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From Research Library
Books · Translations
Astounding (Wilkinson 2023)
Wilkinson, Christopher, trans. Astounding: Five Tantras of the Mind Section. Self Published, 2023.
Books · Translations, Edited Dharma Teaching
Awakening Wisdom (Wangyal 2023)
Wangyal, Pema. Awakening Wisdom: Heart Advice on the Fundamental Practices of Vajrayana Buddhism. Boulder, CO: Shambhala Publications, 2023.
Books · Academic Publications, Translations
Conjuring the Buddha (Dalton 2023)
Dalton, Jacob P. Conjuring the Buddha: Ritual Manuals in Early Tantric Buddhism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2023.
Books · Translations
Crystal Visions (Wilkinson 2023)
Wilkinson, Christopher, trans. Crystal Visions: Three Visionary Tantras of the Great Perfection. Self Published, 2023.
Books · Translations, Edited Dharma Teaching
Dolopopa's Mountian Dharma (Thrangu 2023)
Thrangu Rinpoche. Dolopopa's Mountian Dharma: The Birth of the Shentong View. Translated by David Choephel. Boulder: Namo Buddha Publications, 2023.
Books · Translations, Academic Publications
Drenpa's Proclamation (Kværne and Martin 2023)
Kværne, Per and Dan Martin, trans. Drenpa's Proclamation: The Rise and Decline of the Bön Religion in Tibet. Vajra Academic. Vol 3. Kathmandu: Vajra Books, 2022.