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Dissertations · PhD diss.

Theosis Re-considered. The Dynamic Nature of Salvation

Abadjieva, Ilina. Theosis Re-considered. PhD diss., Boston College, 2006.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

There is No Place Like Home: An Analysis of Exile in Judaism and Tibetan Buddhism

Posman, Ellen. There is No Place Like Home: An Analysis of Exile in Judaism and Tibetan Buddhism. PhD diss., University of California at Santa Barbara, 2004.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Thinking the Unthinkable / Unthinking the Thinkable - Conceptual thought, nonconceptuality, and Gorampa Sonam Senge's Synopsis of Madhyamaka

Kassor, Constance E. "Thinking the Unthinkable / Unthinking the Thinkable: Conceptual Thought, Nonconceptuality, and Gorampa Sonam Senge's Synopsis of Madhyamaka". PhD diss., Emory University, 2014.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Thought of Buddha Nature as Depicted in the Laṅkāvatārasūtra

Sy, Nguyen Dac. "Thought of Buddha Nature as Depicted in the Laṅkāvatārasūtra." PhD diss., University of Delhi, 2012.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Three Chapters from the Gaṇḍavyūha Sūtra: A Critical Edition of the Sanskrit and Tibetan Texts of the Youth Sudhana's Visits to the Bhikṣus Meghaśrī, Sāgaramegha, and Supratiṣṭhita, with English Translation and Commentary

Jastram, Judy Ann. Three Chapters from the Gaṇḍavyūha Sūtra: A Critical Edition of the Sanskrit and Tibetan Texts of the Youth Sudhana's Visits to the Bhikṣus Meghaśrī, Sāgaramegha, and Supratiṣṭhita, with English Translation and Commentary. PhD diss., University of California at Berkeley, 1975.
Dissertations · MA Theses

Three Studies in Non-Tantric Buddhist Cult Forms

Schopen, Gregory. "Three Studies in Non-Tantric Buddhist Cult Forms." MA thesis, McMaster University, 1975.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan Diaspora in Delhi, 1959-1999

Gurawa, Anju. "Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan Diaspora in Delhi, 1959-1999." PhD diss., Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2006.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Tibetan Buddhism in Ming China

Toh, Hoong Teik. Tibetan Buddhism in Ming China. PhD diss., Harvard University, 2004.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Tibetan Buddhism, American Interests: Influences Upon the Lay and Monastic Relationship in New York's Tibetan Buddhist Immigrant Community

Mullen, Eve Louise. Tibetan Buddhism, American Interests: Influences Upon the Lay and Monastic Relationship in New York's Tibetan Buddhist Immigrant Community. PhD diss., Temple University, 1999.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Tibetan Buddhist Drama

Hulton-Baker, Robert. Tibetan Buddhist Drama. PhD diss., New York University, 1987.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Tibetan Refugees in the Katmandu Valley: A Study in Socio-Cultural Change and Continuity and the Adaptation of a Population in Exile

Gombo, Ugen. Tibetan Refugees in the Katmandu Valley: A Study in Socio-Cultural Change and Continuity and the Adaptation of a Population in Exile. PhD diss., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1985.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Tibetan Typeforms

Baerdemaeker, Jo A. J. De. Tibetan Typeforms: An Historical and Visual Analysis of Tibetan Typefaces from Their Inception in 1738 up to 2009. PhD diss., University of Reading, 2009.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Time and Causality in Yogacara Buddhism

Ng, Suk-Fun. "Time and causality in Yogācāra Buddhism". PhD diss., University of Hong Kong, 2014.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Tonglen Meditation's Effects on Compassion in Novice Meditators

McKnight, Daphna. "Tonglen Meditation's Effects on Compassion in Novice Meditators". PhD diss., University of the West, 2014.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Effect of Long-Term Practice of Ceremonial Sexuality

Trull, Charles L. Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Effect of Long-Term Practice of Ceremonial Sexuality. PhD diss., California Institute of Integral Studies, 2006.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Toward a New Paradigm of East Asian Yogācāra Buddhism: Taehyŏn (ca. 8th Century CE), a Korean Yogācāra Monk, and His Predecessors

Lee, Sumi. "Toward a New Paradigm of East Asian Yogācāra Buddhism: Taehyŏn (ca. 8th Century CE), a Korean Yogācāra Monk, and His Predecessors." PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 2014.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Tradition and Innovation in the Consequence School: Nature (rang bzhin, svabhāva-prakṛti) in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism

Magee, William Albert. Tradition and Innovation in the Consequence School: Nature (rang bzhin, svabhāva-prakṛti) in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. PhD diss., University of Virginia, 1998.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Tradition and Modernity in the Transformation of Tibetan Buddhism

Weeks, Paul. "Tradition and Modernity in the Transformation of Tibetan Buddhism." PhD diss., La Trobe University, 2015.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Transforming Emotions: The Practice of Lojong in Tibetan Buddhism

Fernandes, Karen M. Transforming Emotions: The Practice of Lojong in Tibetan Buddhism. PhD diss., McGill University, 2000.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Transforming Tibetan Kingship - The Portrayal of Khri srong lde brtsan in the Early Buddhist Histories

Doney, Lewis J. A. "Transforming Tibetan Kingship: The Portrayal of Khri srong lde brtsan in the Early Buddhist Histories". PhD diss., School of Oriental and African Studies, 2011.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Transgressive Compassion: The Role of Fear, Horror and the Threat of Death in Ultimate Transformation

Jones, Lucy Annette. Transgressive Compassion: The Role of Fear, Horror and the Threat of Death in Ultimate Transformation. PhD diss., Rice University, 1998.
Dissertations · MA Theses

Transmission, Legitimation, and Adaptation: A Study of Western Lamas in the Construction of American Tibetan Buddhism

Restrepo, Mariana. Transmission, Legitimation, and Adaptation. MA Theses, Florida International University. 2013.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Travel and Transcendence: Lamaist Expansion in the Himalayan Kingdoms

Rodseth, Lars Thomas. Travel and Transcendence: Lamaist Expansion in the Himalayan Kingdoms. PhD diss., University of Michigan, 1993.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Treasure-Traditions of Western Tibet rig-'dzin gar-dbang rdo-rje snying-po (1640-1685) and his Activities in Mang-yul Gung-thang

Solmsdorf, Nikolai. "Treasure-Traditions of Western Tibet rig-'dzin gar-dbang rdo-rje snying-po (1640-1685) and his Activities in Mang-yul Gung-thang". PhD diss., Ludwig-Maximilians-University, 2014.
Dissertations ·

Tropu Lotsawa (1172-1236 CE) and the Building of Religious Institutions in Thirteenth Century Tibet

Ward, Jared. "Tropu Lotsawa (1172-1236 CE) and the Building of Religious Institutions in Thirteenth Century Tibet". Master's thesis, John Carroll University, 2012.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Trusting the Process: The Developmental Experience of Psychospiritual Guidance

Spalding, Matthew L. Trusting the Process: The Developmental Experience of Psychospiritual Guidance. PhD diss., California Institute of Integral Studies, 2008.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Tsong kha pa and the Foundations of Rationality

Falls, Edward Ray. "Tsong kha pa and the Foundations of Rationality". PhD diss., Emory University, 2010.
Dissertations · MA Theses

Ubersetzung von Prajnakaramatis Kommentar zum Bodhicaryavatara, 8.1-39

Kleibel, Margarita. "Übersetzung von Prajñākaramatis Kommentar zum Bodhicaryāvatāra, 8.1-39". Master's thesis, University of Vienna, 2010.
Dissertations ·

Unfettered Orientalism and Western Philosophical - Depictions of Buddhism On-screen

Byrne, Lauren. "Unfettered Orientalism & Western Philosophical: Depictions of Buddhism On-screen". Master's thesis, Graduate Theological Union, 2010.
Dissertations ·

Unfolding the Dharma - The Juxtaposition of Michel Foucault's Late Work on the Themes of Religion and Sprituality Juxtaposed with Nagarjuna's Madhyamika Philosophy

Wicking, Andrew P. "Unfolding the Dharma: The Juxtaposition of Michel Foucault's Late Work on the Themes of Religion and Sprituality Juxtaposed with Nagarjuna's Madhyamika Philosophy." PhD diss., University of Divinity, Australia, 2011.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Unique Tenets of the Middle Way Consequence School Dissertation

Cozort, Daniel. "Unique Tenets of the Middle Way Consequence School: the Systematization of the Philosophy of the Indian Buddhist Prāsaṅgika-Mādhyamika School by the Tibetan Ge-luk-ba Scholastic Tradition." PhD diss., University of Virginia, 1989.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Up From the Roots: Contextualizing Medicinal Plant Classifications of Tibetan Doctors in Rgyalthang, PRC

Glover, Denise M. Up From the Roots: Contextualizing Medicinal Plant Classifications of Tibetan Doctors in Rgyalthang, PRC. PhD diss., University of Washington, 2005.
Dissertations · MA Theses

Utilizing Terror - On the Adoption and Refinement of Skull Cups in Tibetan Buddhism

Fuentes, Ayesha. Utilizing Terror: On the Adoption and Refinement of Skull Cups in Tibetan Buddhism. Master's Thesis. Tufts University, 2011.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Vajra Hermeneutics

Campbell, John. "Vajra Hermeneutics: A Study of Vajrayāna Scholasticism in the Pradīpoddyotana." PhD diss., Columbia University, 2009.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Vajra-Thunderbolt Metaphor: Eastern Mystical and Western Rational Archetypes and Their Influences on the Dualistic Nature of Human Beings

Karet, Sokphal Duong. Vajra-Thunderbolt Metaphor: Eastern Mystical and Western Rational Archetypes and Their Influences on the Dualistic Nature of Human Beings. PhD diss., Saybrook University, 2006.
Dissertations ·

Vajrayāna and Its Doubles: A Critical Historiography, Exposition, and Translation of the Tantric Works of Āryadeva

Wedemeyer, Christian K. Vajrayāna and its Doubles: A critical historiography, exposition, and translation of the Tantric works of Āryadeva. PhD diss., Colombia University, 1999.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Vasubandhu's Commentary to the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra: A Study of its History and Significance

Abbott, Terry Rae. Vasubandhu's Commentary to the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra: A Study of its History and Significance. PhD diss., University of California at Berkeley, 1985.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Vasubandhu's Consciousness Trilogy: A Yogācāra Buddhist Process Idealism

Johnson-Moxley, Melanie K. Vasubandhu's Consciousness Trilogy: A Yogācāra Buddhist Process Idealism. PhD diss., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2008.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Vasubandhu's Pariṇāma Theory

Fujimoto, Akira. Vasubandhu's Pariṇāma Theory. PhD diss., University of Calgary, 1992.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Vasubhandu on the Avijñapti-Rūpa: A Study in Fifth-Century Abhidharma Buddhism

Dowling, Thomas Lee. Vasubhandu on the Avijñapti-Rūpa: A Study in Fifth-Century Abhidharma Buddhism. PhD diss., Columbia University, 1976.
Dissertations · MA Theses

Venerable Fazun and His Influence on Life and Education at the Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Institute

Sullivan, Brenton. Venerable Fazun and His Influence on Life and Education at the Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Institute. MA Theses, University of Kansas, 2007.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Vimalamitra - The Legend of an Indian Saint and His Tibetan Emanations

Gruber, Joel. "Vimalamitra: The Legend of an Indian Saint and His Tibetan Emanations." PhD diss., UC Santa Barbara, 2016.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Virtues-Pāramitās: St. Ignatius of Loyola and Śāntideva as Companions on the Way of Life

Spiranec, Tomislav. "Virtues/Pāramitās: St. Ignatius of Loyola and Śāntideva as Companions on the Way of Life." STD diss., Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, Berkeley, California, 2018.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Vision and Violence: Lama Zhang and the Dialectics of Political Authority and Religious Charisma in Twelfth-Century Central Tibet

Yamamoto, Carl Shigeo. Vision and Violence: Lama Zhang and the Dialectics of Political Authority and Religious Charisma in Twelfth-Century Central Tibet. PhD diss., University of Virginia, 2009.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Vision of Samantabhadra - The Dzokchen Anthology of Rindzin Godem

Turpeinen, Katarina. "Vision of Samantabhadra - The Dzokchen Anthology of Rindzin Godem." PhD diss., University of Virginia, 2015.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Visual Expressions of Buddhism in Contemporary Society - Tibetan Stupas Built by Karma Kagyu Organisations in Europe

Seegers, Eva. "Visual Expressions of Buddhism in Contemporary Society: Tibetan Stūpas Built by Karma Kagyu Organisations in Europe". PhD diss., Canterbury Christ Church University, 2011.
Dissertations · MA Theses

Vom Bardo Thodol zum psychedelischen Handbuch

Grümayer, Matthias. "Vom Bardo Thödol zum psychedelischen Handbuch." Master's thesis, University of Vienna, 2015.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

What's the Matter - Your Energy or Your Matter?: An Exploratory Study Examining Body-Mind-Spirit Correlates of Tibetans and Caucasian-Americans for Multicultural Holistic Health Practice Intake

Harari, Simone Sarine. What's the Matter - Your Energy or Your Matter?: An Exploratory Study Examining Body-Mind-Spirit Correlates of Tibetans and Caucasian-Americans for Multicultural Holistic Health Practice Intake. PhD diss., The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2002.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

When Sutra Meets Tantra - Sgam po pa’s Four Dharma Doctrine as an Example for his Synthesis of the Bka’ gdams and Mahamudra Systems

Scheuermann, Rolf. "When Sūtra Meets Tantra – Sgam po pa’s Four Dharma Doctrine as an Example for his Synthesis of the Bka’ gdams- and Mahāmudrā-Systems." PhD diss., University of Vienna, 2015.
Dissertations ·

When the Sun's Rays are as Shadows - The Nechung Rituals and the Politics of Spectacle in Tibetan Exile

Nair, Urmila. "When the Sun's Rays are as Shadows: The Nechung Rituals and the Politics of Spectacle in Tibetan Exile". PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2010.