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Articles · Digital Publications, Dharma Talks

Freedom from Buddha Nature

Thanissaro Bhikkhu. "Freedom from Buddha Nature." In Head & Heart Together: Essays on the Buddhist Path., Talks, Writings & Translations of Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Revised December 15, 2018.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Freedom from Responsibility: Agent-Neutral Consequentialism and the Bodhisattva Ideal

Coseru, Christian. "Freedom from Responsibility: Agent-Neutral Consequentialism and the Bodhisattva Ideal." In Buddhist Perspectives on Free Will, edited by Rick Repetti, 92–105. New York: Routledge, 2017.
Articles · Journal Articles

From Category to Ontology: The Changing Role of Dharma in Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma

Cox, Collett. "From Category to Ontology: The Changing Role of Dharma in Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma." Journal of Indian Philosophy 32 (2004): 543-597.
Articles · Journal Articles

From Funan to Jiangnan

Willemen, Charles. "From Funan to Jiangnan." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 12 (2011): 141-155.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

From Madhyamaka to Consequentialism: A Road Map

Goodman, Charles. "From Madhyamaka to Consequentialism: A Road Map." In Moonpaths: Ethics and Emptiness, edited by The Cowherds, 141–58. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Articles · Presentations

From Sickness to Empathy: How Śāntideva and Jesus's Healing of the Man Blind from Birth Might Help Us Understand the Ongoing Pandemic

Mileski, Greg. "From Sickness to Empathy: How Śāntideva and Jesus's Healing of the Man Blind from Birth Might Help Us Understand the Ongoing Pandemic." Paper presented at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Disease in Comparison Roundtable. San Antonio, TX, November 20, 2021.
Articles · Journal Articles

From Theravada to Tantra - The Making of an American Tantric Buddhism

Gleig, Ann. "From Theravada to Tantra - The Making of an American Tantric Buddhism?" Contemporary Buddhism 14:2 (2013): 221-238.
Articles · Journal Articles

From is to Ought: Natural Law in Buddhadasa Bhikkhu and Phra Prayudh Payutto

King, Sallie B. "From is to Ought: Natural Law in Buddhadasa Bhikkhu and Phra Prayudh Payutto." Journal of Religious Ethics 30, no. 2 (2002): 275-293.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

From the Autobiography of a Visionary

Gyatso, Janet. "From the Autobiography of a Visionary." In Religions of Tibet in Practice. Edited by Donald S. Lopez. Jr. Princeton: Princeton University Press, (1997) pp. 369-375.
Articles · Journal Articles

From the Three Natures to the Two Natures: On a Fluid Approach to the Two Versions of Other-Emptiness from Fifteenth-Century Tibet

Komarovski, Yaroslav. "From the Three Natures to the Two Natures: On a Fluid Approach to the Two Versions of Other-Emptiness from Fifteenth-Century Tibet." Journal of Buddhist Philosophy 2 (2016): 78–113.
Articles · Journal Articles

Further Folios from the Set of Miscellaneous Texts in Śāradā Palm-leaves from Zha lu Ri phug

Ye, Shaoyong, Xuezhu Li, and Kazuo Kano. "Further Folios from the Set of Miscellaneous Texts in Śāradā Palm-leaves from Zha lu Ri phug: A Preliminary Report Based on Photographs Preserved in the CTRC, CEL and IsIAO." China Tibetology 1 (2013): 30–47.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

GDams ngag: Tibetan Technologies of the Self

Kapstein, Matthew. “gDams ngag: Tibetan Technologies of the Self.” In Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre, edited by José Ignacio Cabezón and Roger R. Jackson, 275-289. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 1996.
Articles · Journal Articles

GZer Myig, I. E. Rays from the Eyes of the Svastika, A Precious Summary of the Word

Francke, A.H. "GZer Myig, I. E. Rays from the Eyes of the Svastika, A Precious Summary of the Word VI." Asia Major 5 (1930): 1-40.
Articles · Journal Articles

GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript I-III

Francke, A.H. "GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript I-III." Asia Major 1 (1924): 243–339.
Articles · Journal Articles

GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript V

Francke, A.H. "GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript V." Asia Major 4 (1927): 11-239.
Articles · Journal Articles

GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript VI

Francke, A.H. "GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript VI." Asia Major 4 (1927): 481-540.
Articles · Journal Articles

GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript VII

Francke, A.H. "GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript VI." Asia Major 6 (1930): 299–314.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

General Introduction to the issue of the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies entitled The Sautrāntikas

Kritzer, Robert. "General Introduction to the issue of the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies entitled The Sautrāntikas". JIABS 26, no. 2: 201–224, 2003.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

General Introduction: Śāntideva and His World

Williams, Paul. "General Introduction: Śāntideva and His World." In The Bodhicaryāvatāra: A Guide to the Buddhist Path to Awakening, translated by Kate Crosby and Andrew Skilton, vii–xxvi. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Articles · Journal Articles

Gentile Religion in South India, China, and Tibet: Studies by Three Jesuit Missionaries

Lorenzen, David. "Gentile Religion in South India, China, and Tibet: Studies by Three Jesuit Missionaries." Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 27, no. 1 (2007): 203-213.
Articles · Journal Articles

Georg Morgenstierne and Tibetan Studies

Kværne, Per. "Georg Morgenstierne and Tibetan Studies." Journal of the Tibet Society 1 (1981): 40-44.
Articles · Journal Articles

Geshe Sopa Replies to Alex Wayman

Sopa, Geshe. "Geshe Sopa Replies to Alex Wayman." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (1980): 98-100.
Articles · Journal Articles

Getting the Foundations Right When Teaching Asian Religions

Lewis, Todd. "Getting the Foundations Right When Teaching Asian Religions." Education About Asia 15, no. 2 (2010): 5-13.
Articles · Journal Articles

Gleanings from a Comparative Reading of Early Canonical Buddhist and Jaina Texts

Caillat, Colette. "Gleanings from a Comparative Reading of Early Canonical Buddhist and Jaina Texts." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 26, no. 1 (2003): 25-50.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Glimpses of Buddhanature: A Fish Just Swims (Gu 2023)

Gu, Guo. "Glimpses of Buddhanature: A Fish Just Swims." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 79–81.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Glimpses of Buddhanature: A Song of Awakening (Chödrön 2023)

Chödrön, Karma Yeshe. "Glimpses of Buddhanature: A Song of Awakening." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 91–93.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Glimpses of Buddhanature: Nourish the Seed (Caine-Barrett 2023)

Caine-Barrett, Myokei. "Glimpses of Buddhanature: Nourish the Seed." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 82–83.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Glimpses of Buddhanature: Simple and Real (Grainzvolt 2023)

Grainzvolt, Qalvy. "Glimpses of Buddhanature: Simple and Real." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 86–88.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Glimpses of Buddhanature: Unfathomable Love (Nevin 2023)

Nevin, Heidi. "Glimpses of Buddhanature: Unfathomable Love." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 89–90.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Glimpses of Buddhanature: Untouchable Peace (Henkel 2023)

Henkel, Kokyo. "Glimpses of Buddhanature: Untouchable Peace." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 84–85.
Articles · Journal Articles

Global Buddhism: Developmental Periods, Regional Histories, and a New Analytical Perspective

Baumann, Martin. "Global Buddhism: Developmental Periods, Regional Histories, and a New Analytical Perspective." Journal of Global Buddhism 2 (2001): 1-43.
Articles · Journal Articles, Digital Publications

Global Encounters, Local Places: Connected Histories of Darjeeling, Kalimpong, and the Himalayas—An Introduction

Harris, Tina, Amy Holme-Tagchungdarpa, Jayeeta Sharma, and Marcus Viehbeck. "Global Encounters, Local Places: Connected Histories of Darjeeling, Kalimpong, and the Himalayas—An Introduction." Transcultural Studies no. 1: 2016.
Articles · Journal Articles

God and Nothingness

Carter, Robert E. "God and Nothingness." Philosophy East and West 59, no. 1 (2009): 1-21.
Articles · Journal Articles

Goddess Tārā: Silence and Secrecy on the Path to Enlightenment

Landesman, Susan S. "Goddess Tārā: Silence and Secrecy on the Path to Enlightenment." Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 24, no. 1 (2008): 44-59.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Going and Not Going: The Scripture and MK, Chap. 2

Wayman, Alex. "Going and Not Going: The Scripture and MK, Chap. 2." In Untying the Knots in Buddhism: Selected Essays, 293–310. Buddhist Tradition Series 28. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1997.
Articles · Journal Articles

Goldstein's Response to M. Akester's "Review of A History of Modern Tibet, Volume 2: The Calm Before the Storm, 1951-55, by Melvyn C. Goldstein"

Goldstein, Melvyn C. "Goldstein's Response to M. Akester's "Review of A History of Modern Tibet, Volume 2: The Calm Before the Storm, 1951-55, by Melvyn C. Goldstein." Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies 5 (2009): 1-12.
Articles · Journal Articles

Good or Skilful? Kusala in Canon and Commentary

Cousins, L. S. "Good or Skilful? Kusala in Canon and Commentary." Journal of Buddhist Ethics 3 (1996): 136-164.
Articles · Journal Articles

Gorampa Sonam Senge on the Refutation of the Four Extremes

Kassor, Constance. “Gorampa Sonam Senge on the Refutation of the Four Extremes.” Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, 22 (2011): 121–137.
Articles · Journal Articles

Gotama Buddha and Religious Pluralism

Hayes, Richard P. "Gotama Buddha and Religious Pluralism." Journal of Religious Pluralism 1 (1991): 65-96.
Articles · Journal Articles

Grounds of Buddha-Nature in Tibet

Duckworth, Douglas S. "Grounds of Buddha-Nature in Tibet." Critical Review for Buddhist Studies 21 (2017): 109–36.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Gser gling pa's Bodhisattvacaryāvatārapiṇḍārtha and Its Thought

Saito, Akira. "gSer gling pa's Bodhisattvacaryāvatārapiṇḍārtha and Its Thought." (In Japanese.) In Bukkyō no shugyōhō: Abe Jion Hakushi tsuitō ronshū (Buddhist Practice: Volume in Memory of Dr. Jion Abe), edited by Kiyotaka Kimura, 372-406. Tokyo: Shunjūsha, 2003.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Guardian of the Translated Dharma - Sakya Pandita on the Role of the Tibetan Scholar

Gold, Jonathan. "Guardian of the Translated Dharma: Sakya Paṇḍita on the Role of the Tibetan Scholar." In Translation and Religion: Holy Untranslatable?. Edited by Lynne Long. Clevedon, Buffalo and Toronto: Multilingual Matters LTD, 2005.
Articles · Journal Articles

Guenther's Saraha: A Detailed Review of Ecstatic Spontaneity

Jackson, Roger. "Guenther's Saraha: A Detailed Review of Ecstatic Spontaneity." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 17 No. 1 (1994): 111-143.
Articles · Digital Publications

Guhyagarbha Tantra: An Introduction

Dorje, Gyurme. “Guhyagarbha Tantra: An Introduction”. Wisdom Books Reading Room.
Articles · Unpublished

Guidance for the Spiritual Caregiver from the Bodhicaryavatara by Shantideva

Sanford, Monica. "Guidance for the Spiritual Caregiver from the Bodhicaryavatara by Shantideva." Qualifying Examination in Sacred Texts for Rev. Dr. Victor Gabriel (University of the West), Claremont School of Theology, for the degree of PhD in Practical Theology (Spiritual Care & Counseling). Unpublished manuscript, 2017.
Articles · Dharma Talks

Guru Yoga in the Foundational Practices

Tharchin Rinpoche. "Guru Yoga in the Foundational Practices." Translated by Lama Ngawang Zangpo (Hugh Leslie Thompson). Austin, Texas, 2009.
Articles · Journal Articles

Guṇabhadra, Bǎoyún, and the Saṃyuktāgama

Glass, Andrew. "Guṇabhadra, Bǎoyún, and the Saṃyuktāgama." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 31, no. 1-2 (2008): 185-203.
Articles · Journal Articles

Guṇaprabha's Vinayasūtra Corpus: Texts and Contexts

Nietupski, Paul K. "Guṇaprabha's Vinayasūtra Corpus: Texts and Contexts." Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies 5 (2009): 1-19.
Articles · Editorial Content

Gyaltsap Je's Interpretation and the Trichiliocosmic Painting

Phuntsho, Karma. "Gyaltsap Je's Interpretation and the Trichiliocosmic Painting." Recent Essays. Buddha-Nature: A Tsadra Foundation Initiative, January 21, 2022.
Articles · Journal Articles

Göttingen shozō no Rāhula Sāṅkṛtyāyana satsuei bonbon shahon Xc14.1, Xcl4.57 ni tsuite

Kano, Kazuo. "Göttingen shozō no Rāhula Sāṅkṛtyāyana satsuei bonbon shahon Xc14/1, Xcl4/57 ni tsuite" (The Photocopies of Manuscripts Photographed by Rāhula Sāṅkṛtāyana Preserved in Göttingen, Xc14/1 and Xc14/57). Mikkyō Bunka (Journal of Esoteric Buddhism) 212 (2004) 35–54.