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Articles · Journal Articles

Archaeological Excavations at Piprāhwā and Ganwaria and the Identification of Kapilavastu

Srivastava, K. M. "Archaeological Excavations at Piprāhwā and Ganwaria and the Identification of Kapilavastu." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (1980): 103-110.
Articles · Journal Articles

Archaeology and Protestant Presuppositions in the Study of Indian Buddhism

Schopen, Gregory. "Archaeology and Protestant Presuppositions in the Study of Indian Buddhism." History of Religions 31, no. 1 (1991): 1-23.
Articles · Journal Articles

Archer Among the Yellow Hats: Some Geluk Uses of Saraha

Jackson, R. "Archer Among the Yellow Hats: Some Geluk Uses of Saraha." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 10 (2009): 105-133.
Articles · Journal Articles

Architecture and Absence in the Secret Tantric History of the Great Perfection (rdzogs chen)

Germano, David. "Architecture and Absence in the Secret Tantric History of the Great Perfection (rdzogs chen)." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 17, no. 2 (1994): 203-335.
Articles · Journal Articles

Are Buddhist Pramāṇavādins Non-Buddhistic?: Dignāga and Dharmakīrti on the Impact of Logic and Epistemology on Emancipation

Krasser, Helmut. "Are Buddhist Pramāṇavādins Non-Buddhistic?: Dignāga and Dharmakīrti on the Impact of Logic and Epistemology on Emancipation." Hōrin 11 (2004): 127–144.
Articles · Journal Articles

Are There Seventeen Mahāyāna Ethics?

Chappell, David W. "Are There Seventeen Mahāyāna Ethics?." Journal of Buddhist Ethics 3 (1996): 44-65.
Articles · Journal Articles

Are We Prisoners of Shangrila?: Orientalism, Nationalism, and the Study of Tibet

Dreyfus, Georges. "Are We Prisoners of Shangrila?: Orientalism, Nationalism, and the Study of Tibet." Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies 1 (2005): 1-21.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Art as Spiritual Practice - A Study of Three Mongolian Works on the Practice and Sponsorship of Buddhist Thangka Painting (Tanaka 1997)

Tanaka, Yuko. "Art as Spiritual Practice - A Study of Three Mongolian Works on the Practice and Sponsorship of Buddhist Thangka Painting." In Vol. 2 of Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995. Edited by Helmut Krasser, Michael Tortsen Much, Ernst Steinkellner, and Helmut Tauscher, 948-953. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1997.
Articles · Journal Articles

Asaṅga's Understanding of Mādhyamika: Notes on the Shung-chung-lun

Keenan, John P. "Asaṅga’s Understanding of Mādhyamika." JIABS 12, (1989): 93–107.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Asaṅga: Abhidharmasamuccaya

Griffiths, Paul J. "Asaṅga: Abhidharmasamuccaya." In Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, Volume VIII: Buddhist Philosophy from 100 to 350 A. D., edited by Karl Potter, 435–525. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1999.
Articles · Journal Articles

Asian Philosophies by Koller-Review

McRae, James. "Review of Asian Philosophies by John Koller." Philosophy East and West 55, no. 4 (2005): 624.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Ask a Farmer. Ultimate Analysis and Conventional Existence in Tsong kha pa’s Lam rim chen mo

Newland, Guy. "Ask a Farmer. Ultimate Analysis and Conventional Existence in Tsong kha pa’s Lam rim chen mo". In Changing Minds: Contributions to the Study of Buddhism and Tibet in Honor of Jeffrey Hopkins, ed. Guy Newland, 49-62. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2001.
Articles · Journal Articles

Asoka and Buddhism - A reexamination

Basham, A.L. "Asoka and Buddhism - A reexamination." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 5 (1) (1982): 131-143
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Aspects of Early Buddhism

Norman, Kenneth R. "Aspects of Early Buddhism." In Earliest Buddhism and Madhyamaka, edited by David Seyfort Ruegg and Lambert Schmithausen, Panels of the VIIth World Sanskrit Conference, 24–35. Leiden: Brill, 1990.
Articles · Journal Articles

Aspects of Spiritual Practice in Early Yogācāra

Schmithausen, Lambert. "Aspects of Spiritual Practice in Early Yogācāra". Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies (Tokyo), 11 (2007): 213–244.
Articles · Journal Articles

Aspects of the Investigation of the (Earlier) Indian Mahāyāna

Ruegg, David Seyfort. "Aspects of the Investigation of the (Earlier) Indian Mahāyāna". JIABS 27, no. 1(2004): 3–62.
Articles · Journal Articles

Aspects of the Origin of the Buddhist Tradition in Tibet

Kværne, Per. "Aspects of the Origin of the Buddhist Tradition in Tibet." Numen 19, no. 1 (1972): 22-40.
Articles · Journal Articles

Aspects of the Study of the (Earlier) Indian Mahāyāna

Ruegg, David S. "Aspects of the Study of the (Earlier) Indian Mahāyāna." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 27, no. 1 (2004): 3–63.
Articles · Reviews

Aspekte der Schulung in der Laufbahn eines Bodhisattva-Review by de Jong

De Jong, J. W. Review of Aspekte der Schulung in der Laufbahn eines Bodhisattva, by Jürg Hedinger. Indo-Iranian Journal 30, no. 3 (1987): 230-35.
Articles · Journal Articles

Asura's Harp by Hirota-Review

Tanaka, Kenneth K. "Review of Asura's Harp: Engagement with Language as Buddhist Path by Dennis Hirota." Buddhist-Christian Studies 28 (2008): 182-187.
Articles · Journal Articles

Atiśa's Introduction to the Two Truths, and Its Sources

Lindtner, Christian. "Atiśa's Introduction to the Two Truths, and Its Sources." Journal of Indian Philosophy 9, no. 2 (1981): 161–214.
Articles ·

Atiśa's Open Basket of Jewels: A Middle Way Vision in Late Phase Indian Vajrayāna. An Annotated English Translation of the Ratnakaraṇḍodghaṭamadhyamakopadeśa

Apple, James B. trans. "Atiśa's Open Basket of Jewels: A Middle Way Vision in Late Phase Indian Vajrayāna. An Annotated English Translation of the Ratnakaraṇḍodghaṭamadhyamakopadeśa." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11 (2010): 117-198.
Articles · Journal Articles

Atiśa's Teachings on Mahāmudrā

Apple, James B. "Atiśa's Teachings on Mahāmudrā." Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 18 (2017).
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Attainment through Abandonment

Cox, Collett. 1992. “Attainment through Abandonment: The Sarvāstivādin Path of Removing Defilements.” In Paths to Liberation: The Mārga and Its Transformations in Buddhist Thought, eds. Robert E. Buswell, Jr., and Robert M. Gimello, 63–105. Studies in East Asian Buddhism 7. Honolulu: Kuroda Institute, University of Hawaii Press.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Authorship and Literary Production in Classical Buddhist Tibet

Cabezón, José I. "Authorship and Literary Production in Classical Buddhist Tibet". In Changing Minds: Contributions to the Study of Buddhism and Tibet in Honor of Jeffrey Hopkins, ed. Guy Newland, 233–263. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2001.
Articles · Journal Articles

Autour d'Asvaghosa (Lévi 1929)

Lévi, Sylvain. "Autour d'Asvaghosa." Journal Asiatique 215, no. 2 (1929): 255–85.
Articles · Journal Articles

Autour du lTa ba'i Khyad par de Ye śes sde (Version de Touen-houang, Pelliot Tibétain 814)

Ruegg, D. Seyfort. "Autour du lTa ba'i Khyad par de Ye śes sde (Version de Touen-houang, Pelliot Tibétain 814)." Journal Asiatique 269 (1981): 465-473.
Articles · Journal Articles

Avadānakalpalatā in the Perspective of Stage Value

Shete, Vaijayanti "Avadānakalpalatā in the Perspective of Stage Value." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 1 (1999-2000): 157-162.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Avalokana Sūtra: Selection 172 (Conze, E.)

Conze, Edward, trans. "Avalokana Sūtra: Selection 172." In Buddhist Texts Through the Ages: Newly Translated from the Original Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese, and Apabhramsa, edited by Edward Conze, 186–88. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954.
Articles · Journal Articles

Avalokiteśvara in China

Xing, Guang. "Avalokiteśvara in China." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 12 (2011): 1-22.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna

Gregory, Peter. "Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna." In Vol. 2 of Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Edward Craig, 603–4. London: Routledge, 1998.
Articles · Journal Articles

Açvaghoṣa et la Kalpanāmaṇḍitikā (Przyluski 1931)

Przyluski, Jean. "Açvaghoṣa et la Kalpanāmaṇḍitikā." Bulletins de la classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques, 5e série, 16, nos. 10–12 (1931): 425–34.
Articles · Journal Articles

Açvaghoṣa: Le Sûtrâlaṃkâra et ses sources (Lévi 1908)

Lévi, M. Sylvain. "Açvaghoṣa: Le Sûtrâlaṃkâra et ses sources." Journal Asiatique 12, no. 2 (1908): 57–184.
Articles · Journal Articles

Aśoka's Fourteenth Rock Edict and the Guṇa mādhurya of the Kāvya Poetical Tradition

Tieken, Herman von. "Aśoka's Fourteenth Rock Edict and the Guṇa mādhurya of the Kāvya Poetical Tradition." Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 156, no. 1 (2006): 95-115.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Aṅgulimālasūtra (Waldschmidt, Clawiter, and Holzmann)

Waldschmidt, Ernst, Walter Clawiter, and Lore Holzmann, eds. "Aṅgulimālasūtra." In Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden: Teil 1, 90–91. Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland 10. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1965.
Articles · Journal Articles

BCom ldan rig ral cho Daijō kukyōron sōgonka: Wayaku oyobi kōtei tekusuto (1)

Kano, Kazuo. "bCom ldan rig ral cho Daijō kukyōron sōgonka: Wayaku oyobi kōtei tekusuto (1)" (A Critical Edition and Translation of bCom ldan rig ral's rGyud bla ma'i ṭī ka rgyan gyi me tog (1)). Kōyasan Daigaku Ronsō (Journal of Kōyasan University) 45 (2010): 13–55.
Articles · Journal Articles

BCom ldan rig ral cho Daijō kukyōron sōgonka: Wayaku oyobi kōtei tekusuto (2): Hōshōron I.4–22 no chūkai

Kano, Kazuo. "bCom ldan rig ral cho Daijō kukyōron sōgonka: Wayaku oyobi kōtei tekusuto (2): Hōshōron I.4–22 no chūkai" (A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of bCom ldan rig ral's rGyud bla ma'i ṭī ka rgyan gyi me tog (2): Commentary on Ratnagotravibhāga I.4–22). Kōyasan Daigaku Ronsō (Journal of Kōyasan University) 48 (2013): 1–14.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

BKa’ brgyud Mahāmudrā: Chinese rDzogs chen or the Teachings of the Siddhas

Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. “bKa’ brgyud Mahāmudrā: Chinese rDzogs chen or the Teachings of the Siddhas?” In Tibet After Empire: Culture, Society and Religion Between 850–1000, edited by Christoph Cüppers, Robert Mayer, and Michael Walter, 267–94. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute, 2013.
Articles · Journal Articles

BKa’ brgyud Treasure and rNying ma Revealer: The Sras mkhar ma of Mar pa Lo tsā ba

Ducher, Cécile. "bKa’ brgyud Treasure and rNying ma Revealer: The Sras mkhar ma of Mar pa Lo tsā ba". Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 37 (2016): 98–126.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Bad Dog

Articles · Chapters in a Book

Banned Books in the Tibetan-Speaking Lands

Smith, E. Gene. "Banned Books in the Tibetan-Speaking Lands." In 21st Century Tibet Issue: Symposium on Contemporary Tibetan Studies, Collected Papers, 364-81. Taipei: Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, 2004.
Articles · Dharma Talks

Basic Program: Buddha Nature, Essence of Enlightenment by Don Handrick

Handrick, Don. "Basic Program: Buddha Nature, Essence of Enlightenment." Recorded at Thubten Norbu Ling Tibetan Buddhist Center, Santa Fe, NM, May 28, 2014–July 29, 2015. Audio.
Articles · Journal Articles

Basic Studies for Tibetan Buddhism: Index to the Propositions of Tibetan Logic

Fukuda, Yoichi. "Basic Studies for Tibetan Buddhism: Index to the Propositions of Tibetan Logic." Studia Tibetica 42, no. 7 (2002): 1-148.
Articles · Journal Articles

Beautiful Loser: Shantideva & The Way of the Bodhisattva

Bondurant, Jenny. "Beautiful Loser: Shantideva & The Way of the Bodhisattva." Inquiring Mind 31, no. 1 (2014): n.p.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Becoming Vimalamitra: Manufacturing the Supernatural in Tibetan Buddhism

Gruber, Joel. "Becoming Vimalamitra: Manufacturing the Supernatural in Tibetan Buddhism." In Religion: Super Religion, 1st Edition, 139–153. Farmington Hills, Michigan: Macmillan Reference USA, 2017.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Becoming the Landscape

Articles · Chapters in a Book

Being Arrested

Articles · Journal Articles

Being Benevolence by King-Review

Gross, Rita. "Review of Being Benevolence: The Social Ethics of Engaged Buddhism by Sallie B. King." Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (2007): 174-179.
Articles · Journal Articles

Beings, Non-Beings, and Buddhas: Contrasting Notions of Tathāgatagarbha in the Anūnatvāpūrṇatvanirdeśaparivarta and *Mahābherī Sūtra

Jones, Christopher V. "Beings, Non-Beings, and Buddhas: Contrasting Notions of Tathāgatagarbha in the Anūnatvāpūrṇatvanirdeśaparivarta and *Mahābherī Sūtra." Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies 10 (2016): 53–84.
Articles · Journal Articles

Beyond Acceptance and Rejection? The Anti-Bon Polemic Included in the Thirteenth-Century Single Intention (Dgong-gcig Yig-cha) and Its Background in Tibetan Religious History

Martin, Dan. "Beyond Acceptance and Rejection? The Anti-Bon Polemic Included in the Thirteenth-Century Single Intention (Dgong-gcig Yig-cha) and Its Background in Tibetan Religious History." Journal of Indian Philosophy 25 (1997): 263-305.