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Books · Art Books

A Revolutionary Artist of Tibet

Jackson, David P. A Revolutionary Artist of Tibet: Khyentse Chenmo of Gongkar. Masterworks of Tibetan Painting Series. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2016.
Books · Dharma Practice Booklets, Translations

A Rosary of Jewels

Kunga Rinpoche and Tenzin Wangchuk. A Rosary of Jewels: A Compilation of Prayers and Recitations. Gurgaon, India: Drukpa Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2018
Books · Translations

A Rosary of Rubies

Ehrhard, Franz-Karl. A Rosary of Rubies: The Chronicle of the Gur-rigs mDo-chen Tradition from South-Western Tibet. Collectanea Himalayica 2. Munich: Indus-Verlag, 2008.
Books · Contemporary Buddhist Writings

A Saint in Seattle

Jackson, David P. A Saint in Seattle: The Life of the Tibetan Mystic Dezhung Rinpoche. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2003.
Books · Academic Publications

A Sanskrit Grammar for Students

MacDonnell, Arthur A. A Sanskrit Grammar for Students. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986. Reprint, first published 1927.
Books · Dictionaries, Reference Works

A Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Monier-Williams, Monier. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary: Etymologically and Philologically Arranged with Special Reference to Cognate Indo-European Languages. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1979.
Books · Translations, Scholarly Editions

A Scripture of The Ancient Tantra Collection

Mayer, Robert, trans. A Scripture of The Ancient Tantra Collection: The Phur-pa bcu-gnyis. Oxford: Kiscadale Publications, 1996.
Books ·

A Short Explanation of the Meaning of the Words of "A Treatise of Instructions on the Perfection of Wisdom: An Ornament for Clear Realization

Geshe Jampa Gyatso. A Short Explanation of the Meaning of the Words of "A Treatise of Instructions on the Perfection of Wisdom: An Ornament for Clear Realization". Translated by Joan Nicell. unpublished manuscript, Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa, 2001.
Books · Buddhist Topic Monographs

A Short History of Buddhism

Conze, Edward. A Short History of Buddhism. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1980.
Books · Academic Publications

A Short History of Chinese Philosophy

Fung, Yu-Lan, and Derk Bodde. A Short History of Chinese Philosophy. New York: The Free Press, 1966.
Books · Translations

A Short History of Mustang

Vitali, Roberto. A Short History of Mustang (10th-15th century). Dharamsala: Amnye Machen Institute, 2012.
Books · Collections of Essays, Art Books

A Simple Monk

Morgan, Tom, ed. A Simple Monk: Writings on His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Novato, CA: New World Library, 2001.
Books · Reference Works, Dictionaries

A Sino-Tibetan Glosary from Tun-Huang

Li, Fang-Kuei. A Sino-Tibetan Glossary from Tun-Huang. T'oung Pao Archives XLIX, 4-5. Leiden, Brill, 1961.
Books · Translations

A Song for the King

Thrangu Rinpoche. A Song for the King: Saraha on Mahāmudrā Meditation. Commentary by Thrangu Rinpoche. Edited and Song translated by Michele Martin. Translation of Oral Commentary by Peter O'Hearn. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2006.
Books · Translations, Academic Publications

A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy

Chan, Wing-Tsit, trans. and ed. A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1972.
Books · Academic Publications

A Source Book in Indian Philosophy

Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli and Charles A. Moore, eds. A Source Book in Indian Philosophy. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1957.
Books · Translations

A Spacious Path to Freedom

Wallace, Alan, trans. A Spacious Path to Freedom: Practical Instructions on the Union of Mahāmudrā and Atiyoga. Original Tibetan by Karma Chagmé with commentary by Gyatrul Rinpoche. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 1998.
Books · Translations, Academic Publications

A Splash of the Logical Reason

Steinkellner, Ernst, trans, ed. A Splash of the Logical Reason: Dharmakīrti's Hetubindu Translated. Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, 108. Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, 925. Vienna: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2022.
Books · Contemporary Buddhist Writings

A Stranger in Nepal & Tibet

Berry, Scott. A Stranger in Nepal & Tibet: The Adventures of a Wandering Zen Monk. Kathmandu, Nepal: Vajra Publications, 2008.
Books · Translations

A Stream of Nectar

Drikung Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon. Karma Chökyi Zangmo, trans. A Stream of Nectar: Public Teachings Noted as recollected by Won Sherab Jungne, Compiled by Dorje Dragpa. Munich: Edition Garchen Stiftung, 2017.
Books · Academic Publications

A Study of Akṣayamati (Śāntideva)'s Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra as Found in the Tibetan Manuscripts From Tun-huang

Saitō, Akira. A Study of Akṣayamati (=Śāntideva)'s Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra as Found in the Tibetan Manuscripts From Tun-huang. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Project Number 02801005. Tsu, Japan: Miye (Mie) University, 1993.
Books · Academic Publications

A Study of Svātantrika

Lopez Jr., Donald S. A Study of Svātantrika. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2016.
Books · Academic Publications

A Study of Tibetan Paper Money

Bertsch, Wolfgang. A Study of Tibetan Paper Money with a Critical Bibliography. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1997.
Books · Academic Publications

A Study of the Buddhabhūmyupadeśa: The Doctrinal Development of the Notion of Wisdom in Yogācāra Thought (2014)

Keenen, John P. A Study of the Buddhabhūmyupadeśa: The Doctrinal Development of the Notion of Wisdom in Yogācāra Thought. Contemporary Issues in Buddhist Studies. Berkeley, CA: BDK America, 2014.
Books · Academic Publications, Scholarly Editions

A Study of the Dharmadharmatāvibhaṅga (Volume One)

Robertson, Raymond E. A Study of the Dharmadharmatāvibhaṅga (Volume One): The Root Text and its Scriptural Source (the Avikalpapraveśadhāraṇī), with excerpts from Kamalaśīla's Avikalpapraveśadhāraṇīṭīkā. The Monograph Series in Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Studies. Beijing: Krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang (China Tibetology Publishing House), 2007.
Books · Translations

A Study of the Dharmadharmatāvibhaṅga (Volume Two)

Robertson, Raymond E. A Study of the Dharmadharmatāvibhaṅga (Volume Two): Vasubandhu's Commentary and Three Critical Editions of the Root Texts. The Monograph Series in Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Studies. Beijing: Krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang (China Tibetology Publishing House), 2007.
Books · Academic Publications, Translations

A Study of the Dūn-huáng Recension of the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra

Saitō, Akira. A Study of the Dūn-huáng Recension of the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra. A Report of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C). Project Number 09610021. Tsu, Japan: Mie University, 2000.
Books · Translations, Academic Publications

A Study of the Life and Works of Go-rams-pa bSod-nams-seng-ge and a Translation and Critical Edition of his sDom gsum kha skong (Jamtsho 2023)

Jamtsho, Sonam. A Study of the Life and Works of Go-rams-pa bSod-nams-seng-ge and a Translation and Critical Edition of his sDom gsum kha skong. New Delhi, India: Dev Publishers & Distributors, 2023.
Books · Translations

A Study on the Ratnagotravibhaga

Takasaki, Jikidō. A Study on the Ratnagotravibhāga (Uttaratantra): Being a Treatise on the Tathāgatagarbha Theory of Mahāyāna Buddhism. Serie Orientale Roma XXXIII. Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (IsMEO), 1966.
Books · Translations

A Subtle Arrangement of Gemstones (Wilkinson 2018)

Wilkinson, Christopher, trans. A Subtle Arrangement of Gemstones: Two Upadesha Tantras of the Great Perfection. Self Published, 2018.
Books · Academic Publications

A Survey of Bonpo Monasteries and Temples in Tibet and the Himalaya

Karmay, Samten G. and Yasuhiko Nagano, eds. A Survey of Bonpo Monasteries and Temples in Tibet and the Himalaya. Senri Ethnological Reports 38. Bon Studies 7. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, 2003.
Books · Art Books

A Survey of Tibet

A Survey of Tibet. Lhasa: Tibet People's Publishing House, 1987.
Books · Translations

A Systematized Collection of Chenian Booklets Nos.101-149 Vol.1: Nos.101-107

Lin, Yutang, and Shu-Hui Wan, eds. A Systematized Collection of Chenian Booklets Nos. 101–149. Vol. 1: Nos. 101–107. By C. M. Chen. El Cerrito, CA: Y. Lin, 1993.
Books · Translations

A Systematized Collection of Chenian Booklets Nos.101-149 Vol.2: Nos.108-114

Books · Translations

A Systematized Collection of Chenian Booklets Nos.101-149 Vol.3: Nos 115-125

Books · Translations

A Systematized Collection of Chenian Booklets Nos.101-149 Vol.4: Nos.126-133

Books · Translations

A Systematized Collection of Chenian Booklets Nos.101-149 Vol.5: Nos.134-140

Books · Translations

A Systematized Collection of Chenian Booklets Nos.101-149 Vol.6: Nos.141-146

Books · Translations

A Systematized Collection of Chenian Booklets Nos.101-149 Vol.7: Nos.147-149

Books ·

A Tale of Leaves

Books · Contemporary Buddhist Writings

A Technique of Living

Bullen, Leonard. A Technique of Living: Based on Buddhist Psychological Principles. The Wheel Publication 226–230. Kandy, Sri Lanka: Buddhist Publication Society, 1982.
Books · Language Study Materials

A Textbook in Classical Tibetan (Bialek)

Bialek, Joanna. A Textbook in Classical Tibetan. New York: Routledge, 2022.
Books · Scholarly Editions

A Thousand Books of Wisdom: Release IV

Asian Classics Input Project. A Thousand Books of Wisdom: Release IV. Gaithersburg, MD: Asian Classics Input Project, 1998.
Books · Collections of Essays

A Thousand Hands

Michon, Nathan Jishin and Daniel Clarkson Fisher, ed. A Thousand Hands: A Guidebook to Caring for Your Buddhist Community. Richmond Hill, ON: The Sumeru Press, 2016.
Books · Translations

A Thousand Year Old Bengali Mystic Poetry

Moudud, Hasna Jasimuddin. A Thousand Year Old Bengali Mystic Poetry. Dhaka: University Press Limited, 1992.
Books · Translations

A Tibetan Buddhist Companion

Kunsang, Erik Pema, trans. A Tibetan Buddhist Companion. Edited by Marcia Binder Schmidt and Michael Tweed. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2003.
Books · Art Books

A Tibetan Experience: Paintings from 1300 through 1800

Nash, Alyce, et al. A Tibetan Experience: Paintings from 1300 through 1800. Naples, FL: Philharmonic Center for the Arts, 1995.
Books · Art Books

A Tibetan Journey: Dipinti dal Tibet XIII-XIX secolo

Lo Bue, Erberto. A Tibetan Journey: Dipinti dal Tibet XII-XIX secolo. Milan, Italy: Emil Mirzakhanian, 1998.
Books · Academic Publications

A Tibetan Principality

Cassinelli, C.W. and Robert Ekvall. A Tibetan Principality: The Political System of Sa sKya. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1969.
Books · Academic Publications

A Tibetan Religious Geography of Nepal

Wylie, Turrell V. A Tibetan Religious Geography of Nepal. Serie Orientale Roma Vol XLII. Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1970.