamāja Ārya Tradition

Wedemeyer, Christian K. "Antinomianism and Gradualism: the Contextualization of the Practices of Sensual Enjoyment (Caryā) in the Guhyasamāja Ārya Tradition" The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 3 (2002): 181-195.
Articles · Journal Articles

Antonino Forte - List of Publications

Forte, Erika. "Antonino Forte - List of Publications." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 30, no. 1-2 (2007): 17-31.
Articles · Journal Articles

Aparimitāyus: "Tantra" and "Pure Land" in Medieval Indian Buddhism?

Payne, Richard K. "Aparimitāyus: "Tantra" and "Pure Land" in Medieval Indian Buddhism?." Pacific World Third Series, no. 9 (2007): 273-308.
Articles · Journal Articles

Apophatic and Kataphatic Discourse in Mahāyāna: A Chinese View

Gimello, Robert M. "Apophatic and Kataphatic Discourse in Mahāyāna: A Chinese View." Philosophy East and West 26, no. 2 (1976): 117–36.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Appendix B: Excerpt from A Lamp Completely Illuminating the Profound Reality of Interdependence

Duckwork, Douglas S., trans. "Appendix B: Excerpt from A Lamp Completely Illuminating the Profound Reality of Interdependence." By Künzang Sönam. In Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy of Mind and Nature, 187–213. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Appendix F: Inventory List of Manuscripts in Sanskrit, Khotanese, and Kuchean

Stein, Aurel. "Appendix F: Inventory List of Manuscripts in Sanskrit, Khotanese, and Kuchean". Prepared by A. F. Rudolf Hoernle. In Serindia: Detailed Report of Explorations in Central Asia and Westernmost China. Vol. 3, Text, 1432–59. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1921.
Articles · Journal Articles

Appendix to the New Edition of the Bodhicaryāvatāra

Mukhopadhyaya, Sujitkumar. "Appendix to the New Edition of the Bodhicaryāvatāra." Indian Historical Quarterly 37 (1961): 287–92.
Articles · Journal Articles

Appreciation of Daisetz Suzuki

Kitagawa, Joseph M. "Appreciation of Daisetz Suzuki." Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū) 15, no. 2 (1967): 980-986.
Articles · Journal Articles

Approaching the Numinous: Rudolf Otto and Tibetan Tantra

Lopez, Donald S. "Approaching the Numinous: Rudolf Otto and Tibetan Tantra." Philosophy East and West 29, no. 4 (1979): 467-476.