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Zentralasiatische Studien 43-front.jpg

Zentralasiatische Studien 43 (2014). File:Schwieger, Peter 2014 Zentralasiatische Studien 43 International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies.pdf, Schwieger, P..

The Kālacakratantra-The Chapter on the Individual Together with the Vimalaprabhā-front.jpg

Kālacakratantra: The Chapter on the Individual together with the Vimalaprabhā. File:Wallace, Vesna, trans. 2004 The Kālacakratantra-The Chapter on the Individual Together with the Vimalaprabhā Columbia University Press.pdf, .

The Sole Essence of Clear Light-front.jpg

The Sole Essence of Clear Light: Tröma Tögal Practice, The Terma Revelations of Heruka Dudjom Lingpa and Commentary by One of His Foremost Disciples, Tülku Drimed Ödzer. File:Chonam, Lama and Sangye Khandro, trans 2011 The Sole Essence of Clear Light Kama Terma Publications.pdf, .

Au Coeur du Ciel-front.jpg

Au cœur du ciel: Le système de la voie médiane dans la tradition kagyu. File:Charrier, trans Brunnholzl 2012.pdf, .

Dudjom Lingpa's Chod-front.jpg

Dudjom Lingpa's Chöd: An Ambrosia Ocean of Sublime Explanations and The Profound Heart Essence of Saraha. File:Lingpa, Dudjom, Pema Lungtok Gyatso, Lama Chonam and Sangye Khandro 2014 Dudjom Lingpa's Chöd Berotsana Publications ABBYY10 OCR.pdf, .

The Complete Nyingma Tradition From Sutra to Tantra, Books 1 to 10-front.jpg

The Complete Nyingma Tradition from Sutra to Tantra, Books 1 to 10: Foundations of the Buddhist Path. File:Zangpo, Ngawang 2014 The Complete Nyingma Tradition from Sutra to Tantra, Books 1 to 10 Snow Lion.pdf, .

Esoteric Instructions-front.jpg

The Treasury of Knowledge, Book Eight, Part Four: Esoteric Instructions, A Detailed Presentation of the Process of Meditation in Vajrayāna.. File:Kongtrul, Jamgön, Sarah Harding, trans. and Kalu Rinpoche translation group 2007 The Treasury of Knowledge 8, part 4 Esoteric Instructions Snow Lion Publications.pdf, .

Treasury of Esoteric Instructions-front.jpg

Treasury of Esoteric Instructions: An Explication of the Oral Instructions of the Path with the Result. File:Stearns, Cyrus 2012 Treasury of Esoteric Instructions Lama Dampa Sonam Gyaltsen Snow Lion Digital Edition without covers.pdf, Stearns, C..

Buton's History-front.jpg

Butön's History of Buddhism in India and Its Spread to Tibet: A Treasury of Priceless Scripture. File:Stein, Lisa and Ngawang Zangpo, trans. 2013 Butön's History of Buddhism in India and Its Spread to Tibet, A Treasury of Priceless Scripture Snow Lion.pdf, .

The Fearless Lion's Roar-front.jpg

The Fearless Lion's Roar: Profound Instructions on Dzogchen, The Great Perfection. File:Nyoshul Khenpo, 'jigs med gling pa, klong chen pa 2015 The Fearless Lion's Roar- Profound Instructions on Dzogchen, The Great Perfection Snow Lion ABBYY 10 OCR.pdf, .

Dudjom Lingpa's Visions of the Great Perfecton Volume 2 Buddhahood Without Meditation-front.jpg

Düdjom Lingpa's Visions of the Great Perfection Volume 2: Buddhahood Without Meditation. File:Wallace, Alan 2015 Düdjom Lingpa's Visions of the Great Perfection Volume 2- Buddhahood Without Meditation Wisdom Publications ABBYY10 OCR.pdf, .

New Book Additions

Sixty Stanzas on Reasoning (Blumenthal and Damdul 2004)-front.jpg

Blumenthal, J.. Compassion and Wisdom Buddhist Association, 2004.

The Three Oldest Biographies of Tsangpa Gyare-front.jpg

Kumagai, S., Yasuda, A., Matsushita, Thupten. The Centre for Bhutan Studies, 2022.

The Reason Sixty (Loizzo 2024)-front.jpg

Loizzo, J.. American Institute of Buddhist Studies, Tibet House US, Columbia University's Center for Buddhist Studies, 2024.

The Lions Roar of a Yogi Poet (Tseten 2024)-front.jpg

Tseten, Migmar. Wisdom Publications, 2024.

Tibetan Tourism (Caidan 2003)-front.jpg

Caidan, A.. China Intercontinental Press, 2003.

Longing to Awaken (Gayley and Townsend 2024)-front.jpg

Miller, W., Townsend, D., Liang, J., Braitstein, L., Harding, S., Quintman, A., Gayley, H., Gyaltrul, Trungram, Jacoby, S., Willock, N., Sawaya, M., Pang, R., Monson, C., Mikles, N., Rabsal, G., Deleplanque, J., Cook, L., Shakya, Riga, Brown, M., Ford, R., Dyer, A., Brallier, J., Gyal, P., Lavolé, O., Smith, Miranda, Baimacuo, Lama, Chime. University of Virginia Press, 2024.

The Supreme Source (Norbu and Clemente 1999)-front.jpg

Norbu, Namkhai. Snow Lion Publications, 1999.

Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra - Vol. 6 (Valby 2014)-front.jpg

Valby, J.. Jim Valby Publications, 2014.

Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra - Vol. 5 (Valby 2013)-front.jpg

Valby, J.. Jim Valby Publications, 2013.

Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra - Vol. 4 (Valby 2012)-front.jpg

Valby, J.. Jim Valby Publications, 2012.

Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra - Vol. 3 (Valby 2011)-front.jpg

Valby, J.. Jim Valby Publications, 2011.

Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra-front.jpg

Valby, J.. Jim Valby Publication, 2016.

Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra - Vol. 2 (Valby 2021)-front.jpg

Valby, J.. Jim Valby Publications, 2021.

The Six Spaces of Samantabhadra (Valby 2020)-front.jpg

Valby, J.. Jim Valby Publications, 2020.

(No author, translator, or editor). , No date provided.

The Jebumgang Temple (Akester 2019)-front.jpg

Akester, M.. Garuda Verlag, 2019.

Our Pristine Mind (Chowang 2016)-front.jpg

Chowang, Orgyen. Shambhala Publications, 2016.

Prayer Book for the North American Sakya Monlam Chenmo for World Peace (Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation 2023)-front.jpg

(No author, translator, or editor). Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation, 2023.

The Natural Openness and Freedom of the Mind (Padmakara 2024)-front.jpg

Fletcher, W., Padmakara Translation Group, Gethin, S., Blankleder, H.. Shambhala Publications, 2024.

The Kalachakra Mandala (Henning 2023)-front.jpg

Henning, E.. American Institute of Buddhist Studies, Wisdom Publications, Tibet House US, Columbia University's Center for Buddhist Studies, 2023.

Kalacakra-Tantra - Vol. 1 (Reigle 2024)-front.jpg

Reigle, D.. Aditya Prakashan, 2024.

Calling the Lama from Afar (Kalden 2023)-front.jpg

Kalden, J.. Platform Publications, 2023.

Dzogchen Essentials (Schmidt 2004)-front.jpg

Kunsang, E.. Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2004.

The Power of Meditation (Zopa 2024)-front.jpg

Zopa, Thubten. Wisdom Publications, 2024.

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New Periodical Issues

Lions Roar-Vol. 8 No. 4 (2023)-front.jpg

29 July 2024 19:48:01
2023, {{{11}}}

Journal of the American Academy of Religion Vol. 91 No. Journal of the American Academy of Religion Vol. 91 No. 3-front.jpg

22 July 2024 17:49:41
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Vol. 9 No. 3 (2024)-front.jpg

11 July 2024 16:56:40
2024, {{{11}}}

Vol.9 No. 2 (2024)-front.jpg

26 April 2024 16:20:38
2024, {{{11}}}

Journal of the American Academy of Religion Vol. 91 No. 2 (2023)-front.jpg

22 March 2024 20:53:59
2023, {{{11}}}

Revue d Etudes Tibetaines Vol 69 2024-front.jpg

19 March 2024 16:29:12
2024, {{{11}}}

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New Articles


22 July 2024 18:19:14
91, Vol. 2024 : {{{13}}}


26 April 2024 21:19:59
21, Vol. 2023 : {{{13}}}


26 April 2024 20:55:48
21, Vol. 2023 : {{{13}}}


26 April 2024 20:49:18
21, Vol. 2023 : {{{13}}}


26 April 2024 20:44:45
21, Vol. 2023 : {{{13}}}


26 April 2024 20:37:16
21, Vol. 2023 : {{{13}}}


26 April 2024 20:30:24
21, Vol. 2023 : {{{13}}}


26 April 2024 20:25:16
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26 April 2024 20:20:47
21, Vol. 2023 : {{{13}}}


26 April 2024 20:14:45
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26 April 2024 20:09:18
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26 April 2024 20:03:43
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