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Books · Translations, Academic Publications
Drenpa's Proclamation (Kværne and Martin 2023)
Kværne, Per and Dan Martin, trans. Drenpa's Proclamation: The Rise and Decline of the Bön Religion in Tibet. Vajra Academic. Vol 3. Kathmandu: Vajra Books, 2022.
Books · Translations, Academic Publications, Contemporary Buddhist Writings
The Cosmos, The Person, and The Sādhana (Bentor 2024)
Bentor, Yael. The Cosmos, The Person, and The Sādhana: A Treatise on Tibetan Tantric Meditation. Traditions and Transformations in Tibetan Buddhism. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 2024.
Books · Translations
The Tattvasaṅgraha of Śāntarakṣita with the Commentary of Kamalaśīla (Vol 2)
Jha, Ganganatha, trans. The Tattvasaṅgraha of Śāntarakṣita with the Commentary of Kamalaśīla. 2 vols. Baroda: Oriental Institute, 1937.
Books · Translations
Jewel Treasure of the Dharmadhatu (Light of Berotsana 2024)
Chonam, Lama, and Sangye Khandro (Light of Berotsana Translation Group), trans. Jewel Treasure of the Dharmadhātu (chöying rinpoche'i dzöd): With the Autocommentary, A Treasury of Citations. By Omniscient Longchen Rabjam. Ashland, OR: Berotsana Publications, 2024.
Books · Contemporary Buddhist Writings
Vajrapani (Preece 2024)
Preece, Rob. Vajrapani: Clarifying Our Relationship to Power. Essence of Tantra Series. Devon, UK: Mudra Publications, 2024.
Books · Translations
The Tattvasaṅgraha of Śāntarakṣita with the Commentary of Kamalaśīla - Vol. 2 (Jha 1986)
Jha, Ganganatha, trans. The Tattvasaṅgraha of Śāntarakṣita with the Commentary of Kamalaśīla: Vol. 2 Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1986.
Books · Translations
The Tattvasaṅgraha of Śāntarakṣita with the Commentary of Kamalaśīla - Vol. 1 (Jha 1986)
Jha, Ganganatha, trans. The Tattvasaṅgraha of Śāntarakṣita with the Commentary of Kamalaśīla: Vol.1. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1986.
Books · Academic Publications
Buddhism Between Religion and Philosophy (Stepien 2024)
Stepien, Rafal K. Buddhism Between Religion and Philosophy: Nāgārjuna and the Ethics of Emptiness. New York: Oxford University Press, 2024.
Books · Academic Publications, Buddhist Topic Monographs
Saving the Dead (Lindsay 2024)
Lindsay, Rory. Saving the Dead: Tibetan Funerary Rituals in the Tradition of The Sarvadurgatipariśodhana Tantra. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde No. 105. Vienna: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien, 2024.
Books · Contemporary Buddhist Writings
The Jhanas (Catherine 2024)
Catherine, Shaila. The Jhanas: A Practical Guide to Deep Meditative States. New York: Wisdom Publications, 2024.
Books · Translations, Edited Dharma Teaching
The Ninth Chapter of The Way of the Bodhisattva - Part 3 (Sherab and Fletcher 2020)
Sherab, Pema, and Wulstan Fletcher. The Ninth Chapter of The Way of the Bodhisattva - Part 3 : The Conclusion. Transcription of the commentary by Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche including revision sessions by Wulstan Fletcher. Provisional Edition. Lisbon: Padmakara, 2020.
Books · Translations, Edited Dharma Teaching
The Ninth Chapter of The Way of the Bodhisattva - Part 2 (Sherab and Fletcher 2019)
Sherab, Pema, and Wulstan Fletcher. The Ninth Chapter of The Way of the Bodhisattva - Part 2. Transcription of the commentary by Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche including revision sessions by Wulstan Fletcher. Provisional Edition. Lisbon: Padmakara, 2019.