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Articles · Chapters in a Book

Bodhicaryāvatāra and Bodhicaryāvatāra-Pañjikā (Malalasekera)

Malalasekera, G. P., ed. "Bodhicaryāvatāra" and "Bodhicaryāvatāra-Pañjikā." In Bode—Budalaviṭṭhi, Vol. 3, fasc. 2 of Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, 181–84. Sri Lanka: Government of Sri Lanka, 1972.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Bodhicaryāvatāra and Tibetan Mind Training (Lojong)

Jinpa, Thupten. "Bodhicaryāvatāra and Tibetan Mind Training (Lojong)." In Readings of Śāntideva's Guide to Bodhisattva Practice, edited by Jonathan C. Gold and Douglas S. Duckworth, 146–61. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019.
Articles · Journal Articles

Bodhicaryāvatāra no kihon seikaku: Ichininshō no imi suru mono

Kajihara, Mieko. "Bodhicaryāvatāra no kihon seikaku: Ichininshō no imi suru mono" (The Bodhicaryāvatāra for Ritual Recitation). Machikaneyama ronsō, Philosophy 25 (1991): 25-38.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Bodhicaryāvatāra-pañjikā VIII.90-103 by Prajñākaramati, Commenting on Śāntideva

Siderits, Mark, and Charles Goodman, trans. "Bodhicaryāvatāra-pañjikā VIII.90-103 by Prajñākaramati, Commenting on Śāntideva." In Moonpaths: Ethics and Emptiness, edited by The Cowherds, 241–48 (Appendix). New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Articles · Journal Articles

Bodhicaryāvatāra: Introduction à la pratique de la sainteté bouddhique (bodhi)

La Vallée Poussin, Louis de, trans. "Bodhicaryāvatāra: Introduction à la pratique de la sainteté bouddhique (bodhi)." By Śāntideva. Chapitres I, II, III, IV et X. Texte et Traduction. Le Muséon 11 (1892): 68–82; 87–109.
Articles · Digital Publications

Bodhicaryāvatāra: Teachings and Overview (Lotsawa House)

Zenkar, Alak. "Bodhicaryāvatāra: Teaching Methods & Overview." Translated by Adam Pearcey from an audio recording. Lotsawa House, 2008.
Articles · Journal Articles, Scholarly Editions


Shastri, Hara Prasad, ed. "Bodhicaryāvatāram." Journal of the Buddhist Text Society of India 2, pt. 1 (1894): 1–16; and in the same volume, pt. 2, 17–32.
Articles · Digital Publications

Bodhicaryāvatāra—Chapter 1 (Lotsawa House)

Śāntideva. "Bodhicaryāvatāra—Chapter 1." Translated by Adam Pearcey. Lotsawa House. Accessed 1 April 2016.
Articles · Digital Publications

Bodhicaryāvatāra—Chapter 2 (Lotsawa House)

Śāntideva. "Bodhicaryāvatāra—Chapter 2." Translated by Adam Pearcey. Lotsawa House. Accessed 1 April 2016.
Articles · Digital Publications

Bodhicaryāvatāra—Chapter 3 (Lotsawa House)

Śāntideva. "Bodhicaryāvatāra—Chapter 3." Translated by Adam Pearcey. Lotsawa House. Accessed 1 April 2016.
Articles · Digital Publications

Bodhicharyavatara (Rigpa Shedra Wiki)

Rigpa Shedra. "Bodhicharyavatara." Rigpa Shedra Wiki. Updated March 17, 2021.
Articles · Digital Publications, Transcriptions

Bodhicitta (Ringu Tulku)

Ringu Tulku. "Bodhicitta." In Śāntidevas "Eintritt in das Leben zur Erleuchtung", transcribed and prepared by Gabriele Hollmann, 171–84. Vol. 3 of Buddhismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Hamburg: Universität Hamburg (Weiterbildendes Studium), 1999.
Articles · Journal Articles

Bodhicitta and Charity: A Comparison

Perera, Luke. "Bodhicitta and Charity: A Comparison." Buddhist-Christian Studies 35 (2015): 121-46.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Bodhigarbha: Preliminary Notes on an Early Dzokchen Family of Buddha-Nature Concepts

Higgins, David. "*Bodhigarbha: Preliminary Notes on an Early Dzokchen Family of Buddha-Nature Concepts." In The Other Emptiness: Rethinking the Zhentong Buddhist Discourse in Tibet, edited by Michael R. Sheehy and Klaus-Dieter Mathes, 29–52. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2019.
Articles · Journal Articles

Bodhisattva Practice in Theravāda Buddhism

Chandwimala, Ven. Rangama Thero. "Bodhisattva Practice in Theravāda Buddhism." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 9 (2008): 23-43.
Articles · Journal Articles

Bodhisattva Prātimokṣa Sūtra (Dutt, N.)

Dutt, Nalinaksha, ed. "Bodhisattva Prātimokṣa Sūtra." Indian Historical Quarterly 7, no. 2 (1931): 259–86.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Bodhisattva e Prajñāpāramitā nel Bodhicaryāvatāra di Śāntideva

Pezzali, Amalia. "Bodhisattva e Prajñāpāramitā nel Bodhicaryāvatāra di Śāntideva." In Atti del Primo Convegno Nazionale di Studi Sanscriti (Torino, 17 Ottobre 1980), edited by Stefano Piano and Antonella Comba, 93–101. Turin, Italy: Associazione Italiana di Studi Sanscriti, 1982.
Articles · Journal Articles

Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra: Exposition de la pratique des bodhisattvas

La Vallée Poussin, Louis de, trans. "Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra: Exposition de la pratique des bodhisattvas." By Śāntideva. "Chap. V., Saṁprajanyarakṣaṇa." Le Muséon 15 (1896): 306–18.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Bodhisattvas South of the Clouds

Debreczeny, Karl. "Bodhisattvas South of the Clouds: Situ Paṇchen's Activities and Artistic Inspiration in Yunnan." In Patron and Painter: Situ Panchen and the Revival of the Encampment Style by David Jackson, 223–251. Masterworks of Tibetan Painting Series 1. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2009.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Bodies and Embodiment in the Bodhicaryāvatāra

Ohnuma, Reiko. "Bodies and Embodiment in the Bodhicaryāvatāra." In Readings of Śāntideva's Guide to Bodhisattva Practice, edited by Jonathan C. Gold and Douglas S. Duckworth, 114–31. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Body and Mind in Tibetan Medicine and Tantric Buddhism

Samuel, Geoffrey. "Body and Mind in Tibetan Medicine and Tantric Buddhism." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 32-45. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Journal Articles

Bon - The Primitive Religion of Tibet

Banerjee, Anukul. "Bon - The Primitive Religion of Tibet." Bulletin of Tibetology 17, no. 4 (1981): 1-18.
Articles · Journal Articles

Bon Among the Monpas of Arunachal Pradesh

Tripathy, B. and S. Dutta. "Bon Among the Monpas of Arunachal Pradesh." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 7 (2006): 99-114.
Articles · Journal Articles

Bonpo Studies: The A Khrid System of Meditation, Part I: Introduction

Kværne, Per. "Bonpo Studies: The A Khrid System of Meditation, Part I: Introduction." Kailash: A Journal of Himalayan Studies 1, no. 1 (1973): 19-50.
Articles · Journal Articles

Bonpo Studies: The A Khrid System of Meditation, Part II: The Essential Teachings of the A Khrid System

Kværne, Per. "Bonpo Studies: The A Khrid System of Meditation, Part II: The Essential Teachings of the A Khrid System." Kailash 1, no. 4 (1973): 247-332.
Articles · Journal Articles

Borrowed Gods and Foreign Bodies by Reinders-Review

Lai, Whalen. "Review of Borrowed Gods and Foreign Bodies: Christian Missionaries Imagine Chinese Religion by Eric Reinders." Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (2006): 226-229.
Articles · Journal Articles

Bouddhisme et Yoga (Senart 1900)

Senart, Émile. "Bouddhisme et Yoga." Revue de l'histoire des religions 42 (1900): 345–64.
Articles · Reviews

Bouddhisme: Notes et Bibliographie

La Vallée Poussin, Louis de. "Bouddhisme: Notes et Bibliographie." Le Muséon 4 (1903): 306–17. See especially pages 313–15 for the section entitled "Une version chinoise du Bodhicaryāvatāra," a review of a work by Sylvain Lévi.

Bowing to Your Enemies: Courtesy, Budō, and Japan

Articles · Journal Articles

Bringing the Buddha Down to Earth: Notes on the Emergence of "Yu-lu" as a Buddhist Genre

Berling, Judith A. "Bringing the Buddha Down to Earth: Notes on the Emergence of "Yu-lu" as a Buddhist Genre." History of Religions 27, no. 1 (1987): 56-88.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Bruchstück des Ārya Rājāvavādaka genannten Mahāyāna Sūtra

Radlov, Vasily, ed. and trans. "Bruchstück des Ārya Rājāvavādaka genannten Mahāyāna Sūtra." In Kuan-ši-im Pusar: Eine türkische Übersetzung des XXV. Kapitels der chinesischen Ausgabe des Saddharmapuṇḍarīka, 69–90. Bibliotheca Buddhica 14. St. Pétersbourg: Commissionnaires de l'Académie impériale des sciences, 1911.
Articles · Journal Articles

Brāhmaṇical-Hindu and Buddhist Conversions to Islam in India: An Examination of General Trends with Special Reference to Eastern India

Sarao, K.T.S. "Brāhmaṇical-Hindu and Buddhist Conversions to Islam in India: An Examination of General Trends with Special Reference to Eastern India." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 12 (2011): 51-69.
Articles · Journal Articles

Bu ston and the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāravyākhyāna (-pañjikā)

Saito, Akira. "Bu ston and the Bodhisattvacaryāvatāravyākhyāna [-pañjikā]." Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies) 48, no. 2 (2000): 118–23.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Bu ston on the sPyod 'jug (Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra)

Saito, Akira. "Bu ston on the sPyod 'jug (Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra)." In Transmission of the Tibetan Canon, edited by Helmut Eimer, 79–85. Vol. 3, Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Graz 1995. Vienna: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1997.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Buddha Nature Thought and Mysticism

King, Sallie B. "Buddha Nature Thought and Mysticism." In Buddha Nature: A Festschrift in Honor of Minoru Kiyota, edited by Paul J. Griffiths and John P. Keenan, 139–52. Tokyo: Buddhist Books International, 1990.
Articles · Journal Articles

Buddha Nature and the Concept of Person

King, Sallie B. "Buddha Nature and the Concept of Person." Philosophy East and West 39, no. 2 (1989): 151–70.
Articles · Digital Publications, Dharma Talks

Buddha Nature and the Omniscient Mind

Zopa, Thubten. "Buddha Nature and the Omniscient Mind." Lecture 3, Section One of the Fourteenth Kopan Course at Kopan Monastery, Nepal, 1981. Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, 2020.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Buddha Nature as Myth

Grosnick, William. "Buddha Nature as Myth." In Buddha Nature: A Festschrift in Honor of Minoru Kiyota, edited by Paul J. Griffiths and John P. Keenan, 65–74. Tokyo: Buddhist Books International, 1990.
Articles · Digital Publications

Buddha Nature: Sharon Salzberg Post on Our Inner Lives

Salzberg, Sharon. "Buddha Nature." Our Inner Lives: Spirit, Faith, and Action (blog). A project of January 6, 2011.
Articles · Editorial Content, Unpublished

Buddha Nature: The Inconceivable Inseparability of Emptiness and Compassionate Awareness

Henkel, Kokyo. "Buddha Nature: The Inconceivable Inseparability of Emptiness and Compassionate Awareness." Unpublished manuscript. n.d., PDF file.
Articles · Chapters in a Book, Translations

Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of Neither Increase Nor Decrease

Rulu, trans. "Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of Neither Increase Nor Decrease." In The Tathāgata Store: Selected Mahāyāna Sūtras, 53–62. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2016.
Articles · Chapters in a Book, Translations

Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of the Great Cundī Dhāraṇī

Rulu, trans. "Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of the Great Cundī Dhāraṇī: The Heart of the Mother of Seven Koṭi Buddhas." In Teachings of the Buddha, 56–58. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse 2012.
Articles · Chapters in a Book, Translations

Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of the Unsurpassed Reliance

Rulu, trans. "Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of the Unsurpassed Reliance." In The Tathāgata Store: Selected Mahāyāna Sūtras, 194–229. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2016.
Articles · Journal Articles

Buddha and God: A Contrastive Study in Ideas about Maximal Greatness

Griffiths, Paul J. "Buddha and God: A Contrastive Study in Ideas about Maximal Greatness." The Journal of Religion 69, no. 4 (1989): 502-529.
Articles · Journal Articles

Buddha in the Storehouse: Mi bskyod rdo rje on the Relationship between Tathāgatagarbha and Ālayavijñāna

Higgins, David. "Buddha in the Storehouse: Mi bskyod rdo rje on the Relationship between Tathāgatagarbha and Ālayavijñāna." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 42 (2019): 169–230.
Articles · Journal Articles

Buddha-Nature (1): Revering Buddha-Nature

Scarangello, Dominick. "Buddha-Nature (1): Revering Buddha-Nature." Dharma World 45 (2018): 28–36.
Articles · Journal Articles

Buddha-Nature (2): We Are Children of the Buddha

Scarangello, Dominick. "Buddha-Nature (2): We Are Children of the Buddha." Dharma World 46 (2019): 35–41.
Articles · Journal Articles

Buddha-Nature and Personality as the Ground of Ethics: A Metaethical Dialogue between Dōgen and Berdyaev

Sevilla, Anton Luis. "Buddha-Nature and Personality as the Ground of Ethics: A Metaethical Dialogue between Dōgen and Berdyaev." Budhi 16, no. 1 (2012): 42–73.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Buddha-Nature and the Logic of Pantheism

Duckworth, Douglas S. "Buddha-Nature and the Logic of Pantheism." In The Buddhist World, edited by John Powers, 235–47. London: Routledge, 2016.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Buddha-Nature in Garungpa Lhai Gyaltsen's Lamp That Illuminates the Expanse of Reality and among Tibetan Intellectuals