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Books · Academic Publications

A Tibetan Revolutionary

Goldstein, Melvyn C., Dawei Sherap, and William R. Siebenschuh. A Tibetan Revolutionary: The Political Life and Times of Bapa Phüntso Wangye. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004.
Books · Reference Works

A Tibetan Verb Lexicon (2003)

Books · Reference Works, Language Study Materials

A Tibetan Verb Lexicon (2019)

Hackett, Paul G. A Tibetan Verb Lexicon, Second Edition Updated and Expanded. Boulder: Snow Lion, 2019.
Books · Contemporary Buddhist Writings

A Tibetan on Tibet

Combe, G. A. A Tibetan on Tibet: Being the Travels and Observations of Mr. Paul Sherap (Dorje Zödba) of Tachienlu; with an Introductory Chapter on Buddhism and a Concluding Chapter on the Devil Dance. Bibliotheca Himalayica Series III Vol. 4. Reprint. Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar, 1975.
Books · Dictionaries

A Tibetan-English Dictionary (1958)

Jäschke, H. A. A Tibetan-English Dictionary with Special Reference to the Prevailing Dialects to Which is Added an English-Tibetan Vocabulary. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972.
Books · Reference Works, Language Study Materials, Dictionaries

A Tibetan-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Synonyms

Das, Sarat Chandra, Graham Sandberg, and Augustus William Heyde. A Tibetan-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Synonyms. Delhi: Paljor Publications, 2004.
Books · Translations

A Torch Lighting the Way to Freedom

Gethin, Stephen, trans. A Torch Lighting the Way to Freedom: Complete Instructions on the Preliminary Practice of the Profound and Secret Heart Essence of the Dakini. By Dudjom Rinpoche (Bdud 'joms 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje). Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2011.
Books · Translations

A Treasure Trove of Blessing and Protection (Dickman 2004)

Dickman, Mike., trans. A Treasure Trove of Blessing and Protection: The Seven Chapter Prayer of the Great Teacher Padmasambhava. New York: Cool Grove Press, 2004.
Books · Translations

A Treasure Trove of Scriptural Transmission

Barron, Richard, trans. A Treasure Trove of Scriptural Transmission: A Commentary on The Precious Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena. By Longchen Rabjam (Klong chen pa). Edited by Susanne Fairclough, Jeff Miller, Mary Racine, and Robert Racine. Junction City, CA: Padma Publishing 2011. Reprint, first published 2001.
Books · Translations

A Treasury of Aphoristic Jewels

Bosson, James E., trans. A Treasury of Aphoristic Jewels: The Subhāṣitaratnanidhi of Sa Skya Paṇḍita in Tibetan and Mongolian. Uralic and Altaic Series 92. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1969.
Books · Translations

A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras

Chang, Garma C. C., ed. A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras: Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭa Sūtra. Translated from the Chinese by The Buddhist Association of the United States. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1991.
Books · Translations

A Treasury of the Buddha’s Words Volume I

Nyanamoli Thera, trans. A Treasury of the Buddha’s Words: Discourses from the Middle Collection Volume I. Edited by Khantipālo. A Treasury of the Buddha's Discourses from the Majjhima-nikaya Vol I. Bangkok: Mahāmakut Rājavidyālaya Press, 1977.
Books · Translations

A Treasury of the Buddha’s Words Volume II

Nyanamoli Thera, trans. A Treasury of the Buddha’s Words: Discourses from the Majjhima-nikaya (Middle Collection) Volume II. Edited by Khantipālo. A Treasury of the Buddha's Discourses from the Majjhima-nikaya Vol II. Bangkok: Mahāmakut Rājavidyālaya Press, 1977.
Books · Translations

A Treasury of the Buddha’s Words Volume III

Nyanamoli Thera, trans. A Treasury of the Buddha’s Words: Discourses from the Majjhima-nikaya (Middle Collection) Volume III. Edited by Khantipālo. A Treasury of the Buddha's Discourses from the Majjhima-nikaya Vol III. Bangkok: Mahāmakut Rājavidyālaya Press, 1977.
Books · Translations, Edited Dharma Teaching

A Treatise on Buddhanature

Thrangu Rinpoche. A Treatise on Buddhanature of the Third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje with a commentary by The Venerable Khenchen Thrangu, Rinpoche. Translated by Peter Roberts. Boulder: Namo Buddha Seminar, 1992.
Books · Academic Publications

A Trident of Wisdom

Singh, Jaideva, trans. A Trident of Wisdom: Translation of "Parātrīśikā Vivaraṇa" . By Abhinavagupta. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989.
Books · Contemporary Buddhist Writings

A Truthful Heart

Hopkins, Jeffrey. A Truthful Heart: Buddhist Practices for Connecting with Others. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2008.
Books · Conference Proceedings

A Turning of the Wheel

Tibet House. A Turning of the Wheel: To Mark the Consecration of the Statue of Lord Buddha & the International Conference on Ecological Responsibility: a Dialogue with Buddhism - 2 October 1993. New Delhi, India: Tibet House, 1993.
Books · Academic Publications, Scholarly Editions

A Unique Collection of Twenty Sutras in a Sanskrit Manuscript from the Potala - vol. I,1

Vinītā, Bhikṣuṇī (Vinita Tseng), trans. and ed. A Unique Collection of Twenty Sutras in a Sanskrit Manuscript from the Potala. Volume I,1. Sanskrit Texts from the Tibetan Autonomous Region 7/1. Beijing and Vienna: China Tibetology Publishing House Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2010.
Books · Academic Publications, Scholarly Editions

A Unique Collection of Twenty Sutras in a Sanskrit Manuscript from the Potala - vol. I,2

Vinītā, Bhikṣuṇī (Vinita Tseng), trans. and ed. A Unique Collection of Twenty Sutras in a Sanskrit Manuscript from the Potala. Volume I,2. Sanskrit Texts from the Tibetan Autonomous Region 7/2. Beijing and Vienna: China Tibetology Publishing House Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2010.
Books · Translations

A Vase of Nectar to Inspire the Faithful

Chönam, Lama and Timothy Hinkle (Light of Berotsana), trans. A Vase of Nectar to Inspire the Faithful: A Biography of Patrul Rinpoche, Orgyen Jigme Chökyi Wangpo. Ashland, OR: Berotsana Publications, 2018.
Books · Reference Works

A Verb Dictionary of the Modern Spoken Tibetan of Lhasa

Izumi, Hoshi. A Verb Dictionary of the Modern Spoken Tibetan of Lhasa: Tibetan-Japanese. Asian and African Lexicon Series No. 42. Tokyo: Research Institute for the Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2003.
Books · Translations

A Visionary Journey

Longchenpa. A Visionary Journey. The Stories of the Wildwood Delights and the Mount Potala Delights. Translated and annotated by Herbert V. Guenther. Boston: Shambhala, 1989.
Books · Academic Publications, Reference Works, Indexes-Catalogs

A Visit to Rahula Sankrtyayana's Collection of Negatives at the Bihar Research Society

Much, Michael Torsten. A Visit to Rāhula Sāṅkṛtyāyana's Collection of Negatives at the Bihar Research Society: Texts from the Buddhist Epistemological School.
Books ·

A Woman's Book of Zen

Skolnick, S. M.. A Woman's Book of Zen. White Plains, NY: Peter Pauper Press, 1997.
Books ·

A Writer's Companion

Books · Academic Publications

A Yogācāra Buddhist Theory of Metaphor

Tzohar, Roy. A Yogācāra Buddhist Theory of Metaphor. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Books · Translations

A cœur ouvert

Books · Buddhist Topic Monographs

Abhidhamma Studies (1965)

Nyanaponika Thera. Abhidhamma Studies: Researches in Buddhist Psychology. Kandy, Ceylon: Buddhist Publication Society, 1965.
Books · Buddhist Topic Monographs

Abhidhamma Studies (1985)

Nyanaponika Thera. Abhidhamma Studies: Researches in Buddhist Psychology. Kandy, Sri Lanka: Buddhist Publication Society, 1985.
Books · Buddhist Topic Monographs

Abhidhamma Studies (1998)

Nyanaponika Thera. Abhidhamma Studies: Buddhist Explorations of Consciousness and Time. Edited by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1998.
Books · Translations

Abhidhammattha Sangaha

Bodhi, Bhikkhu, ed. Abhidhammattha Sangaha: A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma, Pāli Text & Explanatory Guide. First BPS Pariyatti Edition. Kandy: Sri Lanka: Buddhist Publication Society, 2000.
Books ·

Abhidharma Doctrines and Controversies on Perception

Books · Collections of Essays

Abhidharma and Indian Thought

Franco, Eli. Abhidharma and Indian Thought: Essays in Honour of Professor Doctor Junsho Kato on His Sixtieth Birthday. Tokyo : Shunju-sha, 2000.
Books · Translations

Abhidharmakośa-Bhāṣya of Vasubandhu Volume I

Lodrö Sangpo, Gelong, trans. Abhidharmakośa-Bhāṣya of Vasubandhu: The Treasury of the Abhidharma and Its (Auto) commentary. Vol. 1. Translated into French by Louis de La Vallée Poussin. Annotated English translation by Gelong Lodrö Sangpo. With a new introduction by Bhikkhu K. L. Dhammajoti. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2012.
Books · Translations

Abhidharmakośa-Bhāṣya of Vasubandhu Volume II

Lodrö Sangpo, Gelong, trans. Abhidharmakośa-Bhāṣya of Vasubandhu: The Treasury of the Abhidharma and Its (Auto) commentary. Vol. 2. Translated into French by Louis de La Vallée Poussin. Annotated English translation by Gelong Lodrö Sangpo. With a new introduction by Bhikkhu K. L. Dhammajoti. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2012.
Books · Translations

Abhidharmakośa-Bhāṣya of Vasubandhu Volume III

Lodrö Sangpo, Gelong, trans. Abhidharmakośa-Bhāṣya of Vasubandhu: The Treasury of the Abhidharma and Its (Auto) commentary. Vol. 3. Translated into French by Louis de La Vallée Poussin. Annotated English translation by Gelong Lodrö Sangpo. With a new introduction by Bhikkhu K. L. Dhammajoti. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2012.
Books · Translations

Abhidharmakośa-Bhāṣya of Vasubandhu Volume IV

Lodrö Sangpo, Gelong, trans. Abhidharmakośa-Bhāṣya of Vasubandhu: The Treasury of the Abhidharma and Its (Auto) commentary. Vol. 4. Translated into French by Louis de La Vallée Poussin. Annotated English translation by Gelong Lodrö Sangpo. With a new introduction by Bhikkhu K. L. Dhammajoti. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2012.
Books · Academic Publications

Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam of Vasubandhu

Pradhan, P. ed. Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam of Vasubandh. 2nd. ed. Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series 8. Patna: K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute, 1975.
Books · Translations

Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam of Vasubandhu - Vol. 1 (Pruden 1988)

Pruden, Leo, trans. Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam of Vasubandhu. Vol. 1. Translated into French by Louis de La Vallée Poussin. English version by Leo M. Pruden. Berkeley, CA: Asian Humanities Press, 1988.
Books · Translations

Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam of Vasubandhu - Vol. 2 (Pruden 1988)

Pruden, Leo, trans. Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam of Vasubandhu. Vol. 2. Translated into French by Louis de La Vallée Poussin. English version by Leo M. Pruden. Berkeley, CA: Asian Humanities Press, 1988.
Books · Translations

Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam of Vasubandhu - Vol. 3 (Pruden 1991)

Pruden, Leo, trans. Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam of Vasubandhu. Vol. 3. Translated into French by Louis de La Vallée Poussin. English version by Leo M. Pruden. Berkeley, CA: Asian Humanities Press, 1991.
Books · Translations

Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam of Vasubandhu - Vol. 4 (Pruden 1991)

Pruden, Leo, trans. Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam of Vasubandhu. Vol. 4. Translated into French by Louis de La Vallée Poussin. English version by Leo M. Pruden. Berkeley, CA: Asian Humanities Press, 1991.
Books ·

Abhidharmakośakārikā and Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam

Vasubandhu. Abhidharmakośakārikā and Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam. Bibliotheca Buddhica 20. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1992.
Books · Translations

Abhidharmasamuccaya (Sara Boin-Webb)

Boin-Webb, Sara, trans. Abhidharmasamuccaya: The Compendium of the Higher Teaching (Philosophy) by Asanga. Originally translated into French and annotated by Walpola Rahula. Fremont, CA: Asian Humanities Press, 2001.
Books · Translations

Abhisamayalamkara with Vrtti and Aloka Vol. 1

Vimuktisena and Haribhadra. Abhisamayālaṃkāra with Vṛtti and Alokā. Translated by Gareth Sparham. Fremont, CA: Jain Publishing Company, 2006.
Books · Translations

Abhisamayalamkara with Vrtti and Aloka Vol. 2

Vimuktisena and Haribhadra. Abhisamayālaṃkāra with Vṛtti and Alokā. Translated by Gareth Sparham. Fremont, CA: Jain Publishing Company, 2008.
Books · Translations

Abhisamayalamkara with Vrtti and Aloka Vol. 3

Vimuktisena and Haribhadra. Abhisamayālaṃkāra with Vṛtti and Alokā. Volume 3. Translated by Gareth Sparham. Fremont, CA: Jain Publishing Company, 2009.
Books · Scholarly Editions


Stcherbatsky, Theodore, and E. Obermiller, ed. and trans. Abhisamayālankāra-Prajñāpāramitā-Upadeśa-Śāstra: The Work of Bodhisattva Maitreya. Bibliotheca Buddhica 23. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1992.
Books · Translations, Scholarly Editions

Abhisamayālankāra-Prajñāpāramitā-Upadeśa-Śāstra (Stcherbatsky and Obermiller 1929)

Stcherbatsky, Theodor, and Eugene Obermiller, ed. and trans. Abhisamayālankāra-Prajñāpāramitā-Upadeśa-Śāstra: The Work of Bodhisattva Maitreya. Fasciculus 1: Introduction, Sanscrit Text and Tibetan Translation. Bibliotheca Buddhica 23. Leningrad: USSR Academy of Sciences, 1929.