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Articles · Magazine Articles
Glimpses of Buddhanature: Untouchable Peace (Henkel 2023)
Henkel, Kokyo. "Glimpses of Buddhanature: Untouchable Peace." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 84–85.
Articles · Magazine Articles
Glimpses of Buddhanature: Nourish the Seed (Caine-Barrett 2023)
Caine-Barrett, Myokei. "Glimpses of Buddhanature: Nourish the Seed." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 82–83.
Articles · Magazine Articles
Glimpses of Buddhanature: A Fish Just Swims (Gu 2023)
Gu, Guo. "Glimpses of Buddhanature: A Fish Just Swims." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 79–81.
Articles · Magazine Articles
Buddhanature Beyond Mere Concept (Condon 2023)
Condon, Paul. "Buddhanature Beyond Mere Concept." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 76–77.
Articles · Magazine Articles
Hope for the Hopeless (Higa 2023)
Higa, Rev. Blayne. "Hope for the Hopeless." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 66–75.
Articles · Magazine Articles
Meditations on Buddhanature: Recognizing Mind Essence (Urgyen 2023)
Urgyen, Tulku. "Meditations on Buddhanature: Recognizing Mind Essence." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 65.