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<h1 class="display-4 mt-1 mb-1" style="font-size: 2.8rem;"><span class="small-caps text-110">Tsadra Foundation</span> · Digital Research Library</h1>
<div class="h2 mt-0 border-0 font-italic">A Repository of Buddhist Literature in Western Languages</div>
<p class="font-serif text-150">Welcome to the searchable catalog of the Tsadra Foundation Research Library in Boulder, Colorado. This is a private archive of Buddhist studies material to be used internally by Tsadra Foundation, its staff and fellow translators. </p>
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|query=[[Shangpa Kagyu: The Tradition of Khyungpo Naljor - Part 2 (Harding 2023)]]
|query=[[Sakya: The Path with its Result - Part 2 (Smith 2023)]]
|query=[[Marpa Kagyu: Methods of Liberation - Part 1]]
|query=[[Light of Samantabhadra (Kilty 2023)]]
|query=[[Annotated Commentary: Shantideva's Entering the Way of the Bodhisattvas]]
|query=[[Les Tantras bouddhistes (Charrier 2022)]]
|query=[[Les Systèmes Philosophiques Bouddhistes]]
|query=[[The Precious Treasury of the Fundamental Nature]]
|query=[[Sounds of Innate Freedom - Vol. 3 (Brunnhölzl 2023)]]
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Latest revision as of 12:21, 29 August 2024

Tsadra Foundation · Digital Research Library

A Repository of Buddhist Literature in Western Languages

Welcome to the searchable catalog of the Tsadra Foundation Research Library in Boulder, Colorado. This is a private archive of Buddhist studies material to be used internally by Tsadra Foundation, its staff and fellow translators.

Featured Books

Books · Translations
Kadam: Stages of the Path, Mind Training and Esoteric Practice - Part 1 (Engle 2024)
Engle, Artemus B., trans. Kadam: Stages of the Path, Mind Training and Esoteric Practice, Part 1. Vol. 3 of The Treasury of Precious Instructions: Essential Teachings of the Eight Practice Lineages of Tibet (gdams ngag rin po che'i mdzod), compiled by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye ('jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas). Tsadra Foundation Series. Boulder, CO: Snow Lion, 2024.
Books · Translations
Shangpa Kagyu: The Tradition of Khyungpo Naljor - Part 2 (Harding 2023)
Harding, Sarah, trans. Shangpa Kagyu: The Tradition of Khyungpo Naljor, Part 2. Vol. 12 of The Treasury of Precious Instructions: Essential Teachings of the Eight Practice Lineages of Tibet (gdams ngag rin po che'i mdzod), compiled by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye ('jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas). Tsadra Foundation Series. Boulder, CO: Snow Lion, 2023.
Books · Translations
Sakya: The Path with its Result - Part 2 (Smith 2023)
Smith, Malcolm, trans. Sakya: The Path with its Result, Part 2. Vol. 6 of The Treasury of Precious Instructions: Essential Teachings of the Eight Practice Lineages of Tibet (gdams ngag rin po che'i mdzod), compiled by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye ('jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas). Tsadra Foundation Series. Boulder, CO: Snow Lion, 2023.
Books · Translations
Marpa Kagyu: Methods of Liberation - Part 1
Callahan, Elizabeth M., trans. Marpa Kagyu: Methods of Liberation, Part 1. Vol. 7 of The Treasury of Precious Instructions: Essential Teachings of the Eight Practice Lineages of Tibet (gdams ngag rin po che'i mdzod), compiled by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye ('jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas). Tsadra Foundation Series. Boulder, CO: Snow Lion, 2023.
Books · Translations
Light of Samantabhadra (Kilty 2023)
Kilty, Gavin. Light of Samantabhadra: An Explanation of Dharmakīrti's Commentary on Valid Cognition. New York: Wisdom Publcations, 2023.
Books · Translations
Annotated Commentary: Shantideva's Entering the Way of the Bodhisattvas
Gawang, Khenpo, and Gerry Weiner, trans. Annotated Commentary: Shantideva's Entering the Way of the Bodhisattvas. Memphis, TN: Jeweled Lotus Publications, 2023.
Books · Translations
Les Tantras bouddhistes (Charrier 2022)
Charrier, Christian, trans. Trésor de connaissances: Les Tantras bouddhistes - Volume 2. By Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé ('jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas). Collection Tsadra. Le Plantou, France: Éditions Padmakara, 2022.
Books · Translations
Les Systèmes Philosophiques Bouddhistes (Charrier 2020)
Charrier, Christian, trans. Trésor de connaissances: Les systèmes philosophiques bouddhistes - Volume 1. By Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé ('jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas). Collection Tsadra. Le Plantou, France: Éditions Padmakara, 2020.
Books · Translations
The Precious Treasury of the Fundamental Nature
Blankleder, Helena, and Wulstan Fletcher (Padmakara Translation Group), trans. The Precious Treasury of the Fundamental Nature. By Longchenpa. With a commentary by Khangsar Tenpa'i Wangchuk. Boulder, CO: Shambhala Publications, 2022.
Books · Translations
Sounds of Innate Freedom - Vol. 3 (Brunnhölzl 2023)
Brunnhölzl, Karl, trans. Sounds of Innate Freedom: The Indian Texts of Mahāmudrā - Volume 3. By the 7th Karmapa, Chötra Gyatso. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2023.

Newest Tsadra Sponsored Tibetan Books

Tibetan Publications · Volume
Khyad par du 'phags pa'i bstod pa'i rgya cher bshad pa, dge tshul kA ri kA'i mchan 'grel, rtags rigs kyi rnam gzhag (Shechen Publications 2024)
Slob dpon mtho btsun grub rje, Slob dpon klu grub, Mi pham rgya mtsho, mkhan chen thub bstan brtson 'grus. khyad par du 'phags pa'i bstod pa'i rgya cher bshad pa, dge tshul kA ri kA'i mchan 'grel, rtags rigs kyi rnam gzhag. Shechen Shedra Series 3. Kathmandu: Shechen Publications, 2024.
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Sum rtags 'grel pa nor bu'i me long (Shechen Publications 2024)
Thon mi sam bho Ta, Rdzogs chen mkhan po thub bstan brtson 'grus. sum rtags 'grel pa nor bu'i me long. Shechen Shedra Series 4. Kathmandu: Shechen Publications, 2024.
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Sdom gsum rnam par nges pa'i mchan 'grel (Shechen Publications 2024)
Mnga' ris paN chen pad+ma dbang rgyal and Dge mang mkhan chen yon tan rgya mtsho. sdom gsum rnam par nges pa'i mchan 'grel rig 'dzin 'jug ngogs Shechen Shedra Series 2. Kathmandu: Shechen Publications, 2024.
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa zhes bya ba'i mchan 'grel (Shechen Publications 2024)
Gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba. Byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa zhes bya ba'i mchan 'grel. Shechen Shedra Series 1. Kathmandu, 2024.
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Jo nang kun mkhyen dol po sangs rgyas kyis mdzad pa'i rab dbye khud 'phags rnam lnga'i gzhung dang sa bcad sbrags ma (Kha-Nyam Publications 2022)
Dol po pa. Jo nang kun mkhyen dol po sangs rgyas kyis mdzad pa'i rab dbye khud 'phags rnam lnga'i gzhung dang sa bcad sbrags ma. Kathmandu: Kha-Nyam Publications, 2022.
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Mkhan chen rdo rje 'dzin pa kun bzang gang shar rang grol dbang po'i gsung 'bum thar pa'i lam ston (Thrangu Dharma Kara 2023)
Mkhan po gang shar. mkhan chen rdo rje 'dzin pa kun bzang gang shar rang grol dbang po'i gsung 'bum thar pa'i lam ston. Kathmandu: Thrangu Dharma Kara Publication, 2023.
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Translations from 2024

Total: 17

Books · Translations
A Dakini's Council (Monson 2024)
Monson, Christina Lee. A Dakini's Council: Sera Khandro's Spiritual Advice and Dzogchen Instructions. Boulder: Snow Lion, 2024.
Books · Translations, Contemporary Buddhist Writings
Buddhist Meditation (Schaeffer 2024)
Schaeffer, Kurtis. Buddhist Meditation: Classic Teachings from Tibet. New York: Penguin Books, 2024.
Books · Translations
Jewel Treasure of the Dharmadhatu (Light of Berotsana 2024)
Chonam, Lama, and Sangye Khandro (Light of Berotsana Translation Group), trans. Jewel Treasure of the Dharmadhātu (chöying rinpoche'i dzöd): With the Autocommentary, A Treasury of Citations. By Omniscient Longchen Rabjam. Ashland, OR: Berotsana Publications, 2024.
Books · Translations
Kadam: Stages of the Path, Mind Training and Esoteric Practice - Part 1 (Engle 2024)
Engle, Artemus B., trans. Kadam: Stages of the Path, Mind Training and Esoteric Practice, Part 1. Vol. 3 of The Treasury of Precious Instructions: Essential Teachings of the Eight Practice Lineages of Tibet (gdams ngag rin po che'i mdzod), compiled by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye ('jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas). Tsadra Foundation Series. Boulder, CO: Snow Lion, 2024.
Books · Translations
Kunzang Sonam Commentary on the Way of the Bodhisattva Chapters 1-8 (Duckworth Draft 2024)
Duckworth, Douglas, trans. Excellent Vase That Spills Forth an Ocean of the Inexhaustible and Precious Qualities of the Victor's Heirs: An Explanation of the "Way of the Bodhisattva." By Minyak Kunzang Sönam. Draft Manuscript, July 2024. Forthcoming from Wisdom Publications.
Books · Translations
Kālacakra-Tantra - Vol. 1 (Reigle 2024)
Reigle, David, ed. Kālacakra-Tantra: A corrected edition along with Two Tibetan Translations- Vol.1 Chapter 1: Lokadhātu-Patala. Śata-Piṭaka Series Indo-Asian Literatures Volume 669. New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, 2024.
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Translations from 2023

Total: 41

Books · Translations, Buddhist Topic Monographs
A Journey to the West - Vol. 1 (Sodargye 2023)
Sodargye, Khenpo, ed. A Journey to the West - Vol.1 : Recollections of Accompanying My Guru to Europe and North America in 1993. Translated by the International Translation team. Taipei: DeKi Publishing, 2023.
Books · Translations, Buddhist Topic Monographs
A Journey to the West - Vol. 2 (Sodargye 2023)
Sodargye, Khenpo, ed. A Journey to the West - Vol.2 : Recollections of Accompanying My Guru to Europe and North America in 1993. Translated by the International Translation team. Taipei: DeKi Publishing, 2023.
Books · Translations, Academic Publications
A Study of the Life and Works of Go-rams-pa bSod-nams-seng-ge and a Translation and Critical Edition of his sDom gsum kha skong (Jamtsho 2023)
Jamtsho, Sonam. A Study of the Life and Works of Go-rams-pa bSod-nams-seng-ge and a Translation and Critical Edition of his sDom gsum kha skong. New Delhi, India: Dev Publishers & Distributors, 2023.
Books · Translations
All Beings Are Buddhas (Hinzelin 2023)
Hinzelin, Sandy. All Beings Are Buddhas: Treatise on Pointing Out Buddha Nature — 3rd Karmapa. Translated by Astrid Montuclard. La Remuée, France: Rabsel Editions, 2023.
Books · Translations
Annotated Commentary: Shantideva's Entering the Way of the Bodhisattvas
Gawang, Khenpo, and Gerry Weiner, trans. Annotated Commentary: Shantideva's Entering the Way of the Bodhisattvas. Memphis, TN: Jeweled Lotus Publications, 2023.
Books · Translations, Contemporary Buddhist Writings
Appearing and Empty (Dalai Lama 2023)
14th Dalai Lama and Thubten Chodron. Apearing and Empty. The Library of Wisdom and Compassion, Volume 9. New York: Wisdom Publications, 2023.
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Translations from 2022

Total: 65

Books · Translations
A Concise History of the Glorious Sakyapa School (Jackson 2022)
Jackson, David. trans. A Concise History of the Glorious Sakyapa School. By Chogye Trichen Rinpoche. Kathmandu: Vajra Publications, 2022.
Books · Translations
A History of Buddhism in India and Tibet
Martin, Dan, trans. A History of Buddhism in India and Tibet. An Expanded Version of the Dharma's Origins Made by the Learned Scholar Deyu. Library of Tibetan Classics Vol 32. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2022.
Books · Translations, Academic Publications
A Splash of the Logical Reason
Steinkellner, Ernst, trans, ed. A Splash of the Logical Reason: Dharmakīrti's Hetubindu Translated. Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, 108. Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, 925. Vienna: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2022.
Books · Translations, Digital Publications
Ascertaining the Vinaya: Upāli's Questions: Vinayaviniścayopāliparipṛcchā (Erdene-Ochir, B.)
Erdene-Ochir, ErdeneBaatar, Jake Nagasawa, and Jaakko Takkinen (UCSB Buddhist Studies Translation Group), trans. and ed. Ascertaining the Vinaya: Upāli's Questions (Vinayaviniścayopāliparipṛcchā). 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha, 2021.
Books · Translations
Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra: Entering the Way of the Bodhisattvas (2022, Khenpo Gawang and Wiener)
Gawang, Khenpo, and Gerry Wiener, trans. Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra: Entering the Way of the Bodhisattvas by Shantideva - Dunhuang Edition. Memphis, TN: Jeweled Lotus Publishing, 2022.
Books · Translations
Daughters of the Buddha: Teachings by Ancient Indian Women
Bhikkhu Anālaya. Daughters of the Buddha: Teachings by Ancient Indian Women. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2022.
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Newly Added: Books

Books · Non-Buddhist
Tibetan Tourism (Caidan 2003)
Caidan, An. Tibetan Tourism. Series of Basic Information of Tibet of China. Beijing: China Intercontinental Press, 2003.
Books · Translations, Scholarly Editions
Longing to Awaken (Gayley and Townsend 2024)
Gayley, Holly and Dominique Townsend, eds. Longing to Awaken: Buddhist Devotion in Tibetan Poetry and Song. Traditions and Transformations in Tibetan Buddhism. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 2024.
Books · Translations, Edited Dharma Teaching
The Supreme Source (Norbu and Clemente 1999)
Clemente, Adriano and Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. The Supreme Source: The Fundamental Tantra of the Dzogchen Semde, Kunjed Gyalpo. Translated by Andrew Lukianowicz. Boulder: Snow Lion, 1999.
Books · Translations
Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra - Vol. 6 (Valby 2014)
Valby, Jim. Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra: Commentary on the All-Creating King Pure Perfect Presence Great Perfection of All Phenomea - Vol. 6. Kunjed Gyalpo Series. Shelburne Falls, MA: Jim Valby Publications, 2014.
Books · Translations
Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra - Vol. 5 (Valby 2013)
Valby, Jim. Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra: Commentary on the All-Creating King Pure Perfect Presence Great Perfection of All Phenomea - Vol. 5. Kunjed Gyalpo Series. Shelburne Falls, MA: Jim Valby Publications, 2013.
Books · Translations
Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra - Vol. 4 (Valby 2012)
Valby, Jim. Ornament of the State of Samantabhadra: Commentary on the All-Creating King Pure Perfect Presence Great Perfection of All Phenomea - Vol. 4. Kunjed Gyalpo Series. Shelburne Falls, MA: Jim Valby Publications, 2012.
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Newly Added: Tibetan Publications

Published 2021 & 2022

Tibetan Publications · Volume
Bka' bsdu bzhi pa'i rtsa bsdus 'grel gsum gyi shan sbyar ma kun mkhyen dol po'i zhal lung zhes bya ba
Dol po pa. bka' bsdu bzhi pa'i rtsa bsdus 'grel gsum gyi shan sbyar ma kun mkhyen dol po'i zhal lung zhes bya ba bzhugs so. Kathmandu: Kha-Nyam Publications, 2022.
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Bod kyi tshad gzhung thog ma
The current and second research monograph in the Series-Bod kyi tshad gzhung thog ma: Chos rgyal khri srong lde 'u btsan gyi rnam thar dang - bka' yang dag pa'i tshad ma'i brjod bya rjod byed la zhib jug by mKhan-po dPalbzang-dar-rgyas, one of the four pilots-is the fruit of many years of intensive training and research. The title of the monograph may be roughly rendered as: The First Tibetan Work on Logic and Epistemology: A Study of the Biography/Hagiography of the Religious King Khri-srong-lde 'u-btsan and the Text and Content of [His] "Testimony of the Correct Teachings [of the Buddha] " (bKa' yang dag pa'i tshad ma). The study contains a critical edition the bKa'yang dag pa'i tshad ma prepared by consulting all accessible textual witnesses, and an in-depth study of the main topics of the work, such as the four types of reasoning (yzukti: rigs pa). As its title states, it also contains a study of the life and works of King Khri-srong-lde'u-btsan, which is based on whatever textual evidences that could be found, and which provides the necessary background and context of the work under investigation. mKhan-po also addresses, among many other things, the issue of the authorship and the nature of the work. He puts forward his stance, as reflected in the title, that there is no adequate reason to reject the authorship of the bKa' yang dag pa'i tshad ma, and also that the work could be considered the first Tibetan work on Buddhist logic and epistemology. Like any other study, there will certainly be room for corrections and improvements, but all in all mKhan-po's study is exemplary in his pursuing the historical-philological approach to the study of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist texts and ideas. The value of mKhan-po's research is bound to be enduring, and it would be impossible for anyone wishing to pursue further study on the bKa yang dag pa'i tshad ma to ignore this important contribution.
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Chos bzang rigs pa'i rnam dpyod
The current and third research monograph in the Series--Chos bzang rigs pa'i rnam dpyod: Rong zom pa ma hā pandi ta'i theg tshul rjod byed zhib dpyad zhu dag lung khungs ngos 'dzin dang - brjod bya gnas lugs rig par rtsad zhib tshom bu by mKhan-po bKra-shis-rdo-rje, one of the four pilots from the NNRC is a fruit of many years of intensive research. The main title of the monograph is a clear allusion to Mahāyānasūtrālamkāra 8.9a: sudharmatāyuktivicāransaya, the Tibetan rendering being chos bzang rigs pa'i rnam dpyad bsam pa can. mKhan-po, like Mi-pham rNam-rgyal-rgya-mtsho (1846-1912), is insinuating that Rong-zom Chos-kyi-bzang-po, as his name also indicates, was a rational person, a sudharmatāyuktivicāranāsaya (chos bzang rigs pas rmam dpyad bsam pa can). As the subtitle shows, the study consists of a critical edition of the Theg chen tshul 'jug, one of Rong-zom-pa's magna opera that deals with the philosophy of the Great Perfection (rDzogs-pa-chen-po), including identification of the sources therein either ad verbum or ad sensum and a study of the special ontology of the special Mahāyāna proposed in the work. There will certainly be lapses of commission, omissions, and imprecisions, and hence room for corrections and improvements, but in terms of the research methods and research outcome, mKhan-po's study can be considered ground-breaking. The value of mKhan-po's research in the field of historical-philological studies of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist texts and ideas is bound to be enduring and no one wishing to pursue further study of Rong-zom-pa's thoughts can afford ignoring this important contribution.
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Dam pa'i chos rin po che mdo sngangs rig gnas dang bcas pa ji ltar thos shing de dag gang las brgyud pa'i yi ge dgos 'dod kun 'byung nor bu'i bang mdzod - smad cha
Dam pa'i chos rin po che mdo sngangs rig gnas dang bcas pa ji ltar thos shing de dag gang las brgyud pa'i yi ge dgos 'dod kun 'byung nor bu'i bang mdzod - stod cha. Record of The Vast Transmissions Received By Lodro Thaye. Volume 2. Kalimpong, West Bengal, India: Rigpe Dorje Institute, 2021.
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Dam pa'i chos rin po che mdo sngangs rig gnas dang bcas pa ji ltar thos shing de dag gang las brgyud pa'i yi ge dgos 'dod kun 'byung nor bu'i bang mdzod - stod cha
Dam pa'i chos rin po che mdo sngangs rig gnas dang bcas pa ji ltar thos shing de dag gang las brgyud pa'i yi ge dgos 'dod kun 'byung nor bu'i bang mdzod - stod cha. Record of The Vast Transmissions Received By Lodro Thaye. Volume 1. Kalimpong, West Bengal, India: Rigpe Dorje Institute, 2021.
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Dkon mchog spyi 'dus 'grel ba gces btus
dkon mchog spyi 'dus 'grel ba gces btus དཀོན་མཆོག་སྤྱི་འདུས་འགྲེལ་བ་གཅེས་བཏུས་. Blo gros mtha' yas pa'i mdzod deb phreng so gcig pa, Rigpe Dorje Study Series - Vol. 37. Kalimpong: Rigpe Dorje Publications, 2021.
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Tibetan Publications · Volume
Lam rim chen mo mchan bzhi sbrags (Ser gtsug nang bstan dpe rnying 'tshol bsdu phyogs sgrig khang 2009)
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Lam rim chen mo mchan bzhi sbrags - Vol. 1 (Ser gtsug nang bstan dpe rnying 'tshol bsdu phyogs sgrig khang 2009)
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Tibetan Publications · Volume
Lam rim rnam grol lag bcangs (Ser gtsug nang bstan dpe rnying 'tshol bsdu phyogs sgrig khang nd)
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Snying thig sngon 'gro'i khrid yig kun bzang bla ma'i zhal lung (Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang 1991)
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Bod kyi ri mo'i sgyu rtsal las lha sku'i thig rtsa dang shing tshon sogs kyi rmang gzhi'i shes bya 'gro phan blo gsar dga' skyed (Mi rigs dpe skrun khang 2009)
Phun tshogs rdo rje. Lha skuʼi thig rtsa dang shing tshon sogs kyi rmang gzhiʼi shes bya ʼgro phan blo gsar dgaʼ skyed. Par thengs bdun pa. Pe cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2009.
Tibetan Publications · Volume
Spyod 'jug gi 'grel bshad rgyal sras yon tan bum bzang (Krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang 2007)
Mi nyag kun bzang bsod nams. Spyod 'jug gi 'grel bshad rgyal sras yon tan bum bzang. Par gzhi dang po. Gangs can shes rig gi nying bcud. Pe cin: Krung goʼi bod kyi shes rig dpe skrun khang, 2007.
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Newly Added: Articles

Articles · Journal Articles
Pyrrhos Buddha on Dukkha and the Liberation from Views (Gold 2024)
Gold, Jonathon C. Pyrrho's Buddha on Dukkha and the Liberation from Views. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 91 no.3 (2024): 655-679.
Articles · Magazine Articles
Nothing Is More Important Than Your Buddhanature (Perman 2023)
Perman, Marcus. "Nothing Is More Important Than Your Buddhanature." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 6–7.
Articles · Magazine Articles, Interviews
Joseph Goldstein: It's Not Either-Or (Goldstein 2023)
Goldstein, Joseph. "Joseph Goldstein: It's Not Either-Or." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 94–100.
Articles · Magazine Articles
Glimpses of Buddhanature: A Song of Awakening (Chödrön 2023)
Chödrön, Karma Yeshe. "Glimpses of Buddhanature: A Song of Awakening." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 91–93.
Articles · Magazine Articles
Glimpses of Buddhanature: Unfathomable Love (Nevin 2023)
Nevin, Heidi. "Glimpses of Buddhanature: Unfathomable Love." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 89–90.
Articles · Magazine Articles
Glimpses of Buddhanature: Simple and Real (Grainzvolt 2023)
Grainzvolt, Qalvy. "Glimpses of Buddhanature: Simple and Real." Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Guide, Fall 2023, 86–88.
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Dissertations · PhD diss.
Sacred Illusion: On Purity and Creation in Je Tsongkhapa's Philosophy of Tantra (Natanya 2017)
Natanya, Eva. "Sacred Illusion: On Purity and Creation in Je Tsongkhapa's Philosophy of Tantra." PhD diss., University of Virginia, 2017.
Dissertations · PhD diss.
Poisoned Ground: The Roots of Eurocentrism (McClellan 2013)
McClellan, Joseph Mark. "Poisoned Ground, The Roots of Eurocentrism: Teleology, Hierarchy, and Anthropocentrism." PhD diss., Columbia University, 2013.
Dissertations · MA Thesis
The Carefree Dzogchen Yogi of Dolpo, Tadru Orgyan Tenzin (1657-1737): A Partial Translation and Study of The Condensed Life of the Old Beggar Orgyan Tenzin (sprang rgan o rgyan bstan 'dzin pa'i rnam thar bsdus pa) (Smith 2023)
Smith, Michael D. "The Carefree Dzogchen Yogi of Dolpo, Tadru Orgyan Tenzin (1657-1737): A Partial Translation and Study of The Condensed Life of the Old Beggar Orgyan Tenzin (sprang rgan o rgyan bstan 'dzin pa'i rnam thar bsdus pa). MA thesis, Kathmandu University, 2023.
Dissertations · MA Thesis
Who Is the Author? Mangtö Ludrup Gyatso's Essential Nectar in the Collected Works of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (Fregiehn 2023)
Fregiehn, Claudia. "Who Is the Author? Mangtö Ludrup Gyatso's Essential Nectar in the Collected Works of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo: A Case Study of the Attribution of Authorship in Tibetan Buddhism." MA thesis, Kathmandu University, 2023.
Dissertations · PhD diss.
Contributions to the Development of Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology from the Eleventh to the Fifteenth Century (Kuijp 1979)
Kuijp, Leonard W. J. van der. "Contributions to the Development of Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology from the Eleventh to the Fifteenth Century." PhD diss., Universität Hamburg, 1979.
Dissertations · PhD diss., Academic Publications, Scholarly Editions
On the Bodhisattva Path in Gandhāra (Schlosser 2016)
Schlosser, Andrea. "On the Bodhisattva Path in Gandhāra: Edition of Fragment 4 and 11 from the Bajaur Collection of Kharoṣṭhī Manuscripts". PhD diss., Free University of Berlin, 2016.
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Periodical Issues · Journal Issues
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies/Vol. 46 (2023)
Strauch, Ingo, Eric Greene, and Jowita Kramer, eds. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 46, 2023.
Periodical Issues · Magazine Issues
Lion's Roar/Vol. 8 No. 5 (2023)
McLeod, Melvin, ed. Lion's Roar. Vol. 8 No. 5. San Francisco: Lion's Roar Foundation, 2023.
Periodical Issues · Magazine Issues
Lion's Roar/Vol. 8 No. 4 (2023)
McLeod, Melvin, ed. Lion's Roar. Vol. 8 No. 4. San Francisco: Lion's Roar Foundation, 2023.
Periodical Issues · Journal Issues
Journal of the American Academy of Religion/Vol. 91 No. 3 (2023)
Journal of the American Academy of Religion Vol. 91 No. 3. Cary, NC: Oxford University Press, 2023.
Periodical Issues · Magazine Issues
Buddhadharma: The Practitioners Quarterly/Vol.22 No. 3 (2024)
McLeod, Melvin, ed. Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly 22, No. 3, 2024.
Periodical Issues · Magazine Issues
Buddhadharma: The Practitioners Quarterly/Vol.22 No. 2 (2024)
McLeod, Melvin, ed. Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly 22, No. 2, 2024.
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Multimedia · Video
Bodhicharyavatara - Chapter 8: Meditation: Teaching by Ringu Tulku (Part 41 of 41)
Ringu Tulku. "Bodhicharyavatara - Chapter 8: Meditation." Pt. 41 of 41. Produced as part of an online study course by Bodhicharya for the Bodhicharya Online Shedra. Recorded April 20, 2021. Video, 16:29,
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The Basis for Buddhahood: The Naturally Luminous Mind and Buddha-Nature in the Early Mahāmudrā Tradition by Casey Forgues
Forgues, Casey. "The Basis for Buddhahood: The Naturally Luminous Mind and Buddha-Nature in the Early Mahāmudrā Tradition." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, July 27, 2024. Video, 1:09:48.
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Shantideva: A Buddhist Scholar by Jeff Watt
Watt, Jeff. "Shantideva: A Buddhist Scholar." Produced by Himalayan Art Resources, Inc. September 26, 2022. Video, 4:38.
Multimedia · Video
Longchenpa's Jewel Treasure of the Dharmadhatu by Lama Chonam and Sangye Khandro
Chonam, Lama, and Sangye Khandro. "Book Launch: Longchenpa's Jewel Treasure of the Dharmadhatu." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 29, 2024. Video, 1:26:36.
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Recognizing Our True Nature by Lama Tharchin Rinpoche
Tharchin, Lama. "Recognizing Our True Nature." Produced by Heart Teachings by Lama Tharchin Rinpoche. Recorded at Bodhi House, Olympia, Washington, Nov. 8, 2011. Heart Teachings Video Series. Video, 1:38:08.
Multimedia · Video
The Life and Works of Kyotön Monlam Tsultrim by Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho
Phuntsho, Karma. "The Life and Works of Kyotön Monlam Tsultrim." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Dr. Greg Forgues. With special guests Dr. Klaus-Dieter Mathes and Dr. Zhouyang Ma. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 15, 2024. Video, 1:27:50.
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