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Dissertations · MA Thesis

A Study and Annotated Translation of Ju Mipham Gyamtso's (1846–1912) Short Commentary on the Profound Song on the View (Anselme 2024)

Anselme, Frederic (Ananda). "A Study and Annotated Translation of Ju Mipham Gyamtso’s (1846–1912) Short Commentary on the Profound Song on the View (lta ba’i mgur zab mo’grel chung)". MA Thesis, Center for Buddhist Studies at the Rangjung Yeshe Institute, Kathmandu University, 2024.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Sacred Illusion: On Purity and Creation in Je Tsongkhapa's Philosophy of Tantra (Natanya 2017)

Natanya, Eva. "Sacred Illusion: On Purity and Creation in Je Tsongkhapa's Philosophy of Tantra." PhD diss., University of Virginia, 2017.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Poisoned Ground: The Roots of Eurocentrism (McClellan 2013)

McClellan, Joseph Mark. "Poisoned Ground, The Roots of Eurocentrism: Teleology, Hierarchy, and Anthropocentrism." PhD diss., Columbia University, 2013.
Dissertations · MA Thesis

The Carefree Dzogchen Yogi of Dolpo, Tadru Orgyan Tenzin (1657-1737): A Partial Translation and Study of The Condensed Life of the Old Beggar Orgyan Tenzin (sprang rgan o rgyan bstan 'dzin pa'i rnam thar bsdus pa) (Smith 2023)

Smith, Michael D. "The Carefree Dzogchen Yogi of Dolpo, Tadru Orgyan Tenzin (1657-1737): A Partial Translation and Study of The Condensed Life of the Old Beggar Orgyan Tenzin (sprang rgan o rgyan bstan 'dzin pa'i rnam thar bsdus pa). MA thesis, Kathmandu University, 2023.
Dissertations · MA Thesis

Who Is the Author? Mangtö Ludrup Gyatso's Essential Nectar in the Collected Works of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (Fregiehn 2023)

Fregiehn, Claudia. "Who Is the Author? Mangtö Ludrup Gyatso's Essential Nectar in the Collected Works of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo: A Case Study of the Attribution of Authorship in Tibetan Buddhism." MA thesis, Kathmandu University, 2023.
Dissertations · PhD diss.

Contributions to the Development of Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology from the Eleventh to the Fifteenth Century (Kuijp 1979)

Kuijp, Leonard W. J. van der. "Contributions to the Development of Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology from the Eleventh to the Fifteenth Century." PhD diss., Universität Hamburg, 1979.