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Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Gotra, Ekayāna and Tathāgatagarbha Theories of the Prajñāpāramitā according to Dharmamitra and Abhayākaragupta

Ruegg, David Seyfort. "The Gotra, Ekayāna and Tathāgatagarbha Theories of the Prajñāpāramitā according to Dharmamitra and Abhayākaragupta." In Prajñāpāramitā and Related Systems, edited by Lewis Lancaster, 283–312. Berkeley: University of California, 1977.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Ambiguity of the Buddha-Nature Concept in India and China

Rawlinson, Andrew. "The Ambiguity of the Buddha-Nature Concept in India and China." In Early Ch’an in China and Tibet, edited by Whalen Lai and Lewis Lancaster, 259-79. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1983.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

A Re-examination of the Relationship between the Awakening of Faith and Dilun School Thought, Focusing on the Works of Huiyuan

Keng, Ching. "A Re-examination of the Relationship between the Awakening of Faith and Dilun School Thought, Focusing on the Works of Huiyuan." In A Distant Mirror: Articulating Indic Ideas in Sixth and Seventh Century Chinese Buddhism, edited by Chen-kuo Lin and Michael Radich, 183–215. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, 2014.
Articles · Journal Articles

Merging Ignorance and Luminosity in Early Bka’ brgyud Bsre ba Literature

Kemp, Casey Alexandra. "Merging Ignorance and Luminosity in Early Bka’ brgyud Bsre Ba Literature." Zentralasiatische Studien 44 (2015): 35–50.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Banned Books in the Tibetan-Speaking Lands

Smith, E. Gene. "Banned Books in the Tibetan-Speaking Lands." In 21st Century Tibet Issue: Symposium on Contemporary Tibetan Studies, Collected Papers, 364-81. Taipei: Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, 2004.
Articles · Journal Articles

Ratnākaraśānti no shochosaku ni okeru nyoraizō rikai no niruikei

Kano, Kazuo. "Ratnākaraśānti no shochosaku ni okeru nyoraizō rikai no niruikei" (Two Different Positions Toward the Buddha-nature Doctrine Found in Ratnākaraśānti's Compositions). Mikkyō Bunka (Journal of Esoteric Buddhism) 226 (2011): 7–35.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Polemical Literature (dGag lan)

Lopez, Donald S., Jr. "Polemical Literature (dGag lan)." In Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre, edited by José Ignacio Cabezón and Roger R. Jackson, 217-28. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 1996.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Doctrine of *Amalavijñāna in Paramārtha (499–569), and Later Authors to Approximately 800 C.E.

Radich, Michael. "The Doctrine of *Amalavijñāna in Paramārtha (499–569), and Later Authors to Approximately 800 C.E." Zinbun 41 (2008): 45–174.
Articles · Journal Articles

Sur l'authenticité du Ta tch'eng k'i sin louen

Demiéville, Paul. "Sur l’authenticité du Ta tch'eng k'i sin louen" (On the Authenticity of the Da cheng qi xin lun). Bulletin de la Maison Franco-Japonaise 2, no. 2 (1929): 1–78.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Attainment through Abandonment

Cox, Collett. 1992. “Attainment through Abandonment: The Sarvāstivādin Path of Removing Defilements.” In Paths to Liberation: The Mārga and Its Transformations in Buddhist Thought, eds. Robert E. Buswell, Jr., and Robert M. Gimello, 63–105. Studies in East Asian Buddhism 7. Honolulu: Kuroda Institute, University of Hawaii Press.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Some Observations on the Notion of Tathāgatagarbha

Piatigorsky, Alexander. Some Observations on the Notion of Tathāgatagarbha In The Buddhist Forum. Vol. 3, Papers in Honour and Appreciation of Professor David Seyfort Ruegg’s Contributions to Indological, Buddhist, and Tibetan Studies, edited by Tadeusz Skorupski and Ulrich Pagel, 239–47. London: University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 1991.
Articles · Journal Articles

Hōshōron miroku chosaku setsu no kagen nendai saikō: Tonkō bonbun dankan IOL Khot S 5 to Pelliot 2740 no setsugō fukugen to nendai suitei

Kano, Kazuo. "Hōshōron miroku chosaku setsu no kagen nendai saikō: Tonkō bonbun dankan IOL Khot S 5 to Pelliot 2740 no setsugō fukugen to nendai suitei" (Dating the Earliest Source That Attributes the Ratnagotravibhāga to Maitreya: Sanskrit Fragments IOL Khot S 5 and Pelliot 2740 from Dunhuang). Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies) 60, no. 2 (2012): 168–74.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

A Controversial Topic from Mi-Pham's Analysis of Śāntaraksita's Madhyamakālamkāra

Lipman, Kennard. "A Controversial Topic from Mi-Pham's Analysis of Śāntarakṣita's Madhyamakālaṃkāra." In Wind Horse: Proceedings of the North American Tibetological Society, edited by Ronald M. Davidson, 40-57. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1981.
Articles · Journal Articles

Gorampa Sonam Senge on the Refutation of the Four Extremes

Kassor, Constance. “Gorampa Sonam Senge on the Refutation of the Four Extremes.” Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, 22 (2011): 121–137.
Articles · Journal Articles

Critical Edition of the Sanskrit Text of the Munimatālaṃkāra Chapter 1 (fol. 58r5–59v4): Passages on Caturāryasatya and Trisvabhāva Borrowed from Kamalaśīla's Madhyamakāloka

Kano, Kazuo, and Xuezhu Li . "Critical Edition of the Sanskrit Text of the Munimatālaṃkāra Chapter 1 (fol. 58r5–59v4): Passages on Caturāryasatya and Trisvabhāva Borrowed from Kamalaśīla's Madhyamakāloka." [In Japanese with English Summary.] Mikkyō Bunka [Journal of Esoteric Buddhism] 238 (2017): 7–27.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Mi-Pham Rgya-mtsho: An Account of His Life, the Printing of His Works, and the Structure of His Treatise Entitled mKhas-pa'i tshul la 'jug-pa'i sgo

Goodman, Steven D. "Mi-Pham Rgya-mtsho: An Account of His Life, the Printing of His Works, and the Structure of His Treatise Entitled mKhas-pa'i tshul la 'jug-pa'i sgo." In Wind Horse: Proceedings of the North American Tibetological Society, edited by Ronald M. Davidson, 58-78. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1981.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Key Features of Dharmakīrti’s Apoha Theory

Dunne, John D. "Key Features of Dharmakīrti’s Apoha Theory." In Apoha: Buddhist Nominalism and Human Cognition, edited by Siderits Mark, Tillemans Tom, and Chakrabarti Arindam, 84-108. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011.
Articles · Journal Articles

On the Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāga by Dol po pa

Mochizuki, Kaie. "On the Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāga by Dol po pa." Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū [Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies] 57, no. 3 (2009): 111–18.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Doctrine of Tathāgata-Garbha Is Not Buddhist

Matsumoto, Shiro. "The Doctrine of Tathāgata-Garbha Is Not Buddhist." In Pruning the Bodhi Tree: The Storm over Critical Buddhism, edited by Jamie Hubbard and Paul L. Swanson, 165–73. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1997.
Articles · Journal Articles

Nirvikalpapraveśadhāraṇī, Sanskrit Text and Japanese Translation

Matsuda, Kazunobu. "Nirvikalpapraveśadhāraṇī, Sanskrit Text and Japanese Translation." Bulletin of the Research Institute of Bukkyo University 3 (1996): 89–113.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

BKa’ brgyud Mahāmudrā: Chinese rDzogs chen or the Teachings of the Siddhas

Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. “bKa’ brgyud Mahāmudrā: Chinese rDzogs chen or the Teachings of the Siddhas?” In Tibet After Empire: Culture, Society and Religion Between 850–1000, edited by Christoph Cüppers, Robert Mayer, and Michael Walter, 267–94. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute, 2013.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Work of Pha-dam-pa Sangs-rgyas as revealed in Ding-ri Folklore

Aziz, Barbara Nimri. “The Work of Pha-dam-pa Sangs-rgyas as revealed in Ding-ri Folklore.” In Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Tibetan Studies. Edited by Michael Aris and Aung San Suu Kyi. Warminster, England: Aris and Phillips, 1980.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Collection of 'Indian Mahāmudrā Works' (Tib. phyag chen rgya gzhung) Compiled by the Seventh Karma pa Chos grags rgya mtsho

Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. "The Collection of 'Indian Mahāmudrā Works' (Tib. phyag chen rgya gzhung) Compiled by the Seventh Karma pa Chos grags rgya mtsho." In Mahāmudrā and the Bka'-brgyud Tradition, edited by Roger R. Jackson and Matthew T. Kapstein, 89–127. Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Konigswinter 2006. Andiast, Switzerland: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, 2011.
Articles · Journal Articles

Maitrīpa’s Amanasikārādhāra ("A Justification of Becoming Mentally Disengaged")

Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. "Maitrīpa’s Amanasikārādhāra ("A Justification of Becoming Mentally Disengaged")" Journal of the Nepal Research Center 13 (2008): 3–30.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Blending the Sūtras with the Tantras: The Influence of Maitrīpa and His Circle on the Formation of Sūtra Mahāmudrā in the Kagyu Schools

Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. "Blending the Sūtras with the Tantras: The Influence of Maitrīpa and His Circle on the Formation of Sūtra Mahāmudrā in the Kagyu Schools." In Buddhist Literature and Praxis: Studies in its Formative Period 900–1400, edited by R. M. Davidson and C. K. Wedemeyer, 201–27. Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003, vol. 4, 2006.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Extensive Commentary on and Study of the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā

Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. "'Gos Lo tsā ba Gzhon nu dpal's Extensive Commentary on and Study of the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā." In Religion and Secular Culture in Tibet, edited by Henk Blezer with the assistance of Abel Zadoks, 79–96. Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000. Brill’s Tibetan Studies Library 2/2. Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Articles · Journal Articles

Tathāgatagarbaḥ Sarvasattvānāṃ: A Hypothetical Interpretation of a Declarative Formula in the Mahāparinirvāṇamahāsūtra

Kano, Kazuo. "Tathāgatagarbaḥ Sarvasattvānāṃ: A Hypothetical Interpretation of a Declarative Formula in the Mahāparinirvāṇamahāsūtra." (In Japanese.) Critical Review for Buddhist Studies 22 (2017): 9–61.
Articles · Journal Articles

Materials for a Mādhyamika Critique of Foundationalism: An Annotated Translation of Prasannapadā 55.11 to 75.13

Arnold, Dan. "Materials for a Mādhyamika Critique of Foundationalism: An Annotated Translation of Prasannapadā 55.11 to 75.13." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 28, no. 2 (2005): 411-67.
Articles · Journal Articles

Affiliation: bodhisattva gotra Short Notes on gotra Theory in Yogācāra Buddhism

Koborov, Vladimir. "Affiliation: Bodhisattva Gotra (Short Notes on gotra Theory in Yogācāra Buddhism)." Acta Orientalia Vilnensia 6, no. 2 (2005): 36–44.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Doctrine of Buddha-Nature Is Impeccably Buddhist

King, Sallie B. "The Doctrine of Buddha-Nature Is Impeccably Buddhist." In Pruning the Bodhi Tree: The Storm over Critical Buddhism, edited by Jamie Hubbard and Paul L. Swanson, 174–92. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1997.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Study of Mahāmudrā in the West: A Brief Historical Overview

Jackson, Roger. "The Study of Mahāmudrā in the West: A Brief Historical Overview." In Mahāmudrā and the Bka’ brgyud Tradition, edited by Roger R. Jackson and Matthew T. Kapstein, 3–54. PIATS 2006: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Königswinter 2006. Halle (Saale), Germany: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies GmbH, 2011.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The dGe ldan-bKa’ brgyud Tradition of Mahāmudrā: How Much dGe ldan

Jackson, Roger. "The dGe ldan-bKa’ brgyud Tradition of Mahāmudrā: How Much dGe ldan? How Much bKa’ brgyud?" In Changing Minds: Contributions to the Study of Buddhism in Honor of Jeffrey Hopkins, edited by Guy Newland, 155–193. Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications, 2001.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Deva-garbha and Tathāgata-garbha

Hara, Minoru. "Deva-garbha and Tathāgata-garbha." In The Buddhist Forum. Vol. 3, Papers in Honour and Appreciation of Professor David Seyfort Ruegg’s Contributions to Indological, Buddhist, and Tibetan Studies, edited by Tadeusz Skorupski and Ulrich Pagel, 37–55. London: University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 1995.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Some Doubts about the Evaluation of the Ten sNying po’i mdos and Tathāgatagarbha Thought

Hakamaya, Noriaki. "Some Doubts about the Evaluation of the Ten sNying po’i mdos and Tathāgatagarbha Thought." Narita: Naritasan Shinshoji, 1992.
Articles · Presentations

Der Jonang Orden: Gründe für den Niedergang, Voraussetzungen für das Überleben und akuelle Lage einer vorgeblich erloschenen tibetisch-buddhistischen Schulrichtung

Gruschke, Andreas. "Der Jonang Orden: Gründe für den Niedergang, Voraussetzungen für das Überleben und akuelle Lage einer vorgeblich erloschenen tibetisch-buddhistischen Schulrichtung" [The Jonangpa Order: Causes for the Downfall, Conditions of the Survival and Current Situation of a Presumably Extinct Tibetan Buddhist School]. Paper presented at the Ninth Seminar of the IATS, Leiden University, 2000.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Direct and Gradual Approaches of Zen Master Mahāyāna: Fragments of the Teachings of Mo-ho-yen

Gómez, Luis. "The Direct and Gradual Approaches of Zen Master Mahāyāna: Fragments of the Teachings of Mo-ho-yen." In Studies in Ch’an and Hua-yen, edited by Robert M. Gimello and Peter N. Gregory, 69–167. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1983.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Shangs-pa Kagyu: An Unknown Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism

Kapstein, Matthew. "The Shangs-pa Kagyu: An Unknown Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism." In Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Tibetan Studies, edited by Michael Aris and Aung San Suu Kyi. Warminster, England: Aris and Phillips, 1980.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The bsTan rim (Stages of the Doctrine) and Similar Graded Expositions of the Bodhisattva’s Path

Jackson, David P. “The bsTan rim (“Stages of the Doctrine”) and Similar Graded Expositions of the Bodhisattva’s Path.” In Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre, edited by José Ignacio Cabezón and Roger R. Jackson, 229-243. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 1996.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Tibetan Genre of Doxography: Structuring a Worldview

Hopkins, Jeffrey. “The Tibetan Genre of Doxography: Structuring a Worldview.” In Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre, edited by José Ignacio Cabezón and Roger R. Jackson, 170-186. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 1996.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

A Brief History of the Tibetan bKa’ ’gyur

Harrison, Paul. “A Brief History of the Tibetan bKa’ gyur.” In Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre, edited by José Ignacio Cabezón and Roger R. Jackson, 70-94. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 1996.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Maitreya’s Questions in the Prajñāpāramitā

Conze, Edward, and Iida Shotaro. "Maitreya’s Questions in the Prajñāpāramitā." In Mélanges d’Indianisme à la mémoire de Louis Renou, 229–42. Publications de l’Institut de Civilisation Indienne 28. Paris: Institute of Indian Studies, 1968.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Development of the gCod Tradition

Gyatso, Janet. “The Development of the gCod Tradition.” In Soundings in Tibetan Civilization, edited by Barbara Aziz and Matthew Kapstein. New Delhi & Manohar, 1985.
Articles · Journal Articles

Asaṅga's Understanding of Mādhyamika: Notes on the Shung-chung-lun

Keenan, John P. "Asaṅga’s Understanding of Mādhyamika." JIABS 12, (1989): 93–107.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Toward an Understanding of Tathāgatagarbha Interpretation in Tibet with Special Reference to the Ratnagotravibhāga

Burchardi, Anne. " Toward an Understanding of Tathāgatagarbha Interpretation in Tibet with Special Reference to the Ratnagotravibhāga." In Religion and Secular Culture in Tibet, edited by Henk Blezer, 59–77. Tibetan Studies 2: Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies. Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Articles · Journal Articles

Who Were the Icchantikas?

Karashima, Seishi. "Who Were the Icchantikas?" In Vol. 10, Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year 2006, 67–80. Tokyo: International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University, 2007.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Self-Aggrandizing Vehicle: Tathāgatagarbha, Tīrthikas, and the True Self

Jones, Christopher V. "A Self-Aggrandizing Vehicle: Tathāgatagarbha, Tīrthikas, and the True Self." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 39 (2016): 115–70.
Articles · Journal Articles

Beings, Non-Beings, and Buddhas: Contrasting Notions of Tathāgatagarbha in the Anūnatvāpūrṇatvanirdeśaparivarta and *Mahābherī Sūtra

Jones, Christopher V. "Beings, Non-Beings, and Buddhas: Contrasting Notions of Tathāgatagarbha in the Anūnatvāpūrṇatvanirdeśaparivarta and *Mahābherī Sūtra." Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies 10 (2016): 53–84.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Mind as the Buddha-Nature: The Concept of the Absolute in Ch'an Buddhism

Jan, Yün-hua. "The Mind as the Buddha-Nature: The Concept of the Absolute in Ch'an Buddhism." Philosophy East and West 31, no. 4 (1981): 467–77.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Paramādibuddha (the Kālacakra mūlatantra) and its relation to the early Kālacakra literature

Newman, John. "The Paramādibuddha (the Kālacakra mūlatantra) and its relation to the early Kālacakra literature." Indo-Iranian Journal 30, no. 2 (1987): 93-102.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Litany of Names of Mañjusrī

Davidson, Ronald. "The Litany of Names of Mañjusrī". In Tantric and Taoist Studies in Honour of R.A. Stein. Edited by Michael Strickman, 1-69. Bruxelles: Institut Belge des Hautes Études Chinoises, 1981.
Articles · Journal Articles

Sa-skya Paṇḍita, the White Panacea, and the Hva-shang Doctrine

Broido, Michael M. "Sa-skya Paṇḍita, the White Panacea, and the Hva-shang Doctrine." JIABS 10, no. 2: 27–68, 1987.
Articles · Journal Articles

What is Non-existent and What is Remanent in Śūnyatā

Dargyay, Lobsang. "What is Non-existent and What is Remanent in Śūnyatā." Journal of Indian Philosophy 18 (1990): 81-91.
Articles · Unpublished

Tathāgatagarbha, Emptiness, and Monism

Hubbard, Jamie. "Tathāgatagarbha, Emptiness, and Monism.” Online Publications of Jamie Hubbard, May 2009 (originally written in 1994).
Articles · Unpublished

Original Purity and the Arising of Delusion

Hubbard, Jamie. "Original Purity and the Origin of Delusion." Online Publications of Jamie Hubbard, October 31, 2008 (originally written in 1994).
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Appendix F: Inventory List of Manuscripts in Sanskrit, Khotanese, and Kuchean

Stein, Aurel. "Appendix F: Inventory List of Manuscripts in Sanskrit, Khotanese, and Kuchean". Prepared by A. F. Rudolf Hoernle. In Serindia: Detailed Report of Explorations in Central Asia and Westernmost China. Vol. 3, Text, 1432–59. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1921.
Articles · Journal Articles

An Early Bka'-gdams-pa Madhyamaka Work Attributed to Atiśa's Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna

Apple, James. "An Early Bka’-gdams-pa Madhyamaka Work Attributed to Atiśa Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna". Journal of Indian Philosophy, 44 (2016): 619-725.
Articles · Digital Publications

Textual History of the Mahāyāna-Mahāparinirvāṇa-Sūtra by Stephen Hodge

Page, Tony. "Textual History of the Mahāyāna-Mahāparinirvāṇa-Sūtra by Stephen Hodge." Nirvana Sutra: Appreciation of the "Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra." Updated August 2019.
Articles · Digital Publications

Stephen Hodge Translates Key Parts of the Nirvana Sutra

Page, Tony. "Stephen Hodge Translates Key Parts of the Nirvana Sutra." Nirvana Sutra: Appreciation of the "Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra." Source Accessed Mar 8, 2023.
Articles · Presentations

The Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa-Sūtra: The Text and Its Transmission

Hodge, Stephen. "The Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa-Sūtra: The Text and Its Transmission." Corrected and revised version of a paper presented in July 2010 at the Second International Workshop on the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra held at Munich University, 2012.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Putting Buddha Nature into Practice

Draszczyk, Tina, trans. "Putting Buddha Nature into Practice." A translation of Immaculate Vajra Moonrays: An Instruction for the View of Shentong, the Great Madhyamaka (Gzhan stong dbu ma chen po'i lta khrid rdo rje zla ba dri ma med pa'i 'od zer). By Jamgön Kongtrul ('jam mgon kong sprul). In A Gathering of Brilliant Moons: Practice Advice from the Rimé Masters of Tibet, edited by Holly Gayley and Joshua Schapiro, 251–84. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2017.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Does a Dog See into Its Buddha-Nature? Re-posing the Question of Animality-Humanity in Zen Buddhism

Davis, Bret W. "Does a Dog See into Its Buddha-nature? Re-posing the Question of Animality/Humanity in Zen Buddhism." In Buddha Nature and Animality, edited by David Jones, 83–126. Fremont, CA: Jain Publishing Company, 2007.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Luminous Mind in Theravāda and Dharmaguptaka Discourses

Anālayo, Bhikkhu. "The Luminous Mind in Theravāda and Dharmaguptaka Discourses." Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies 13 (2017): 10–51.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Second Tibetan Translation of the Tathāgatagarbhasūtra in the Newark Manuscript Kanjur from Bathang: A Translation of the Early Period (snga dar)

Zimmermann, Michael. "A Second Tibetan Translation of the Tathāgatagarbhasūtra in the Newark Manuscript Kanjur from Bathang: A Translation of the Early Period (snga dar)." Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies 43 (1998): 33-50.
Articles · Journal Articles

Dolpopa and Gyaltsab Debate Tathāgatagarbha: Two Distinct Interpretations of Buddha-Nature in Tibet

Wangchuk, Tsering. "Dolpopa and Gyaltsab Debate Tathāgatagarbha: Two Distinct Interpretations of Buddha-Nature in Tibet." Religion Compass 4, no. 11 (2010): 669–78.
Articles · Journal Articles

Can We Speak of Kadam Gzhan Stong? Tracing the Sources for Other-Emptiness in Early-Fourteenth-Century Tibet

Wangchuk, Tsering. "Can We Speak of Kadam Gzhan Stong? Tracing the Sources for Other-Emptiness in Early-Fourteenth-Century Tibet." Journal of Buddhist Philosophy 2 (2016): 9–22.
Articles · Journal Articles

Was Mi-pham a Dialectical Monist? On a Recent Study of Mi-pham's Interpretation of the Buddha-Nature Theory

Wangchuk, Dorji. "Was Mi-pham a Dialectical Monist? On a Recent Study of Mi-pham's Interpretation of the Buddha-Nature Theory." Indo-Iranian Journal 55 (2012): 15–38.
Articles · Journal Articles

Notes on the Laṅkāvatāra

Tucci, Giuseppe. "Notes on the Laṅkāvatāra." Indian Historical Quarterly 4 (1928): 545–56.
Articles · Digital Publications

Elucidating the Zhentong View: A Condensation of the Threefold Nature of Reality

Sheehy, Michael R., trans. "Elucidating the Zhentong View: A Condensation of the Threefold Nature of Reality." By Tsen Kawoche (btsan kha bo che)., n.d.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Tathāgatagarbha Theory in the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra

Takasaki, Jikidō. "The Tathāgatagarbha Theory in the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra." Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies) 19, no. 2 (1971): 1–10.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Dust Contemplation: A Study and Translation of a Newly Discovered Chinese Yogācāra Meditation Treatise from the Haneda Dunhuang Manuscripts of the Kyo-U Library

Greene, Eric M. "The Dust Contemplation: A Study and Translation of a Newly Discovered Chinese Yogācāra Meditation Treatise from the Haneda Dunhuang Manuscripts of the Kyo-U Library." The Eastern Buddhist 48, no. 2 (2020): 1–50.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Doctrine of Buddha-Nature in Mahāyāna Buddhism

See, Tony Sin-Heng. "The Doctrine of Buddha-Nature in Mahāyāna Buddhism." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Universities 9, no. 1 (2016): 47–56.
Articles · Journal Articles

Does a Table Have Buddha-Nature?

Siderits, Mark. "Does a Table Have Buddha-Nature?" Philosophy East and West, 63 no. 3 (2013): 373–86.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Concept of the "Innate Purity of the Mind" in the Agamas and the Nikayas

Shih, Ru-nien. "The Concept of the 'Innate Purity of the Mind' in the Agamas and the Nikayas." Journal of World Religions 13 (2009): 117–76.
Articles · Journal Articles

Buddha-nature, Critical Buddhism, and Early Chan

Sharf, Robert. "Buddha-nature, Critical Buddhism, and Early Chan." Critical Review for Buddhist Studies 22 (2017): 105–50.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Is Nirvāṇa the Same as Insentience? Chinese Struggles with an Indian Buddhist Ideal

Sharf, Robert H. "Is Nirvāṇa the Same as Insentience? Chinese Struggles with an Indian Buddhist Ideal." In India in the Chinese Imagination: Myth, Religion, and Thought, edited by John Kieschnick and Meir Shahar, 141–70. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014.
Articles · Journal Articles

Buddha-Nature and Personality as the Ground of Ethics: A Metaethical Dialogue between Dōgen and Berdyaev

Sevilla, Anton Luis. "Buddha-Nature and Personality as the Ground of Ethics: A Metaethical Dialogue between Dōgen and Berdyaev." Budhi 16, no. 1 (2012): 42–73.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Buddhist Notion of an 'Immanent Absolute' (tathāgatagarbha) as a Problem in Hermeneutics

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Journal Articles

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Reviews

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A Critical Edition and Translation of a Text Fragment from Abhayākaragupta's Āmnāyamañjarī: Göttingen,

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Presenting a Controversial Doctrine in a Conciliatory Way: Mkhan chen Gang shar dbang po's (1925–1958-59?) Inclusion of Gzhan stong ("Emptiness of Other") within Prāsaṅgika

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Articles · Digital Publications

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Articles · Unpublished

An Annotated Translation of the Sūtra of Questions Regarding Death and Transmigration

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

Buddha Nature Thought and Mysticism

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

Bodhigarbha: Preliminary Notes on an Early Dzokchen Family of Buddha-Nature Concepts

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Journal Articles

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Journal Articles

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Presentations

On the Eschatology of the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra and Related Matters

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Journal Articles

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Journal Articles

On the rDzogs chen Distinction between Mind (sems) Primordial Knowing (ye shes): Clarifications and Transcendental Arguments

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Articles · Journal Articles

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Dzogchen, Chan and the Question of Influence

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Journal Articles

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Articles · Journal Articles, Reviews

Does a Table Have Buddha-Nature? A Moment of Yes and No. Answer! But Not in Words or Signs! A Response to Mark Siderits

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Wǒn Buddhist Practice of the Buddha-Nature

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The Sentient Reflexivity of Buddha Nature

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The History and Significance of the Tibetan Concept of the Five Treatises of Maitreya

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Articles · Digital Publications, Reviews

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Articles · Journal Articles

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Articles · Presentations

Buddha-nature and Early Chan

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Articles · Presentations

The Challenge of Tathāgatagarbha Tradition to Contemporary Political-Economic Discourse

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Articles · Digital Publications, Magazine Articles

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Editorial Content

Introduction to the Traditions of Ngok and Tsen

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Articles · Digital Publications

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Articles · Dharma Talks

Guru Yoga in the Foundational Practices

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Articles · Magazine Articles

Dzogchen Explained

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Articles · Magazine Articles

Spotless from the Start

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

Consciousness and Luminosity in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism

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Articles · Journal Articles

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

A Eulogy of Mind’s Connate Qualities, Zhwa dmar Chos grags ye shes on the Hidden Meaning of Luminosity

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Articles · Journal Articles

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Articles · Journal Articles

Dōgen on Buddha Nature

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

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Articles · Journal Articles

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Articles · Journal Articles

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Articles · Journal Articles

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Articles · Magazine Articles

True or False: Humans Have Innate Buddha-Nature

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Articles · Journal Articles

Jābir, The Buddhist Yogi - Part Two

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Articles · Magazine Articles

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Articles · Magazine Articles

Pointing Out Ordinary Mind

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Articles · Magazine Articles

Mind Is Empty and Lucid, Its Nature Is Great Bliss

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Articles · Magazine Articles

Mind Is Buddha

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Articles · Magazine Articles

The Lamp of Zazen

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Articles · Magazine Articles

Lasting Happiness

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Articles · Magazine Articles

This Is My Mind, Luminous and Empty

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Articles · Magazine Articles

Trust Practice, Practice Trust

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Articles · Magazine Articles

The Clarity Aspect

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Articles · Magazine Articles

We Always Have Joy

Mingyur, Yongey, 7th. "We Always Have Joy." Lion's Roar, March 26, 2019.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Vajrayana Explained

Karthar, Khenpo. "Vajrayana Explained." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly, October 21, 2019.
Articles · Magazine Articles

You Already Have What You’re Looking For

Mingyur, Yongey, 7th. "You Already Have What You’re Looking For." Lion's Roar, July 9, 2019.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Does My Dog Have Buddhanature?

Miller, Andrea. "Does My Dog Have Buddhanature?" Lion's Roar, October 25, 2019.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Four Steps to Magical Powers

Sheng Yen. "Four Steps to Magical Powers." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly. July 13, 2018.
Articles · Magazine Articles

The Path of Gratitude

Wilson, Jeff. "The Path of Gratitude." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly, November 1, 2019.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Tattva-Ratnāvalī: The Precious Garland of Verses on Reality

Maitrīgupta. “Tattva-Ratnāvalī: The Precious Garland of Verses on Reality.” In Researches in Indian History, Archaeology, Art and Religion: Prof. Upendra Thakur Felicitation Volume, edited by G. Kuppuram and K. Kumudamani, 2:491–513. Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan. 1990.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Buddhanature: You're Perfect as You Are

Mingyur Rinpoche. "Buddhanature: You're Perfect as You Are." Lion's Roar, November 8, 2019.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Reclaiming Faith: An Interview with Vipassana Teacher Sharon Salzberg and An Excerpt from Her New Book, Faith

Salzberg, Sharon. "Reclaiming Faith: An interview with Vipassana teacher Sharon Salzberg and an excerpt from her new book, Faith." Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, Fall, 2002.
Articles · Digital Publications

Buddha Nature: Sharon Salzberg Post on Our Inner Lives

Salzberg, Sharon. "Buddha Nature." Our Inner Lives: Spirit, Faith, and Action (blog). A project of January 6, 2011.
Articles · Magazine Articles

The Dharma of Liberation

Salzburg, Sharon. The Dharma of Liberation. Interview by Stephen Batchelor. Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, Spring 1993.
Articles · Newspaper Articles, Digital Publications

The Nirvana Debate: Joseph Goldstein Extract

Wellings, Nigel. "The Nirvana Debate: Joseph Goldstein Extract." Bath and Bristol Mindfulness Courses (blog). An extract from Joseph Goldstein's One Dharma, 158–83. New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 2003, May 28, 2009.
Articles · Magazine Articles

The Example of the Buddha

Goldstein, Joseph. "The Example of the Buddha: Relating the Life of the Buddha to Our Own." Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, (n.d.),
Articles · Digital Publications, Dharma Talks

Freedom from Buddha Nature

Thanissaro Bhikkhu. "Freedom from Buddha Nature." In Head & Heart Together: Essays on the Buddhist Path., Talks, Writings & Translations of Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Revised December 15, 2018.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Attainment of Immortality: from Nāthas in India to Buddhists in Tibet

Schaeffer, Kurtis R. “The Attainment of Immortality: from Nāthas in India to Buddhists in Tibet”, Journal of Indian Philosophy vol. 30 No. 6. Netherlands: Springer, 2002.
Articles · Editorial Content

On the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna

Gardner, Alex. "On the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna." Buddha-Nature: A Tsadra Foundation Initiative, October 9, 2019.
Articles · Editorial Content

A History of Buddha-Nature Theory

Gardner, Alex. "A History of Buddha-Nature Theory: The Literature and Traditions." Buddha-Nature: A Tsadra Foundation Initiative, October 9, 2019.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Late Proponent of the Jo nang gZhan stong Doctrine: Ngag dbang tshogs gnyis rgya mtsho (1880–1940)

Brambilla, Filippo. "A Late Proponent of the Jo nang gZhan stong Doctrine: Ngag dbang tshogs gnyis rgya mtsho (1880–1940)." Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 45 (2018): 5–50.
Articles · Editorial Content

Introduction to Mahāmudrā and Buddha-Nature

Ostensen, Morten. "Introduction to Mahāmudrā and Buddha-Nature." Buddha-Nature: A Tsadra Foundation Initiative, August 23, 2019.
Articles · Editorial Content

Introduction to Other-Emptiness and the Great Middle Way

Ostensen, Mort. "Introduction to Other-Emptiness and the Great Middle Way." Buddha-Nature: A Tsadra Foundation Initiative, August 23rd, 2019.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Did ’Gos lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal (1392–1481) Espouse a gZhan stong View?

Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. "Did 'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal (1392-1481) Espouse a gZhan sTong View?" In Fifteenth Century Tibet: Cultural Blossoming and Political Unrest; Proceedings of a Conference Held in Lumbini, Nepal, March 2015, edited by Volker Caumanns and Marta Sernesi, 291–311. LIRI Seminar Proceedings Series 8. Lumbini, Nepal: Lumbini International Research Institute, 2017.
Articles · Editorial Content

Introduction to Dzogchen and Buddha-Nature

Ostensen, Morten. "Introduction to Dzogchen and Buddha-Nature." Buddha-Nature: A Tsadra Foundation Initiative, July 11, 2019.
Articles · Editorial Content

Outline of Western Scholarship on Buddha-Nature

Gardner, Alex. "Outline of Western Scholarship on Buddha-Nature." Buddha-Nature: A Tsadra Foundation Initiative, July 16, 2019.
Articles · Editorial Content

Continuum vs. Teachings

Ostensen, Morten. "Continuum vs. Teachings: Discrepancies in the Translation of the Term Tantra (rgyud) in the Subtitle of the Ratnagotravibhāga." Buddha-Nature: A Tsadra Foundation Initiative, July 9th, 2019.
Articles · Journal Articles

Karmic Imprints, Exclusion, and the Creation of the Worlds of Conventional Experience in Dharmakīrti’s Thought

Prueitt, Catherine. "Karmic Imprints, Exclusion, and the Creation of the Worlds of Conventional Experience in Dharmakīrti’s Thought." Sophia 57, no. 2 (2018): 313-35.
Articles · Journal Articles

Ratnakīrti and the Extent of Inner Space

Kachru, Sonam. Ratnakīrti and the Extent of Inner Space: an Essay on Yogācāra and the Threat of Genuine Solipsism. Sophia 58 (2019): 1-23.
Articles · Journal Articles

Imagine Being a Preta

Tzohar, Roy. "Imagine Being a Preta : Early Indian Yogācāra Approaches to Intersubjectivity." Sophia 56, no. 2 (2017): 337-54.
Articles · Journal Articles

I Take Refuge in the Sangha

Garfield, Jay. "I Take Refuge in the Sangha. But How? The Puzzle of Intersubjectivity in Buddhist Philosophy Comments on Tzohar, Prueitt, and Kachru." Sophia, 2019, 1-5.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Determining the Corpus of South Asian Female-Authored Buddhist Texts

Kragh, Ulrich Timme. “2017 BOOK CHAPTER: Determining the Corpus of South Asian Female-Authored Buddhist Texts of the Ninth to the Eleventh Centuries.pdf.” From Local to Global: Papers in Asian History and Culture, Prof. A.K. Narain Commemoration Volume, Vol. 3, Ed. Kamal Sheel, Charles Willemen, and Kenneth Zysk, Delhi: Buddhist World Press 3 (2017): 627–44.
Articles · Journal Articles

Self-awareness (svasamvedana) and Infinite

Kellner, Birgit. "Self-awareness (svasaṃvedana) and Infinite Regresses: A Comparison of Arguments by Dignāga and Dharmakīrti." Journal of Indian Philosophy 39, no. 4/5 (2011): 411-26.
Articles · Digital Publications

The Significance of 'Tathagatagarbha': A Positive Expression of 'Sunyata'

Shih, Heng-Ching. "The Significance of 'Tathagatagarbha': A Positive Expression of 'Sunyata'." BuddhaSasana: A Buddhist Page by Binh Anson.
Articles · Magazine Articles


Kyabgon, Traleg. “Emptiness/Buddhanature.” Lion's Roar, September 1, 2003.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Rest in the Sky of Natural Mind

Mingyur, Yongey, 7th. “Rest in the Sky of Natural Mind.” Lion's Roar, July 1, 2007.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Everything Is Buddhanature

Blacker, Melissa Myozen. “Everything Is Buddhanature” Lion's Roar, November 28, 2018.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Everything’s Made of Mind

Fischer, Norman. “Everything's Made of Mind” Lion's Roar, February 27, 2019.
Articles · Journal Articles

Caryā and Cacā

Widdess, Richard. "Caryā and Cacā: Change and Continuity in Newar Buddhist Ritual Song." Asian Music 35, no. 2 (2004): 7-41.
Articles · Journal Articles

Justification for and Classification of the Post-initiatory Carya in Later Indian Tantric Buddhism

Tanemura, Ryugen. "Justification for and Classification of the Post-initiatory Carya in Later Indian Tantric Buddhism." International Journal of South Asian Studies Vol. 1. (2008)
Articles · Journal Articles

Ambiguous Sexuality: Imagery and Interpretation in Tantric Buddhism

Jackson, Roger R. "Ambiguous Sexuality - Imagery and Interpretation in Tantric Buddhism." Religion. 22, no. 1 (1992): 85.
Articles · Journal Articles

Carya Nrtya of Nepal

Saiyada Jamila Ahmed. "Carya Nrtya of Nepal: When "Becoming the Character" in Asian Performance Is Nonduality in "Quintessence of Void"." TDR: The Drama Review 47, no. 3 (2003): 159-182. (accessed March 7, 2019).
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Painting Space with Colors: Tathāgatagarbha in the Mahāyānasūtrâlaṅkāra-Corpus IX.22-37

Griffiths, Paul J. "Painting Space with Colors: Tathāgatagarbha in the Mahāyānasūtrâlaṅkāra-Corpus IX.22–37." In Buddha Nature: A Festschrift in Honor of Minoru Kiyota, edited by Paul J. Griffiths and John P. Keenan, 41–63. Tokyo: Buddhist Books International, 1990.
Articles · Reviews

The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine according to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga-Review by Griffiths

Griffiths, Paul J. Review of The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine According to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga, by S. K. Hookham. Journal of the American Oriental Society 113, no. 2 (1993): 317–19.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Problem of Theodicy in the "Awakening of Faith"

Gregory, Peter N. "The Problem of Theodicy in the Awakening of Faith." Religious Studies 22, no. 1 (1986): 63–78.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Is Critical Buddhism Really Critical?

Gregory, Peter N. "Is Critical Buddhism Really Critical?" In Pruning the Bodhi Tree: The Storm over Critical Buddhism, edited by Jamie Hubbard and Paul L. Swanson, 286–97. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1997.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Monistic Absolute of the Uttaratantra and Modern Science

Goswami, S. C. "The Monistic Absolute of the Uttaratantra and Modern Science." In Philosophy, Grammar, and Indology: Essays in Honour of Prof. Gustav Roth, edited by Hari Shankar Prasad, 275–82. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1992.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

A Note on Ratnagotravibhāga I.52 = Bhagavadgītā XIII.32

Gokhale, Vasudeva Vishnunath. "A Note on Ratnagotravibhāga I.52 = Bhagavadgītā XIII.32." In Studies in Indology and Buddhology: Presented in Honour of Professor Susumu Yamaguchi on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, edited by Gadjin Nagao, 90–91. Kyoto: Hozokan, 1955.
Articles · Reviews

The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine according to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhāga-Review by Gimello

Gimello, Robert M. Review of The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine According to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga, by S. K. Hookham. Journal of Asian Studies 51, no. 3 (1992): 624–26.
Articles · Presentations

Śākya mchog-ldan on gotra in Yogācāra and Madhyamaka

Gilks, Peter. "Śākya mchog-ldan on gotra in Yogācāra and Madhyamaka." Paper presented at the 17th Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Vienna, August 2014.
Articles · Journal Articles

On the Ritual Use of Ch'an Portraiture in Medieval China

Foulk, T. Griffith, and Robert H. Sharf. ‘‘On the Ritual Use of Ch’an Portraiture in Medieval China.’’ (In French.) Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 7 (1993–1994): 149–219.
Articles · Reviews

The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine According to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhāga-Review by Ehrhard

Ehrhard, Franz-Karl. Review of The Buddha within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine According to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga, by S. K. Hookham. Zeitschrift Der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 144, no. 2 (1994): 415–19.
Articles · Journal Articles

Other-Emptiness in the Jonang School: The Theo-logic of Buddhist Dualism

Duckworth, Douglas S. "Other-Emptiness in the Jonang School: The Theo-logic of Buddhist Dualism." Philosophy East and West 65, no. 2 (2015): 485–97.
Articles · Journal Articles

Non-representational Language in Mipam's Re-presentation of Other-emptiness

Duckworth, Douglas S. "Non-representational Language in Mipam's Re-presentation of Other-emptiness." Philosophy East and West 64, no. 4 (2014): 920–32.
Articles · Journal Articles

Grounds of Buddha-Nature in Tibet

Duckworth, Douglas S. "Grounds of Buddha-Nature in Tibet." Critical Review for Buddhist Studies 21 (2017): 109–36.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Buddha-Nature and the Logic of Pantheism

Duckworth, Douglas S. "Buddha-Nature and the Logic of Pantheism." In The Buddhist World, edited by John Powers, 235–47. London: Routledge, 2016.
Articles · Reviews

A Study on the Ratnagotravibhāga (Uttaratantra): Being a Treatise on the Tathāgatagarbha Theory of Mahāyāna Buddhism-Review by de Jong

De Jong, Jan Willem. Review of A Study of the Ratnagotravibhāga (Uttaratantra): Being a Treatise on the Tathāgatagarbha Theory of Mahāyāna Buddhism, by J. Takasaki. Indo-Iranian Journal 11, no. 1 (1968): 36–54.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Lying to Tell the Truth-Upaya in Mahayana Buddhism and Oikonomia in Alexandrian Christianity

Corless, Roger Gregory-Tashi. "Lying to Tell the Truth—Upāya in Mahāyāna Buddhism and Oikonomia in Alexandrian Christianity." In Buddha Nature: A Festschrift in Honor of Minoru Kiyota, edited by Paul J. Griffiths and John P. Keenan, 27–40. Tokyo: Buddhist Books International, 1990.
Articles · Journal Articles

Chinese Tiantai Doctrine on Insentient Things' Buddha-Nature

Chen, Shuman. "Chinese Tiantai Doctrine on Insentient Things' Buddha-Nature." Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal 24 (2011): 71–104.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Buddha-Nature of Insentient Beings

Chen, Shuman. "Buddha-Nature of Insentient Beings." In Vol. 1 of Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion. 2nd ed. Edited by David A. Leeming, Kathryn Madden, and Stanton Marlan, 208–12. Boston: Springer, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Towards an Understanding of Tathāgatagarbha Interpretation in Tibet with Special Reference to the Ratnagotravibhāga

Burchardi, Anne. "Towards an Understanding of Tathāgatagarbha Interpretation in Tibet with Special Reference to the Ratnagotravibhāga." In Religion and Secular Culture in Tibet: Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000, edited by Henk Blezer with the assistance of Abel Zadoks, 59–77. Brill’s Tibetan Studies Library 2/2. Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Articles · Journal Articles

How Can a Momentary and Conditioned Mind Be Integral to Gzhan Stong?

Burchardi, Anne. "How Can a Momentary and Conditioned Mind Be Integral to Gzhan Stong?" Journal of Buddhist Philosophy 2 (2016): 55–77.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Fragment of the "Uttaratantra" in Sanskrit

Bailey, Harold W., and E. H. Johnston. "A Fragment of the Uttaratantra in Sanskrit." Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 8, no. 1 (1935): 77–89.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Womb of the Tathāgata or Buddhist Monism

Ahmad, Zahiruddin. "The Womb of the Tathāgata or Buddhist Monism." Journal of The Oriental Society of Australia 15/16 (1983–84): 27–44.
Articles · Editorial Content

On the Ratnagotravibhāga

Gardner, Alex. "On the Ratnagotravibhāga." Buddha-Nature: A Tsadra Foundation Initiative, September 12, 2018.
Articles · Magazine Articles

Impermanence is Buddha Nature

Fischer, Norman. "Impermanence is Buddha Nature." Lion's Roar, April 8, 2019.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Eighth Karmapa Mi bskyod rdo rje (1507-1554) on the Relation between Buddha Nature and Its Adventitious Stains

Mathes, Klaus-Dieter, "The Eighth Karmapa Mi bskyod rdo rje (1507–1554) on the Relation between Buddha Nature and Its Adventitious Stains." Critical Review for Buddhist Studies 22 (2017): 63–104.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Sameness with a Difference in the Tathāgatagarbha Sūtra

Cole, Alan. "Sameness with a Difference in the Tathāgatagarbha Sūtra." Chap. 5 in Text as Father: Paternal Seductions in Early Mahayana Buddhist Literature. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.
Articles · Digital Publications

Evidence of Our Buddhanature

Gyatrul Rinpoche. "Evidence of Our Buddhanature". Vimala. 2018 Online Teaching Series by Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche. Winter, February 26th, 2018.
Articles · Dharma Talks, Digital Publications

Khenpo Dawa Paljor's Teaching on Buddha-Nature following Mipham Rinpoche

Paljor, Khenpo Dawa. "Shedra 2009 Teachings on Mipham Rinpoche's Commentary on the Uttaratantra Shastra." Rigpa Shedra.
Articles · Journal Articles

Dākinīs in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism

Herrmann-Pfandt, Adelheid. "Dakinis in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism: Some Results of Recent Research." Studies in Central and East Asian Religions no. 5-6, 1992/1993: 45-63.
Articles · Journal Articles

Tibetan Magic for Daily Life

Lin Shen-yu. Tibetan Magic for Daily Life: Mi pham's Texts on gTo-rituals. In: Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, vol. 15, 2005. Conception et circulation des textes tibétains. pp. 107-125;
Articles · Journal Articles

Rong-zom-pa’s Ontological Abyss

Wangchuk, Dorji. "Rong-zom-pa’s Ontological Abyss: Where the Positivistic Ontology of the Tathāgatagarbha School and the Negativistic Ontology of the Sarvadharmāpratiṣṭhānavāda School Meet." Critical Review for Buddhist Studies 21 (2017): 85–107.
Articles · Reviews

Original Enlightenment and the Transformation of Medieval Japanese Buddhism-Review by Payne

Payne, Richard. Review of Original Enlightenment and the Transformation of Medieval Japanese Buddhism by Jacqueline I. Stone. H-Buddhism, H-Net Reviews. December, 2003. URL:
Articles · Journal Articles

Nītārtha, Neyārtha, and Tathāgatagarbha in Tibet

Lipman, Kennard. "Nītārtha, Neyārtha, and Tathāgatagarbha in Tibet." Journal of Indian Philosophy 8, no. 1 (1980): 87–95.
Articles · Journal Articles

Onto-theology and Emptiness: The Nature of Buddha-Nature

Duckworth, Douglas S. "Onto-theology and Emptiness: The Nature of Buddha-Nature." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 82, no. 4 (2014): 1070–90.
Articles · Unpublished

The Phenomenological Translations of Herbert V. Guenther

Schaeffer, Kurtis. The Phenomenological Translations of Herbert V. Guenther. Harvard University Course Paper, Unpublished.
Articles · Journal Articles

Restoration of Sanskrit text in missing leaves (fols. 2, 6, 7) of the Abhidharmasamuccaya manuscript on the basis of the Abhidharmasamuccayavyākhyā manuscript

Xuezhi, Li and Kazuo Kano. Restoration of Sanskrit text in missing leaves (fols. 2, 6, 7) of the Abhidharmasamuccaya manuscript on the basis of the Abhidharmasamuccayavyākhyā manuscript. China Tibetology Vol 23. (2014) 53–63.
Articles · Journal Articles

Sanskrit Verses from Candrakīrtiʼs Triśaraṇasaptati Cited in the Munimatālaṃkāra

Kano, Kazuo, and Xuezhu Li. "Sanskrit Verses from Candrakīrtiʼs Triśaraṇasaptati Cited in the Munimatālaṃkāra." China Tibetology 22, no. 1 (2014) 4–11.
Articles · Journal Articles

Fragments of a Commentary on the Tattvasaṅgraha, Part 2

Harimoto, Kengo, and Kazuo Kano. "Fragments of a Commentary on the Tattvasaṅgraha, Part 2." Journal of the Nepal Research Centre 14 (2012) 5–17.
Articles · Digital Publications

Fragments of a Commentary on the Tattvasaṅgraha, Part 1

Kano, Kazuo, and Kengo Harimoto. "Fragments of a Commentary on the Tattvasaṅgraha, Part 1." Newsletter of the NGMCP 6 (2008): 15–24.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Some Remarks on the Sanskrit Titles of Sthiramati’s Works

Kano, Kazuo. "Some Remarks on the Sanskrit Titles of Sthiramati’s Works." In Śrāvakabhūmi and Buddhist Manuscripts, edited by Seongcheol Kim and Jundo Nagashima, 191–208. Tokyo: Nombre, 2017.
Articles · Journal Articles

Jñānaśrīmitra on the Ratnagotravibhāga

Kano, Kazuo. "Jñānaśrīmitra on the Ratnagotravibhāga." In "Relationship between Tantric and Non-Tantric Doctrines in Late Indian Buddhism," edited by Norihisa Baba. Special issue, Oriental Culture 96 (2016): 7–48.
Articles · Journal Articles

Exegeses of the Ratnagotravibhāga in Kashmir in the 11th and 12th Century

Kano, Kazuo. "Exegeses of the Ratnagotravibhāga in Kashmir in the 11th and 12th Century." Kōyasandaigaku daigakuin kiyō 15 (2016): 1–23.
Articles · Chapters in a Book


Kano, Kazuo. Vairocanābhisaṃbodhi. Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Volume I: Literature and Languages, Brill. (2015): 382–389.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Transmission of Sanskrit Manuscripts from India to Tibet

Kano, Kazuo. "The Transmission of Sanskrit Manuscripts from India to Tibet: The Case of a Manuscript Collection in the Possession of Atiśa Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna (980–1054)." In Transfer of Buddhism Across Central Asian Networks (7th to 13th Centuries), edited by Carmen Meinert, 82–117. Leiden: Brill, 2015.
Articles · Chapters in a Book


Kano, Kazuo. Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṃgraha. Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Volume I: Literature and Languages, Brill. (2015): 373–381.
Articles · Journal Articles

Mahāyānottaratantraśāstropadeśa of Sajjana: An Annotated Translation with a Reading Text

Kano, Kazuo. "Mahāyānottaratantraśāstropadeśa of Sajjana: An Annotated Translation with a Reading Text." Kōyasan daigaku daigakuin kiyō (Bulletin of the Graduate School: Graduate Program of Liberal Arts, Kōyasan University) 14 (2015) 1–49.
Articles · Journal Articles

Ratnākaraśānti’s Understanding of Buddha-nature

Kano, Kazuo. "Ratnākaraśānti’s Understanding of Buddha-Nature." China Tibetology 25, no. 2 (2015): 52–77.
Articles · Journal Articles

Six Tibetan Translations of the Ratnagotravibhāga

Kano, Kazuo. "Six Tibetan Translations of the Ratnagotravibhāga." China Tibetology 23, no. 2 (2014), 76–101.
Articles · Journal Articles

Eight Folios from a Sanskrit Manuscript of the Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkārabhāṣya from Ngor Monastery

Kano, Kazuo. "Eight Folios from a Sanskrit Manuscript of the Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkārabhāṣya from Ngor Monastery: Diplomatic and Critical Editions on X.9–XI.3 — Studies of Göttingen Xc14/57 (1)." China Tibetology 18, no.1 (2012): 33–47.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

RNgog blo ldan shes rab's Topical Outline of the Ratnagotravibhāga Discovered at Khara Khoto

Kano, Kazuo. "rNgog blo ldan shes rab's Topical Outline of the Ratnagotravibhāga Discovered at Khara Khoto." In Contributions to Tibetan Buddhist Literature. PIATS 2006: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Königswinter, 2006, edited by Orna Almogi, 127–94. Halle (Saale), Germany: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies GmbH, 2008.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

A Preliminary Report on Newly Identified Text Fragments in Śāradā Script from Źwa lu Monastery in the Tucci Collection

Kano, Kazuo. "A Preliminary Report on Newly Identified Text Fragments in Śāradā Script from Zhwa lu Monastery in the Tucci Collection." In Part 1 of Sanskrit Texts from Giuseppe Tucci's Collection, edited by Francesco Sferra, 381–400. Rome: Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (IsIAO), 2008.
Articles · Journal Articles

Two Short Glosses on Yogācāra Texts by Vairocanarakṣita

Kano, Kazuo. "Two Short Glosses on Yogācāra Texts by Vairocanarakṣita: Viṃśikāṭīkāvivṛti and *Dharmadharmatāvibhāgavivṛti." In Part 1 of Sanskrit Texts from Giuseppe Tucci's Collection, edited by Francesco Sferra, 343–80. Manuscripta Buddhica 1. Rome: Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente (IsIAO), 2008.
Articles · Reviews

'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā-Review by Kano

Kano, Kazuo. Review of 'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā (Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long), edited by Klaus-Dieter Mathes. Journal of the American Oriental Society 125, no. 1 (2005) 143–45.
Articles · Journal Articles

Two Folios from Sthiramati’s Triṃśikābhāṣya in Sanskrit

Kano, Kazuo. Two Folios from Sthiramati’s Triṃśikābhāṣya in Sanskrit Photographed by Rāhula Sāṅkṛtyāyana: Diplomatic and Critical Editions of Göttingen Xc14/1e. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens / Vienna Journal of South Asian Studies, Bd. XLIX/ (2005): 113-149
Articles · Journal Articles

Shortening of the final vowel

Nara, Tsuyoshi. Shortening of the final vowel of Inst. sg. -ena and Phonology of the language in Saraha-Doha. Bulletin of the Philological Society of Calcutta, Vol. 4, Part 1. Calcutta: Philological Society of Calcutta, 1963.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Century of Confusion: The Brick Reliefs of Cambodia's Phnom Trap Towers

Green, Phillip Scott Ellis. A Century of Confusion: The Brick Reliefs of Cambodia's Phnom Trap Towers. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 40 (2017): 27 - 62.
Articles · Journal Articles

Putting the Buddha to Work: Śākyamuni in the Service of Tibetan Monastic Identity

Quintman, Andrew. Putting the Buddha to Work: Śākyamuni in the Service of Tibetan Monastic Identity. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 40 (2017): 111 - 156.
Articles · Journal Articles

Doctrinal Dispute in the Earliest Phase of Chinese Buddhism

Greene, Eric M. Doctrinal Dispute in the Earliest Phase of Chinese Buddhism: Anti-Mahāyāna Polemics in the Scripture on the Fifty Contemplations. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 40 (2017): 63 - 109.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Fruition in a Comparative Perspective

Esler, Dylan. The Fruition in a Comparative Perspective. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 40 (2017): 159 - 188.
Articles · Journal Articles

Developmental' versus 'Revelatory' Soteriology in the Kālacakra Tantra

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Articles · Journal Articles

A Sanskrit Fragment of Candragomin's Praṇidhāna

Szántó, Péter Dánie. A Sanskrit Fragment of Candragomin's Praṇidhāna. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 40 (2017): 225 - 237.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Tantric Context of Ratnākaraśānti’s Philosophy of Mind

Tomlinson, Davey K. The Tantric Context of Ratnākaraśānti’s Philosophy of Mind in Journal of Indian Philosophy. Springer, 2018.
Articles · Journal Articles

Conceptuality and Non-conceptuality in Yogācāra Sources

Kramer, Jowita. Conceptuality and Non-conceptuality in Yogācāra Sources in Journal of Indian Philosophy. Springer, 2017.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Study of Citta and Manas in Three Dohas of Saraha

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Articles · Journal Articles

The rÑiṅ-ma Interpretations of the Tathāgatagarbha Theory

Wangchuk, Dorji. "The rÑiṅ-ma Interpretations of the Tathāgatagarbha Theory." Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens 48 (2004): 171–213.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Idea of the Historical Buddha

Drewes, David. The Idea of the Historical Buddha. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 40 (2017): 1 - 25.
Articles · Journal Articles

When Madhyamaka is Not the Middle Path

McNamara, Daniel. When Madhyamaka is Not the Middle Path: Ratnākaraśānti on Yogācāra, Nāgārjuna, and the Madhyamapratipadā. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 40 (2017): 189 - 207.
Articles · Journal Articles

Tantric Yogācāra: Reflexive Awareness and the Four Stages in Ratnākaraśānti's Epistemological Works

Yiannopoulos, Alexander: Tantric Yogācāra: Reflexive Awareness and the Four Stages in Ratnākaraśānti's Epistemological Works. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 40 (2017): 239 - 267.
Articles · Journal Articles

Sanskrit Fragments Corresponding to Chapter I.8 of the Jñānaprasthāna

Chung, Jin-il. Sanskrit Fragments Corresponding to Chapter I.8 of the Jñānaprasthāna. International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture Vol. 26. No. 2 (December 2016): 187–227.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

To Establish the Qualities of the Master

Sernesi, Marta. To Establish the Qualities of the Master: Considerations on early bKa’ brgyud hagiographical writings. From Tīrthayātrā: Essays in Honour of Stefano Piano. DOST Critical Studies, Vol. 9. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2010.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Aural Transmission of Saṃvara

Sernesi, Marta. The Aural Transmission of Saṃvara: An Introduction to Neglected Sources for the Study of the Early bka' brgyud. From Mahāmudrā and the Bka' brgyud Tradition. PIATS 2006: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Königswinter 2006. (Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung 25) Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies 2011.
Articles · Journal Articles

Reconsidering the Contents and Function of the rDzogs chen Classifications of Sems phyogs and Sems sde

Ostensen, Morten. “Reconsidering the Contents and Function of the rDzogs chen Classifications of Sems phyogs and Sems sde”, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, no. 43, Janvier 2018, pp. 32–49.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

No Responsibility - Saraha, "Siddha Ethics" and the Transcendency Thesis

Jackson, Roger R. " Saraha, "Siddha Ethics" and the Transcendency Thesis." Universal Responsibility: A Felicitation Volume in Honour of His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, on His Sixtieth Birthday (1996): 79-110.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Buddha Nature: True Self as Action

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Articles · Journal Articles

From Theravada to Tantra - The Making of an American Tantric Buddhism

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Articles · Journal Articles

Dharma Diversity and Deep Inclusivity at the East Bay Meditation Center

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Articles · Journal Articles

Some Dwags po Mahāmudrā Responses to Sa skya Paṇḍita's Critique at 'Present-day Mahāmudrā'

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Articles · Journal Articles

Padma dkar po’s Defence of Bka’ brgyud Amanasikara Teachings

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Articles · Journal Articles

Fourteenth Century Tibetan Cultural History VI: The Transmission of Indian Buddhist Pramāṇavāda according to Early Tibetan Gsan-yig-s

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Articles · Journal Articles

An Early Tibetan Commentary on Atisa’s Satyadvayavatara

Apple, James B. "An Early Tibetan Commentary on Atiśa’s Satyadvayāvatāra." Journal of Indian Philosophy 41, (2013): 263–329 .
Articles · Journal Articles


Articles · Digital Publications

Freedom From Buddha Nature

Articles · Dharma Talks

Khenpo Namdrol 2008 Teachings on Buddha Nature

Khenpo Namdrol. "Oral Teachings on Mi pham rgya mtsho's Bde gshegs snying po'i stong thun chen mo seng+ge'i nga ro." 15 pts. Audio recorded during Shedra East 2008–2009 in Pharping, Nepal.
Articles · Journal Articles

On the Authenticity of the Bodhicittavivaraṇa Attributed to Nāgārjuna

Dragonetti, Carmen "On the Authenticity of the Bodhicittavivaraṇa Attributed to Nāgārjuna." Asiatische Studien 53, no. 4 (1999): 983–85.
Articles · Journal Articles

GZer Myig, I. E. Rays from the Eyes of the Svastika, A Precious Summary of the Word

Francke, A.H. "GZer Myig, I. E. Rays from the Eyes of the Svastika, A Precious Summary of the Word VI." Asia Major 5 (1930): 1-40.
Articles · Journal Articles

GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript VII

Francke, A.H. "GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript VI." Asia Major 6 (1930): 299–314.
Articles · Journal Articles

GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript VI

Francke, A.H. "GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript VI." Asia Major 4 (1927): 481-540.
Articles · Journal Articles

GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript V

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Articles · Journal Articles

GZer-Myig, A Book of the Tibetan Bonpos - Tibetan Text According to the Berlin-Manuscript I-III

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Articles · Unpublished, Presentation

Nāropa’s Life of Liberation and Spiritual Song

"Glorious Nāropa’s Life of Liberation and Spiritual Song." Translated by Naropa’s Tibetan IV class of 2013. Sarah Harding, instructor, and Jordan Ganz, Laura Goetz, Tucker Smith, Celso Scott Wilkinson, Dan Garbes, Mike Engle.
Articles · Academic Publications, Journal Articles

The Dalai Lamas of Lhasa and Their Relations with the Manchu Emperors of China 1644–1908 (Rockhill 1910)

Rockhill, William Woodville. "The Dalai Lamas of Lhasa and Their Relations with the Manchu Emperors of China 1644-1908." T'oung Pao 11, no. 1 (1910): 1–104.
Articles · Journal Articles

Recounting the Fifth Dalai Lama’s Rebirth Lineage

Lin, Nancy. 2017. "Recounting the Fifth Dalai Lama’s Rebirth Lineage." Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 38 (119-156).

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Articles · Journal Articles

Some Remarks on Sthiramati and his Putative Authorship of the Madhyāntavibhāgaṭīkā, the Sūtrālaṃkāravṛttibhāṣya and the Triṃśikāvijñaptibhāṣya

Kramer, Jowita. "Some Remarks on Sthiramati and his Putative Authorship of the Madhyāntavibhāgaṭīkā, the *Sūtrālaṃkāravṛttibhāṣya and the Triṃśikāvijñaptibhāṣya." Buddhist Studies Review 33.1-2 (2016): 47–63.
Articles · Journal Articles

Dharmakirti and His Commentators’ Views on the Transformation of the Basis and the Status of the Alayavijnana

Eltschinger, Vincent. Dharmakīrti and His Commentators’ Views on the Transformation of the Basis and the Status of the Ālayavijñāna. International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture 26.2 (2016): 37-60.
Articles · Journal Articles

Alayavijnana as the Seventh Consciousness

Susumu, Ōtake. Ālayavijñāna as the Seventh Consciousness. International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture 26.2 (2016): 61-83.
Articles · Journal Articles

Wonhyo’s View of the Alayavijnana - Centered on His Understanding of the Three Subtle Marks of the Alayavijnana

Seongcheol, Kim. Wonhyo’s View of the Ālayavijñāna: Centered on His Understanding of the Three Subtle Marks of the Ālayavijñāna. International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture 26.2 (2016): 85-115.
Articles · Journal Articles

Exploring Alayavijnana - The Indian Yogacara Master Sthiramati and His Views on the Alayavijnana Concept

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Articles · Journal Articles

Re-presenting a Famous Revelation: Dudjom Rinpoche’s Work on the ‘Ultra Secret Razor Lifeforce Vajrakīlaya’ (yang gsang srog gi spu gri) of Pema Lingpa (padma gling pa, 1450–1521)

Cantwell, Cathy. "Re-presenting a Famous Revelation: Dudjom Rinpoche’s Work on the ‘Ultra Secret Razor Lifeforce Vajrakīlaya’ (yang gsang srog gi spu gri) of Pema Lingpa (padma gling pa, 1450–1521)." Buddhist Studies Review 33.1-2 (2016): 181-202. doi: 10.1558/bsrv.31646
Articles · Journal Articles

On Quine's Contretemps of Translation

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Articles · Journal Articles, Digital Publications

On the Threshold of the “Land of Marvels:” Alexandra David-Neel in Sikkim and the Making of Global Buddhism

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Articles · Journal Articles, Digital Publications

Local Agency in Global Movements: Negotiating Forms of Buddhist Cosmopolitanism in the Young Men’s Buddhist Associations of Darjeeling and Kalimpong

Bhutia, Kalzang Dorjee. "Local Agency in Global Movements: Negotiating Forms of Buddhist Cosmopolitanism in the Young Men’s Buddhist Associations of Darjeeling and Kalimpong." Journal of Transcultural Studies 7, no. 1 (2016): 121-48.
Articles · Journal Articles, Digital Publications

Translating Tibet in the Borderlands: Networks, Dictionaries, and Knowledge Production in Himalayan Hill Stations

Martin, Emma. "Translating Tibet in the Borderlands: Networks, Dictionaries, and Knowledge Production in Himalayan Hill Stations." Journal of Transcultural Studies 7, no. 1 (2016): 86–120.
Articles · Journal Articles, Digital Publications

A Space That Has Been Laboured on: Mobile Lives and Transcultural Circulation around Darjeeling and the Eastern Himalayas

Sharma, Jayeeta. "A Space That Has Been Laboured on: Mobile Lives and Transcultural Circulation around Darjeeling and the Eastern Himalayas." Journal of Transcultural Studies 7, no. 1 (2016): 54–85.
Articles · Journal Articles, Digital Publications

Global Encounters, Local Places: Connected Histories of Darjeeling, Kalimpong, and the Himalayas—An Introduction

Harris, Tina, Amy Holme-Tagchungdarpa, Jayeeta Sharma, and Marcus Viehbeck. "Global Encounters, Local Places: Connected Histories of Darjeeling, Kalimpong, and the Himalayas—An Introduction." Transcultural Studies no. 1: 2016.
Articles · Journal Articles

Issues of Interpretation and Translation in the Minor Works of Si-tu Paṇ-chen Chos-kyi-'byuṅ-gnas (1699?-1774)

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Articles · Digital Publications

Translating the Buddha's Words - Some Notes on the Kanjur Translation Project

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Articles · Journal Articles

Theravadin Literature in Tibetan Translation

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Articles · Journal Articles

The Transmission of Buddhist Canonical Literature in Tibet

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Articles · Journal Articles

Some Reflections on Translating Buddhist Philosophical Texts from Sanskrit and Tibetan

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

On the Different Methods of Translating

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Articles · Journal Articles, Chapters in a Book

On the Reasons for Indeterminacy of Translation

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Articles · Journal Articles

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Role of Newar Scholars in Transmitting the Indian Buddhist Heritage to Tibet

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Articles · Journal Articles

Striving for Perfection - On the Various Ways of Translating Sanskrit into Tibetan

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Articles · Journal Articles

The Assessment of Textual Interpretation in Buddhism

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

Buddhist Books and Texts - Exegesis and Hermeneutics

Gómez, Luis O. Buddhist Books and Texts: Exegesis and Hermeneutics. In The Encyclopedia of Religion. 2d ed, Edited by Lindsay Jones, 2: 1268–1278. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2005.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Guardian of the Translated Dharma - Sakya Pandita on the Role of the Tibetan Scholar

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Tibetan Translations of the Pramanavarttika and the Development of Translation Methods from Sanskrit to Tibetan

Franco, E. “The Tibetan Translations of the Pramāṇavārttika and the Development of Translation Methods from Sanskrit to Tibetan.” In Proceedings of the 7th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, vol. 1, 277-89. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1997.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Amnesic Monarch and the Five Mnemic Men - Memory in Great Perfection (Rdzogs-chen) Thought

Kapstein, Matthew. "The Amnesic Monarch and the Five Mnemic Men: 'Memory' in Great Perfection (Rdzogs-chen) Thought." In In the Mirror of Memory, ed. Janet Gyatso. (Albany: SUNY Press, 1992), 239-269.
Articles ·

On the Life and Oeuvre of the Jo nang pa Scholar Zhang ston Rgya bo Bsod nams grags pa (1292-1370)

Kuijp, Leonard van der. 2016. "On the Life and Oeuvre of the Jo nang pa Scholar Zhang ston Rgya boBsod nams grags pa (1292-1370)." Journal of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies (JTHS) 1-1, pp 17-31.
Articles · Unpublished, Presentations

Pha Dampa Sangye and the Alphabet Goddess: A Preliminary Study of the Sources of the Zhije Tradition

Harding, Sarah. 2016. Pha Dampa Sangye and the Alphabet Goddess: A Preliminary Study of the Sources of the Zhije Tradition. Presented at the 14th seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (IATS) in Bergen, Norway.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

How Dhāranis WERE Proto-Tantric: Liturgies, Ritual Manuals, and the Origins of the Tantras

Datlon, Jacob. "How Dhāranis WERE Proto-Tantric: Liturgies, Ritual Manuals, and the Origins of the Tantras." In Tantric Traditions in Transmission and Translation, edited by David Gray and Ryan Richard Overbey, 199-229. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Fantastic Stories of Konchok Paldron and Her Enlightened Children

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Articles · Journal Articles

The Kingly Cosmogonic Narrative and Tibetan Histories

Davidson, Ronald M. "The Kingly Cosmogonic Narrative and Tibetan Histories: Indian Origins, Tibetan Space, and the bka' 'chems ka khol ma Synthesis." Lungta 16, Cosmogony and the Origins (Spring 2003): 64-83.
Articles · Journal Articles

Studies in Yogācāra-Vijñānavāda idealism I: The interpretation of Vasubandhu's Viṃśikā

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Articles · Journal Articles

Studies in Dharani Literature I

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Articles ·

On some rDzogs chen aspects in a gCod Text from the Bla ma dgongs ’dus

Sanders, Fabian and Margherita Pansa. "On some rDzogs chen aspects in a gCod Text from the Bla ma dgongs ’dus, a gTer ma collection discovered by Sangs rgyas gling pa (1341-1396)" RET 25-5 (2016) 169-202.
Articles · Journal Articles

Some Remarks on the Textual Transmission and Text of Bu ston Rin chen grub's Chos 'byung, a Chronicle of Buddhism in India and Tibet

Kuijp, Leonard van der. "Some Remarks on the Textual Transmission and Text of Bu ston Rin chen grub's Chos 'byung, a Chronicle of Buddhism in India and Tibet," Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines no. 25 (April, 2013), 115-193.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Lives of Bu ston Rin chen grub and the Date and Sources of His Chos ‘byung, a Chronicle of Buddhism in India and Tibet

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Articles · Reviews

The Reality of Altruism: Reconstructing Śāntideva, A Review of Altruism and Reality: Studies in the Philosophy of the Bodhicāryāvatāra, by Paul Williams

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Articles · Journal Articles

Madhyamaka Studies Among the Early Sa-skya-pas

David Jackson. "Madhyamaka Studies among the early Sa-skya-pas." Tibet Journal 10-2 (1985): 20-34.
Articles ·

The Garland of Jewel Ornaments (Lotsawa House)

Rangtön Sheja Künrig. The Garland of Jewel Ornaments: The Stages of Meditating on the Bodhicaryāvatāra. Translated by Adam Pearcey. Lotsawa House. Accessed 23 March 2016.
Articles · Digital Publications

The Brightly Shining Sun (Lotsawa House)

Pearcey, Adam, trans. "The Brightly Shining Sun." By Patrul Rinpoche. Lotsawa House. Accessed March 23, 2016.
Articles · Digital Publications

Bodhicaryāvatāra—Chapter 3 (Lotsawa House)

Śāntideva. "Bodhicaryāvatāra—Chapter 3." Translated by Adam Pearcey. Lotsawa House. Accessed 1 April 2016.
Articles · Digital Publications

Bodhicaryāvatāra—Chapter 2 (Lotsawa House)

Śāntideva. "Bodhicaryāvatāra—Chapter 2." Translated by Adam Pearcey. Lotsawa House. Accessed 1 April 2016.
Articles · Digital Publications

Bodhicaryāvatāra—Chapter 1 (Lotsawa House)

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Articles · Digital Publications

Prayer to the Lineage of the Bodhicaryāvatāra (Lotsawa House)

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Articles · Chapters in a Book

A Preliminary Survey of the Songs of Zhang Tshal pa

Yamamoto, Carl S. "A Preliminary Survey of the Songs of Zhang Tshal pa." In The Illuminating Mirror, 541-580. Edited by Olaf Czaja and Guntram Hazod. Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichter Verlag, 2015.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Pith Instructions on the Mahayana Uttaratantra (Theg chen gryud bla'i gdams pa): A Missing Link in the Meditation Tradition of the Maitreya Works

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Articles · Digital Publications

Bodhicaryāvatāra: Teachings and Overview (Lotsawa House)

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Articles · Journal Articles

The Way of the Translators: Three Recent Translations of Śāntideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra

Gómez, Luis O. "The Way of the Translators: Three Recent Translations of Śāntideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra." Institute of Buddhist Studies. Buddhist Literature 1 (1999): 262-354.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Metaphysical Basis of Śāntideva's Ethics

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Articles · Journal Articles

Some New Remarks on the Bodhicaryāvatāra Chapter V

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Articles · Journal Articles

RNgon-pa’i ’don… : A few thoughts on the preliminary section of a-lce lha-mo performances in Central Tibet

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Articles · Journal Articles

On the Tibetan Ge-sar epic in the late 18th century: Sum-pa mkhan-po’s letters to the 6th Paṇ-chen Lama

FitzHerbert, Solomon George. "On the Tibetan Ge-sar epic in the late 18th century : Sum-pa mkhan-po’s letters to the 6th Paṇ-chen Lama." Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines Vol. 46 (2015). Uploaded Sept. 10 2015. URL:; DOI: 10.4000/emscat.2602.
Articles · Journal Articles

An archaeological survey of the Nubra Region (Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, India)

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Articles · Journal Articles

An outpost of socialism in the Buddhist Orient - geopolitical and eugenic implications of medical and anthropological research on Buryat-Mongols in the 1920s

Bashkuev, Vsevolod. "An outpost of socialism in the Buddhist Orient: geopolitical and eugenic implications of medical and anthropological research on Buryat-Mongols in the 1920s." Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines, Vol. 46 (2015). Online. Uploaded on Sept. 10 2015. URL:; DOI: 10.4000/emscat.2523
Articles · Obituaries, Digital Publications

Obituary for Geshe Namgyal Wangchen

Huntington, C. W. 2016. Obituary for Geshe Namgyal Wangchen. H-Buddhism. (Accessed February 18, 2016).
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Tibetan Interpretations of Authenticity: The Four Means of Authentication (tshad ma bzhi) Belonging to the mantra Vehicle in the Sa skya and 'Bri gung Traditions

Sobisch, Jan-Ulrich. "Tibetan Interpretations of Authenticity: The Four Means of Authentication (tshad ma bzhi) Belonging to the mantra Vehicle in the Sa skya and 'Bri gung Traditions." In The Illuminating Mirror, edited by Olaf Czaja and Guntram Hazod, 461-484. Weisbaden: Reichter Verlag, 2015.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Logic of Liberation: Epistemology as a Path to the Realization of Mahāmudrā

Burchardi, Anne. "The Logic of Liberation: Epistemology as a Path to the Realization of Mahāmudrā." In The Illuminating Mirror: Tibetan Studies in Honour of Per K. Sørensen on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, edited by Olaf Czaja and Guntram Hazon, 41-56. Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2015.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Ekayana (One Vehicle) Doctrine as the Basis for Japanese Buddhism

Takasaki, Jikido. "The Ekayana (One Vehicle) Doctrine as the Basis for Japanese Buddhism." In Japanese Buddhism, ed. by Minoru Kiyota, 24-33. Tokyo: Buddhist Books International, 1987.
Articles · Journal Articles

Crystal Orbs and Arcane Treasures: Tibetan Anthologies of Buddhist Tantric Songs from the Tradition of Pha Dam pa sangs rgyas

Schaeffer, Kurtis. “Crystal Orbs and Arcane Treasures: Tibetan Anthologies of Buddhist Tantric Songs from the Tradition of Pha Dam pa sangs rgyas.” Acta Orientalia 68 (2007): 5–73.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Prolific Ascetic lCe-sgom Śes-rab rdo-rje alias lCe-sgom źig-po: Allusive, but Elusive

Sørensen, Per K. "The Prolific Ascetic lCe-sgom Śes-rab rdo-rje alias lCe-sgom źig-po: Allusive but Elusive." Journal of the Nepal Research Center 11 (1999): 175–200.
Articles · Journal Articles

One Vehicle or Three?

Fujita, Kōtatsu. "One Vehicle or Three?" Journal of Indian Philosophy 3 (1975): 79–166.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Pillars of Tibetan Medicine: the Chagpori and Mentsikhang Institutes in Lhasa

Hofer, Theresia, Knud Larsen. "Pillars of Tibetan Medicine: The Chagpori and Mentsikhang Institutes in Lhasa." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 257-267. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Journeys of Tibetan Medicine

Saxer, Martin. "The Journeys of Tibetan Medicine." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 246-256. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Illustrated Materia Medica Prints, Manuscripts, and Modern Books

Hofer, Theresia. "Illustrated Materia Medica Prints, Manuscripts, and Modern Books." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 226-245. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Tree Murals of Labrang Monastery's Medical College, Eastern Tibet

Sabernig, Katharina. "The Tree Murals of Labrang Monastery's Medical College, Eastern Tibet." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 221-225. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Buddhist Practices and Ideals in Desi Sangye Gyatso's Medical Paintings

Gyatso, Janet. "Buddhist Practices and Ideals in Desi Sangye Gyatso's Medical Paintings." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 198-220. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Making of Medical History, Twelfth to Seventeenth Century

Garrett, Frances. "The Making of Medical History, Twelfth to Seventeenth Century." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 178-197. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Origins of the Four Tantras and an Account of Its Author, Yuthog Yonten Gonpo

Ga, Yang. "The Origins of the Four Tantras and an Account of Its Author, Yuthog Yonten Gonpo." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 154-177. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Buddhas of Medicine

Dorje, Gyurme. "The Buddhas of Medicine." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 128-153. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Tibetan Medicine in The World: Local Scenes, Global Transformations

Craig, Sienna R. "The Art of Tibetan Medical Practice." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 110-125. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

A Day at The Astrology Department of the Men-Tsee-Khang in Dharamsala, India

Vasstveit, Inger K. "A Day at The Astrology Department of the Men-Tsee-Khang in Dharamsala, India." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 105-109. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Medicine, Astrology, and Divination

Yoeli-Tlalim, Ronit. "Medicine, Astrology, and Divination." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 90-104. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

External Therapies in Tibetan Medicine: The Four Tantras, Contemporary Practice and a Preliminary History of Surgery

Yontan Arya, Pasang. "External Therapies in Tibetan Medicine: The Four Tantras, Contemporary Practice and a Preliminary History of Surgery." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 64-89. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Foundations of Pharmacology and the Compounding of Tibetan Medicines

Hofer, Theresia. "Foundations of Pharmacology and the Compounding of Tibetan Medicines." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 46-63. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Body and Mind in Tibetan Medicine and Tantric Buddhism

Samuel, Geoffrey. "Body and Mind in Tibetan Medicine and Tantric Buddhism." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 32-45. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Art of Tibetan Medical Practice

Gerke, Barbara. "The Art of Tibetan Medical Practice." In Bodies in Balance the Art of Tibetan Medicine, 16-31. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Spa tshab Nyi ma grags and the Introduction of Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka into Tibet

Lang, Karen. "Spa-tshab Nyi-ma-grags and the Introduction of Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka into Tibet." In Reflections on Tibetan Culture: Essays in Memory of Turrell V. Wylie, edited by Lawrence Epstein and Richard F. Sherbourne, 127–41. Lewiston, NY: E. Mellon Press, 1990.
Articles · Journal Articles

La légende de Śāntideva

De Jong, J. W. "La légende de Śāntideva." Indo-Iranian Journal 16 (1975): 161-82.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Śāntideva in the History of Mādhyamika Philosophy

Saito, Akira. "Śāntideva in the History of Mādhyamika Philosophy." In Buddhism in India and Abroad: An Integrating Influence in Vedic and Post-Vedic Perspective, edited by Kalpakam Sankarnarayan, Motohiro Yoritomi, and Shubhada A. Joshi, 257–63. Mumbai: Somaiya Publications, 1996.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Third Drakar Lama: An Important Figure for Female Monasticism in the Beginning of Twentieth Century Kham

Schneider, Nicola. "The Third Drakar Lama: An Important Figure for Female Monasticism in the Beginning of Twentieth Century Kham." Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 21 (2011): 45-60.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Padampa Sangye: A History of Representation of a South Indian Siddha in Tibet

Martin, D. "Padampa Sangye: A History of Representation of a South Indian Siddha in Tibet." In Holy Madness: Portraits of Tantric Siddhas, edited by Rob Linrothe, 109-123. New York and Chicago: Rubin Museum of Art, Serindia Publications, 2006.
Articles · Unpublished

Hinayana: Some Uses and Misuses of a Term

Rey, Reginald. Hinayana--Some Uses and Misuses of the Term. Unpublished
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Observations on Prasangika Madhyamaka in the rÑin-ma-pa school

Ehrhard, Franz-Karl. "Observations on Prasangika Madhyamaka in the rÑin-ma-pa school." In Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 4th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, edited by Uebach, Helga and Jampa L. Panglung. Munich: Kommission für Zentralasiatische Studien, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1988.
Articles · Journal Articles

On the Knowability and Expressability of Absolute Reality in Buddhism

Ruegg, Seyfort. "On the Knowability and Expressability of Absolute Reality in Buddhism." Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies 20 (1971): 495-489.
Articles · Journal Articles

Aspects of the Study of the (Earlier) Indian Mahāyāna

Ruegg, David S. "Aspects of the Study of the (Earlier) Indian Mahāyāna." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 27, no. 1 (2004): 3–63.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Fourfold Meditation: Outer, Inner, Secret and Suchness

Bentor, Yael 2002. “Fourfold Meditation: Outer, Inner, Secret and Suchness”. Religion and Secular Culture in Tibet, 79-96. Tibetan Studies II. Proceedings of the International Association of Tibetan Studies 2000, vol. 2/2, 41-58. Ed. by H. Blezer with the assistance of A. Zadoks. Brill´s Tibetan Studies Library 2/2. Leiden: Brill.
Articles · Journal Articles

On Ratnakarasanti's Theory of Cognition with False Mental Images (Alikakaravijnanavada)

Moriyama, Shinya. "On Ratnakarasanti's Theory of Cognition with False Mental Images (Alikakaravijnanavada)." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 42 (2014):339-351.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Conventional Status of Reflexive Awareness: What's at Stake in a Tibetan Debate?

Garfield, Jay. "The Conventional Status of Reflexive Awareness: What's at Stake in a Tibetan Debate?" Philosophy East and West 56, no. 2 (2006): 201-228
Articles · Journal Articles

The Illumination of Consciousness: Approaches to Self-Awareness in the Indian and Western Traditions

MacKenzie, Matthew. "The Illumination of Consciousness: Approaches to Self-Awareness in the Indian and Western Traditions." Philosophy East and West 57 (2007): 40-62.
Articles · Journal Articles

Three Natures, Three Stages: An Interpretation of the Yogacara Trisvabhava-Theory

D'Amato, Mario. "Three Natures, Three Stages - An Interpretation of the Yogacara Trisvabhava-Theory." Journal of Indian Philosophy 33 (2005): 185-207.
Articles · Journal Articles

What is meant by Destroying the Alayavijnana?

Osaki, Akiko. 1978. "What is meant by Destroying the Alayavijnana?" Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies 26 (2): 15-20
Articles · Journal Articles

A Synopsis of the Prajñāpāramitopadeśa of Ratnākaraśānti

Katsura, Shōryū (桂 紹隆). "A Synopsis of the Prajñāpāramitopadeśa of Ratnākaraśānti." Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies 25, no. 1 (1976): 487-484.
Articles · Journal Articles

Aspects of Spiritual Practice in Early Yogācāra

Schmithausen, Lambert. "Aspects of Spiritual Practice in Early Yogācāra". Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies (Tokyo), 11 (2007): 213–244.
Articles · Journal Articles

Nāgārjuna and the Tathāgatagarbha

Mitrikeski, Drasko. “Nāgārjuna and the Tathāgatagarbha: A Closer Look at Some Peculiar Features in the Niraupamyastava” Journal of Religious History 33 No. 2 (2009): 149-164.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Zur Frage, ob ein Bodhisattva unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen in einer neutralen Geisteshaltung (avyākṛta-citta) töten darf

Schmithausen, Lambert. "Zur Frage, ob ein Bodhisattva unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen in einer neutralen Geisteshaltung (avyākṛta-citta) töten darf." In Indica et Tibetica: Festschrift für Michael Hahn, edited by Klaus, K. and Hartmann, J., 423-440. Vienna: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien, 2007.
Articles · Unpublished, Presentations

A Fifteenth Century Biography of Lha bla ma Ye shes 'od (947-1019-24): Part One: Its Prolegomenon and Prophecies

Kuijp, Leonard W. J. van der. 2015. "A Fifteenth Century Biography of Lha bla ma Ye shes 'od (947-1019-24): Part One: Its Prolegomenon and Prophecies." Unpublished updated version of a presentation given in Vienna, Austria, 2014.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Mahāmudrā Chöd? Rangjung Dorjé’s Commentary on The Great Speech Chapter of Machik Labdrön

Sorensen, Michelle. 2013. "Mahāmudrā Chöd? Rangjung Dorjé’s Commentary on The Great Speech Chapter of Machik Labdrön." In Wading into the Stream of Wisdom: Essays in Honor of Leslie S. Kawamura, pp 129-160. Edited by Sarah F. Haynes and Michelle J. Sorensen. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

The Canonization of Philosophy and the Rhetoric of Siddhānta in Tibetan Buddhism

Cabezón, José Ignacio. "The Canonization of Philosophy and the Rhetoric of Siddhānta in Tibetan Buddhism." In Buddha Nature: A Festschrift in Honor of Minoru Kiyota, edited by Paul J. Griffiths and John P. Keenan, 7–26. Tokyo: Buddhist Books International, 1990.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Dreadlocks Treatise: On Tantric Hairstyles in Tibetan Buddhism

Bogin, Benjamin. "The Dreadlocks Treatise: On Tantric Hairstyles in Tibetan Buddhism." History of Religions 48-2 (2008): 85-109.
Articles · Journal Articles

Report on the XIIth Conference of the IABS

Hinüber, Oskar von. "Report on the XIIth Conference of the IABS." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 23 No. 1 (2000): 155-160.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Hermeneutical Problem in SN 42, 12 (SN IV, 333) and AN X, 91 (AN V, 178)

Pāsādika, Bhikkhu. "A Hermeneutical Problem in SN 42, 12 (SN IV, 333) and AN X, 91 (AN V, 178)." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 23 No. 1 (2000): 147-154.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Story of Rūpāvatī: A Female Past Birth of the Buddha

Ohnuma, Reiko. "The Story of Rūpāvatī: A Female Past Birth of the Buddha." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 23 No. 1 (2000): 103-146.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Realm of Akṣobhya: A Missing Piece in the History of Pure Land Buddhism

Nattier, J. "The Realm of Akṣobhya: A Missing Piece in the History of Pure Land Buddhism." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 23 No. 1 (2000): 71-102.
Articles · Journal Articles

Mentally Constructing What Already Exists: The Pure Land Thought of Chan Master Jixing Chewu (1741-1810)

Jones, Charles B. "Mentally Constructing What Already Exists: The Pure Land Thought of Chan Master Jixing Chewu (1741-1810)." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 23 No. 1 (2000): 43-70.
Articles · Journal Articles

What Happened to the Nun Maitreyī?

Heirman, Ann. "What Happened to the Nun Maitreyī?" The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 23 No. 1 (2000): 29-42.
Articles · Journal Articles

On Hu and Fan Again: the Transmission of "Barbarian" Manuscripts to China

Boucher, Daniel. "On Hu and Fan Again: the Transmission of "Barbarian" Manuscripts to China." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 23 No. 1 (2000): 7-28.
Articles · Journal Articles

In memoriam Prof. Hajime Nakamura

Takasaki, Jikido. "In memoriam Prof. Hajime Nakamura." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 23 No. 1 (2000): 1-6.
Articles · Journal Articles

Coming of age: Buddhist Studies in the United States from 1972 to 1997

Reynolds, Frank E. "Buddhist Studies in the United States from 1972 to 1997." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 22 No. 2 (1999): 459-485.
Articles · Journal Articles

Buddhist Studies in Germany and Austria 1971-1996

Franco, Eli. "Buddhist Studies in Germany and Austria 1971-1996." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 22 No. 1 (1999): 1-92.
Articles · Journal Articles

Marginal Notes on a Study of Buddhism, Economy and Society in China

Silk, Jonathan A. "Marginal Notes on a Study of Buddhism, Economy and Society in China." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 22 No. 2 (1999): 360-398.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Search for Mahāyāna in Sri Lanka

Deegalle, Mahinda. "A Search for Mahāyāna in Sri Lanka." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 22 No. 2 (1999): 343-359.
Articles · Journal Articles

Conditioned Arising Evolves: Variation and Change in Textual Accounts of the Paṭicca-samuppāda Doctrine

Bucknell, Roderick S. "Conditioned Arising Evolves: Variation and Change in Textual Accounts of the Paṭicca-samuppāda Doctrine" The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 22 No. 2 (1999): 311-342.
Articles · Journal Articles

Looking for the Vinaya: Monastic Discipline in the Practical Canons of the Theravāda

Blackburn, Anne M. "Looking for the Vinaya: Monastic Discipline in the Practical Canons of the Theravāda." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 22 No. 2 (1999): 281-310.
Articles · Journal Articles

Politics of Higher Ordination, Buddhist Monastic Identity, and Leadership at the Dambulla Temple in Sri Lanka

Abeysekara, Ananda. "Politics of Higher Ordination, Buddhist Monastic Identity, and Leadership at the Dambulla Temple in Sri Lanka." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 22 No. 2 (1999): 255-280.
Articles · Journal Articles

Shadao and Hōnen. Apropos of Julian F. Pas's book Visions of Sukhāvatī (English summary)

Ducor, Jérôme. "Shadao and Hōnen. Apropos of Julian F. Pas's book Visions of Sukhāvatī (English summary)" The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 22 No. 1 (1999): 251-252.
Articles · Journal Articles

Introduction to Alexander von Staël-Holstein's Article "On a Peking Edition of the Tibetan Kanjur Which Seems to be Unknown in the West"

Silk, Jonathan A. "One Name, Three Monks: Two Northern Chan Masters Emerge from the Shadow of Their Contemporary, the Tiantai Master Zhanran (711-782)." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 22 No. 1 (1999): 211-250.
Articles · Journal Articles

Three Bodhisattvapiṭaka Fragments from Tabo: Observations on a West Tibetan Manuscript Tradition

Pagel, Ulrich. "Three Bodhisattvapiṭaka Fragments from Tabo: Observations on a West Tibetan Manuscript Tradition." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 22, no. 1 (1999): 165-210.
Articles · Journal Articles

Shandao et Hōnen, á propos du livre de Julian F. Pas: Visions of Sukhāvatī

Ducor, Jérôme. "Shandao et Hōnen, á propos du livre de Julian F. Pas: Visions of Sukhāvatī." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 22 No. 1 (1999): 93-164.
Articles · Journal Articles

One Name, Three Monks: Two Northern Chan Masters Emerge from the Shadow of Their Contemporary, the Tiantai Master Zhanran (711-782)

Chen, Jinhua. "One Name, Three Monks: Two Northern Chan Masters Emerge from the Shadow of Their Contemporary, the Tiantai Master Zhanran (711-782)." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 22 No. 1 (1999): 1-92.
Articles · Journal Articles

Replacing hu with fan: A Change in the Chinese Perception of Buddhism during the Medieval Period

Jidong, Yang. "Replacing hu with fan: A Change in the Chinese Perception of Buddhism during the Medieval Period" Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 21, no. 1 (1998): 157-171.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Translation of the Madhyamakahṛdayakārikā with the Tarkajvālā III. 137-146

Watanabe, Chikafumi. "A Translation of the Madhyamakahṛdayakārikā with the Tarkajvālā III. 137-146" Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 21, no. 1 (1998): 125-156.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Note on Pramāṇavārttika, Pramāṇasamuccaya and Nyāyamukha. What is the svadharmin in Buddhist Logic?

Tillemans, Tom. "A Note on Pramāṇavārttika, Pramāṇasamuccaya and Nyāyamukha. What is the svadharmin in Buddhist Logic?" Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 21, no. 1 (1998): 111-124.
Articles · Journal Articles

Dōgen's Raihaitokuzui and Women Teaching in Sung Ch'an

Levering, Miriam. "Dōgen's Raihaitokuzui and Women Teaching in Sung Ch'an" Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 21, no. 1 (1998): 77-110.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Construction of Early Tendai Esoteric Buddhism: The Japanese Provenance of Saichō's Transmission Documents and Three Esoteric Buddhist Apocrypha Attributed to Śubhākarasiṁha

Chen, Jinhua. "The Construction of Early Tendai Esoteric Buddhism: The Japanese Provenance of Saichō's Transmission Documents and Three Esoteric Buddhist Apocrypha Attributed to Śubhākarasiṁha" Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 21, no. 1 (1998): 21-76.
Articles · Journal Articles

Guenther's Saraha: A Detailed Review of Ecstatic Spontaneity

Jackson, Roger. "Guenther's Saraha: A Detailed Review of Ecstatic Spontaneity." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 17 No. 1 (1994): 111-143.
Articles · Journal Articles

Hōnen and Popular Pure Land Piety: Assimilation and Transformation

Andrews, Allan A. "Hōnen and Popular Pure Land Piety: Assimilation and Transformation." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 17 No. 1 (1994): 96-110.
Articles · Journal Articles

Yuan-wu K'o-ch'in's (1063-1135) Teaching of Ch'an Kung-an to the Practical K'an-hua Ch'an

Hsieh, Ding-hwa Evelyn. "Yuan-wu K'o-ch'in's (1063-1135) Teaching of Ch'an Kung-an to the Practical K'an-hua Ch'an." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 17 No. 1 (1994): 66-95.
Articles · Journal Articles

Anti-Chan Polemics in Post Tang Tiantai

Ziporyn, Brook. "Anti-Chan Polemics in Post Tang Tiantai." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 17 No. 1 (1994): 26-65.
Articles · Journal Articles

Reinterpreting the Jhānas

Bucknell, Roderick S. "Reinterpreting the Jhānas." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 16 No. 2 (1993): 375-409.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Re-examination of a Kaniṣka Period Tetradrachm Coin Type with an Image of Mētrago/Maitreya on the Reverse (Göbl 793.1) and a Brief Notice on the Importance of the Inscription Relative to Bactro-Ganhāran Buddhist Iconography of the Period

Huntington, John C. "A Re-examination of a Kaniṣka Period Tetradrachm Coin Type with an Image of Mētrago/Maitreya on the Reverse (Göbl 793.1) and a Brief Notice on the Importance of the Inscription Relative to Bactro-Ganhāran Buddhist Iconography of the Period." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 16 No. 2 (1993): 355-374.
Articles · Journal Articles

Contributions to the Study of Popular Buddhism: The Newar Buddhist Festival of Guṃlā Dharma

Lexis, Todd T. "Contributions to the Study of Popular Buddhism: The Newar Buddhist Festival of Guṃlā Dharma." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 16 No. 2 (1993): 309-354.
Articles · Journal Articles

Recent French Contributions to Himalayan and Tibetan Studies

Hevia, James. "Recent French Contributions to Himalayan and Tibetan Studies." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 16 No. 2 (1993): 299-308.
Articles · Journal Articles

Two Mongol Xylographs (Hor Par Ma) of the Tibetan Text of Sa Skya Paṇḍita's Work on Buddhist Logic and Epistemology

Van der Kuijp, Leonard W.J. "Two Mongol Xylographs (Hor Par Ma) of the Tibetan Text of Sa Skya Paṇḍita's Work on Buddhist Logic and Epistemology." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 16 No. 2 (1993): 279-298.
Articles · Journal Articles

Lamas, Emperors, and Rituals: Political Implications in Qing Imperial Ceremonies

Hevia, James. "Lamas, Emperors, and Rituals: Political Implications in Qing Imperial Ceremonies." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 16 No. 2 (1993): 243-278.
Articles · Journal Articles

Asoka and Buddhism - A reexamination

Basham, A.L. "Asoka and Buddhism - A reexamination." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 5 (1) (1982): 131-143
Articles · Journal Articles

Review of Tantra in Tibet and The Yoga of Tibet by Tsong kha pa

Fenner, Todd. "Review of Tantra in Tibet and The Yoga of Tibet by Tsong kha pa." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 5 (1) (1982): 127-130.
Articles · Journal Articles

Review of Chinese Buddhism: Aspects of Interaction and Reinterpretation by W. Pachow

Lai, Whalen W. "Review of Chinese Buddhism: Aspects of Interaction and Reinterpretation by W. Pachow." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 5 (1) (1982): 124-126.
Articles · Journal Articles

Review of Theravāda Meditation: The Buddhist Transformation by Winston King

Bond, George B. "Review of Theravāda Meditation: The Buddhist Transformation by Winston King." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 5 (1) (1982): 121-123.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Report on Buddhism in the People's Republic of China

Sponberg, Alan. "A Report on Buddhism in the People's Republic of China." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 5 (1) (1982): 109-117.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Text on the "Dhāraṇī Stones from Abhayagiriya": A Minor Contribution to the Study of Mahāyāna Literature in Ceylon

Schopen, Gregory. "The Text on the "Dhāraṇī Stones from Abhayagiriya": A Minor Contribution to the Study of Mahāyāna Literature in Ceylon." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 5 (1) (1982): 100-108.
Articles · Journal Articles

Sa skya paṇḍita's Accounts of the bSam yas Debate: History as Polemic

Jackson, Roger. "Sa skya paṇḍita's Accounts of the bSam yas Debate: History as Polemic." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 5 (1) (1982): 89-99.
Articles · Journal Articles

Studies in Traditional Indian Medicine in the Pāli Canon: Jīvaka and Āyurveda

Zysk, Kenneth G. "Studies in Traditional Indian Medicine in the Pāli Canon: Jīvaka and Āyurveda." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 5 (1) (1982): 70-88.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Life and Times of Paramārtha (499-569)

Paul, Diana Y. "The Life and Times of Paramārtha (499-569)." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 5 (1) (1982): 37-69.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Dragon Girl and the Abbess of Mo-Shan: Gender and Status in the Ch'an Buddhist Tradition

Levering, Miriam L. "The Dragon Girl and the Abbess of Mo-Shan: Gender and Status in the Ch'an Buddhist Tradition." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 5 (1) (1982): 19-36.
Articles · Journal Articles

Original Purity and the Focus of Early Yogācāra

Keenan, John P. "Original Purity and the Focus of Early Yogācāra." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 5, no. 1 (1982): 7–18.
Articles · Journal Articles, Reviews

Review of The Religions of Tibet, by Guiseppe Tucci

Jackson, Roger. "Review of The Religions of Tibet, by Guiseppe Tucci." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 4 (1) (1981): 119-122.
Articles · Journal Articles, Reviews

Review of Buddhist-Christian Empathy, by Joseph J. Spae

Corless, Roger Tashi. "Review of Buddhist-Christian Empathy, by Joseph J. Spae." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 4 (1) (1981): 115-118.
Articles · Journal Articles, Reviews

Review of Buddhist and Freudian Psychology, by Padmasiri de Silva

Padmasiri, de Silva. "Review of Buddhist and Freudian Psychology, by Padmasiri de Silva." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 4 (1) (1981): 114-115.
Articles · Journal Articles, Reviews

Review of Tangles and Webs, by Padmasiri de Silva

Houston, Gary W. "Review of Tangles and Webs, by Padmasiri de Silva." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 4 (1) (1981): 113-114.
Articles · Journal Articles, Reviews

Review of Buddha's Lions-The Lives of the Eighty-Four, by James B. Robinson

Cabezón, José. "Review of Buddha's Lions-The Lives of the Eighty-Four, by James B. Robinson." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 4 (1) (1981): 111-113.
Articles · Journal Articles, Reviews

Review of Cross Currents in Early Buddhism, by S. N. Dube

Samtani, N. "Review of Cross Currents in Early Buddhism by S. N. Dube." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 4 (1) (1981): 108-110.
Articles · Journal Articles

Rune E. A. Johansson's Analysis of Citta: A Criticism

Sharma, Arvind. "Rune E. A. Johansson's Analysis of Citta: A Criticism." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 4 (1) (1981): 101-107.
Articles · Journal Articles

An Exceptional Group of Painted Buddha Figures at Ajanṭā

Krishna, Anand. "An Exceptional Group of Painted Buddha Figures at Ajanṭā." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 4 (1) (1981): 96-100.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Study on the Mādhyamika Method of Refutation and Its Influence on Buddhist Logic

Ichimura, Shohei. "A Study on the Mādhyamika Method of Refutation and Its Influence on Buddhist Logic." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 4 (1) (1981): 87-95.
Articles · Journal Articles

Bodhi and Arahattaphala. From early Buddhism to early Mahāyāna

Werner, Karel. "Bodhi and Arahattaphala. From early Buddhism to early Mahāyāna." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 4 (1) (1981): 70-86.
Articles · Journal Articles

Changing the Female Body: Wise Women and the Bodhisattva Career in Some Mahāratnakūṭasūtras

Schuster, Nancy. "Changing the Female Body: Wise Women and the Bodhisattva Career in Some Mahāratnakūṭasūtras." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 4 (1) (1981): 24-69.
Articles · Journal Articles, Reviews

Review of Wittgenstein and Buddhism, by Chris Gudmunsen

Rajapakse, Vijitha. "Review of Wittgenstein and Buddhism, by Chris Gudmunsen." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (1980): 122-126.
Articles · Journal Articles, Reviews

Review of On Knowing Reality: The Tattvārtha Chapter of Asaṅga's Bodhisattvabhūmi, by Janice Dean Willis

Fenner, E. Todd. "Review of On Knowing Reality: The Tattvārtha Chapter of Asaṅga's Bodhisattvabhūmi, by Janice Dean Willis." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (1980): 117-119.
Articles · Journal Articles

Notes on the Textcritical Editing of the Bodhisattvāvadānakalpalatā

Wilson, Frances. "Notes on the Textcritical Editing of the Bodhisattvāvadānakalpalatā." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (1980): 111-114.
Articles · Journal Articles

Archaeological Excavations at Piprāhwā and Ganwaria and the Identification of Kapilavastu

Srivastava, K. M. "Archaeological Excavations at Piprāhwā and Ganwaria and the Identification of Kapilavastu." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (1980): 103-110.
Articles · Journal Articles

Geshe Sopa Replies to Alex Wayman

Sopa, Geshe. "Geshe Sopa Replies to Alex Wayman." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (1980): 98-100.
Articles · Chapters in a Book

Saraha's Queen Dohās

Jackson, Roger R. "Saraha's Queen Dohās." In Yoga in Practice, edited by David Gordon White, 162-184. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2012.
Articles · Journal Articles

Alex Wayman Replies to Geshe Sopa

Wayman, Alex "Alex Wayman Replies to Geshe Sopa." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (1980): 93-97.
Articles · Journal Articles

Some Comments on Tsong kha pa's Lam rim chen mo and Professor Wayman's Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real

Sopa, Geshe. "Some Comments on Tsong kha pa's Lam rim chen mo and Professor Wayman's Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (1980): 68-97.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Abhidharmika Notion of Vijñāṇa and its Soteriological Significance

Sinha, Braj M. "The Abhidharmika Notion of Vijñāṇa and its Soteriological Significance." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (1980): 54-67.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Clue to the Authorship of the Awakening of Faith: "Śikṣānanda's" Redaction of the Word "Nien"

Lai, Whalen. "A Clue to the Authorship of the Awakening of Faith: 'Śikṣānanda's' Redaction of the Word 'Nien'." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 3, no. 1 (1980): 34–53.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Study of the Mādhyamika Method of Refutation, Especially of its Affinity to that of Kathāvatthu

Ichimura, Shohei. "A Study of the Mādhyamika Method of Refutation, Especially of its Affinity to that of Kathāvatthu." The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (1980): 7-15.
Articles · Journal Articles, Reviews

Review of Introduction to the Middle Way: Chandrakirti's Madhyamakavatara with Commentary by Jamgön Mipham by Padmakara Translation Group

Pāsādika, Bhikkhu. "Review of Introduction to the Middle Way: Chandrakirti's Madhyamakavatara with Commentary by Jamgön Mipham by Padmakara Translation Group." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 13 (2012): 201-207.
Articles · Journal Articles

Early Buddhism

Willemen, Charles. "Early Buddhism." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 13 (2012): 187-200.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Turning of the Wheel of Mantrayāna Teachings in the Rnying ma rgyud 'bum dkar chag lha'i rnga bo che

Makidono, Tomoko. "The Turning of the Wheel of Mantrayāna Teachings in the Rnying ma rgyud 'bum dkar chag lha'i rnga bo che." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 13 (2012): 149-186.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Study of the Kālakăñjas and their Ancestors and Descendants in Old and Middle Indic Texts

Lighthiser, Timothy P. "A Study of the Kālakăñjas and their Ancestors and Descendants in Old and Middle Indic Texts." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 13 (2012): 133-147.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Silk Road Rider: Xuanzang (602-664 CE) and His 3-D Contributions

Der-huey, Lee. "Debate with a Sceptic: The Dīrgha-āgama Parallel to the Pāyāsi-sutta." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 13 (2012): 109-131.
Articles · Journal Articles

Wakefulness before awakening: The role of jāgariyā according to the Pāli Nikāyas

Giustarini, Giuliano. "Wakefulness before awakening: The role of jāgariyā according to the Pāli Nikāyas." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 13 (2012): 81-108.
Articles · Journal Articles

The 'Discourse on Accumulated Actions' in Śamathadeva's Abhidharmakośaṭīkopāyikā

Martini, Giuliana. "The 'Discourse on Accumulated Actions' in Śamathadeva's Abhidharmakośaṭīkopāyikā." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 13 (2012): 49-79.
Articles · Journal Articles

A Comparative Study of Two Prominent Schools of Theravāda Meditation

Dhar, P.L. and Bhikkhu Satyapala. "A Comparative Study of Two Prominent Schools of Theravāda Meditation." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 13 (2012): 27-48.
Articles · Journal Articles

Debate with a Sceptic: The Dīrgha-āgama Parallel to the Pāyāsi-sutta

Anālayo. "Debate with a Sceptic: The Dīrgha-āgama Parallel to the Pāyāsi-sutta." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 13 (2012): 1-26.
Articles · Journal Articles, Reviews

Review of Xitanxueyu Hanzi Yinxue Xinlun, (Further Studies on the Siddham and Chinese Language) by Tan Shibao

Shibao, Tan. "Review of Xitanxueyu Hanzi Yinxue Xinlun, (Further Studies on the Siddham and Chinese Language) by Tan Shibao." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 12 (2011): 177-178.
Articles · Journal Articles

Śakra and the Destruction of Craving - A Case Study in the Role of Śakra in Early Buddhism

Anālayo. "Śakra and the Destruction of Craving - A Case Study in the Role of Śakra in Early Buddhism." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 12 (2011): 157-176.
Articles · Journal Articles

From Funan to Jiangnan

Willemen, Charles. "From Funan to Jiangnan." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 12 (2011): 141-155.
Articles · Journal Articles

Conflicts and Fusions of Ideas during the Introduction of Buddhism from India to China

Shan, Wei. "Conflicts and Fusions of Ideas during the Introduction of Buddhism from India to China." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 12 (2011): 121-139.
Articles · Journal Articles

Kaḥ thog Dge rtse Mahāpaṇḍita's Doxographical Position: The Great Madhyamaka of Other-Emptiness (gzhan stong dbu ma chen po)

Makidono, Tomoko. "Kaḥ thog Dge rtse Mahāpaṇḍita's Doxographical Position: The Great Madhyamaka of Other-Emptiness (gzhan stong dbu ma chen po)." Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 12 (2011): 77–119.
Articles · Journal Articles

Who was Uddaka Rāmaputta - An Answer

Schumann, Wolfgang. "Who was Uddaka Rāmaputta - An Answer." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 12 (2011): 71-75.
Articles · Journal Articles

Brāhmaṇical-Hindu and Buddhist Conversions to Islam in India: An Examination of General Trends with Special Reference to Eastern India

Sarao, K.T.S. "Brāhmaṇical-Hindu and Buddhist Conversions to Islam in India: An Examination of General Trends with Special Reference to Eastern India." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 12 (2011): 51-69.
Articles · Journal Articles

The Specter of Nihilism: On Hegel on Buddhism

Xing, Guang. "The Specter of Nihilism: On Hegel on Buddhism." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 12 (2011): 23-49.
Articles · Journal Articles

Avalokiteśvara in China

Xing, Guang. "Avalokiteśvara in China." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 12 (2011): 1-22.
Articles · Journal Articles, Obituaries

Obituary for Gustav Roth

Pāsādika, Bhikkhu. "Obituary for Gustav Roth." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11 (2010): 267-284.
Articles · Journal Articles, Reviews

Review of Ethics in Early Buddhism by David J. Kalupahana

Sebastian, C.D. "Review of Ethics in Early Buddhism by David J. Kalupahana." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11 (2010): 253-261.
Articles · Journal Articles, Transcriptions

The Sarvatathāgatādhiṣṭhāna-satvāvalokanabuddhakṣetrasandarśana-vyūha: A Mahāyāna Sūtra from Gilgit

Cohen, Richard S. trans. "The Sarvatathāgatādhiṣṭhāna-satvāvalokanabuddhakṣetrasandarśana-vyūha: A Mahāyāna Sūtra from Gilgit." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11 (2010): 199-251.
Articles ·

Atiśa's Open Basket of Jewels: A Middle Way Vision in Late Phase Indian Vajrayāna. An Annotated English Translation of the Ratnakaraṇḍodghaṭamadhyamakopadeśa

Apple, James B. trans. "Atiśa's Open Basket of Jewels: A Middle Way Vision in Late Phase Indian Vajrayāna. An Annotated English Translation of the Ratnakaraṇḍodghaṭamadhyamakopadeśa." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11 (2010): 117-198.
Articles · Journal Articles

Theory of Apoha on the basis of the Pramāṇasamuccaya

Pandey, Ramanath. "Theory of Apoha on the basis of the Pramāṇasamuccaya." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11 (2010): 91-116.
Articles · Journal Articles

Mystical Experience in Philosophy

Milčinski, Mala. "Mystical Experience in Philosophy." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11 (2010): 81-89.
Articles · Journal Articles

Buddhism and Agni

Krishan, Y., "Buddhism and Agni." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11 (2010): 71-79.
Articles · Journal Articles

Zen Master Dōgen's View of Language in his Shōbō Genzō, Exp. in Chaps: "Hanya Haramitsu" and "Sky Flowers"

Ichimura, Shohei. "Zen Master Dōgen's View of Language in his Shōbō Genzō, Exp. in Chaps: "Hanya Haramitsu" and "Sky Flowers"." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11 (2010): 45-69.
Articles · Journal Articles

Candrakīrti's Theory of Persons

Duerlinger, James. "Candrakīrti's Theory of Persons." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11 (2010): 29-43.
Articles · Journal Articles

Once Again on Bakkula

Anālayo. "Once Again on Bakkula." The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11 (2010): 1-28.